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  1. As someone who plays on the same old man hockey team with sagard, I can tell you that he is often the voice of reason... That is, unless you put a stick across his grill, then it all goes out the window... Nice win by the Sioux. I think they played the better game yesterday, and while it was tight, they deserved the win. As much as it pains me to say it, good luck in the FF and do the WCHA proud. (mind you, that last statement took me almost three years and $10k in therapy to say, but I said it... )
  2. Question about your sig line, southernmn... How can you be a fan of both the Gophers and the Sioux? Isn't that like being an agnostic Christian? I'm not knocking, just honestly asking?
  3. basil_17


    I'm confused... Why would someone with the ID of SiouxAddict be a Gopher fan?
  4. While I do not recall the drug raids, I do recall the several e-coli issues they had with the health department... Has everyone managed to stay healthy this week???
  5. basil_17


  6. basil_17


    They did, it was called the Denny Green era...
  7. ...My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend - - saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavours last night I guess it's pretty serious...
  8. I am not. That would be Jupiter from GPL. And to say that he is polite would be a dramatic overstatement...
  9. Did this work? Holy Cross!
  10. Seen at the Final Five Championship Out of curiosity, do any of these people post on here? Holy Cross!
  11. It should be noted that EJ was not arguing the 'Delay of the Game' call for the closed hand pass out of the zone (which incidentally, Greyeagle, that pass was rather sick. I hope your Mom throws better than that), rather he was complaining about the slash that broke is stick in the corner, just prior to the play, and subsequently he did not have a stick to clear the zone. A bone-headed play for a #1 pick. He should really know better, especially given the fact that he had enough time to direct the puck without closing his hand around it.
  12. For those of you looking for ONE ticket to the Frozen Four, I have a spare. Please contact me at jsprague@sehinc.com. Thanks!
  13. I have four tickets in two sections (8 total tickets) for the Frozen Four that I cannot use due to a VERY poorly planned business trip. I am willing to sell them at face value or BO and will provide free shipping. The tickets are in Sections 329 and 409, (Section 409 tickets are on the goal line that the Sioux will shoot on twice on Thursday night, and hopefully once on Saturday night.) I also have a 2005 Frozen Four fan guide I will include. First come, first served. I can be reached via email at jsprague@sehinc.com or at 612-741-5411.
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