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Posts posted by STS

  1. 2 hours ago, UND1983 said:

    The truth is Berry picked the wrong time to try and help a kid out and shape him into being a better person.  5 years ago this kid sails through the program.

    There isn't a "wrong time" to do the right thing.

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  2. Just now, MuggsyGobes said:

    I too struggle with this. Indisputable evidence shouldn't take much time to determine one way or the other.


    Yeah, after the ESPN Zapruder-like video review it did look like he could of been offsides, but do the refs even have the ability to zoom like that?  If they're going to look at offsides there should be special cameras for that purpose.

  3. On 3/20/2016 at 9:09 AM, Teeder11 said:

    Never fear, the letter writer and her equally elitist-crust hubby have one foot in the Twin Cities already and will be gone from UND by semester's end. Nothing to see here, and Good riddance. 

    Well there's some happy news!

    Alpha mike foxtrot.

  4. if you don't like the name and need to boo about it, there is a school 70 miles south that they can cheer for.  UND is the Fighting Hawks get used to it, after all we are still UND.

    So if UND fans are unhappy with the name, their options are shut up or leave.  You're probably right, it's not as though this is the fourth nickname the school has used or anything.  This one is definitely permanent.

    What if the PA announcer just used UND?  At least until the wounds heal a bit, and maybe there's a logo, ....might help a little?

  5. So when a player scores and then hears boos a little after it, that's really gonna make that player feel good. It's a disgrace!

    Did you even watch the game?  They only used F'Hawks to introduce the coaches and announce the end of UND penalties.  Maybe watch the player interviews and see what they actually thought about it before you put words into their mouths.

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  6. "Here's your Univeristy of North Dakota Fighting Hawk scoring (enter boos) how stupid.  If people want to boo our team....stay home!

    Lighten up Francis.  Nobody is booing the team, and they know it!  Besides, hockey fans show up, home or away!  It's football and bouncey ball fans that stay home.

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  7. Just layin' on the sarcasm, STS.  We all know what the reaction of this board would be if a certain coach whose name rhymes with "Shave Smackstol" was behind the bench for this loss.

    No worries, just frustrated,  they showed how they CAN carry play for about 5 minutes in the 3rd, wish they'd have brought that intensity for 60 min.

  8. hope a few more votes were cast for RR after that cluster(##(#()@ webcast...

    I don't  know, SS has the most pro-RoughRiders crowd I've seen.  When everybody wanted to stay ND, people here were going hard for RoughRiders.  If Riders is losing to Nodaks here, there may not even be a second round.

  9. What part of this direct quote from the NCAA themselves do people not understand:

    "However, the NCAA did say that if fans resumed using Sioux or Fighting Sioux, the NCAA believes other schools will complain and that, in turn, would very likely result in sanctions. The NCAA does seem to believe that UND has done its best to comply with the settlement agreement."



    Not sure you know what "direct quote" means.  You do realize that Goon was corresponding with UND, right?

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