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Posts posted by dj_hoime

  1. UAA at UAF - In as a TUC or not for UAA? Wisconsin (4-0 against the Seawolves), CC (2-0) and Denver (2-0) hope so. Minnesota (1-2) and North Dakota (2-2) hope not. It's a mixed bag for teams in the other leagues, though.

    What does this mean?

  2. Alot of fans were yelling at parise for not coming out of the net after a penalty was called on saturday when it was in our zone and with our passes, if he came out, we would be in danger. Yet they also yell and moan when he comes out of the net when the opposition is around what should he do ?

  3. I normally don't do this... but you should really run spell checker. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes, but this post is a little overboard.


    Sorry I was in a hurry. Will not happen again.

  4. I was at the game tonight and the reason you could hear a pin drop is because it was a boring defenceve game eith little shots on goal.

    To be honest i almoast fell asleep till overtime when it finnaly picked up

  5. In Alaska on Saturday we had possesion of the puck what seemed like 40 out of the 60 minites and had 2 goals. we definetly need goals. If we score 5 or more we will win, but you can have the best defence in the country and still be losing half your games because of averaging 2 goals a game.

    The Alaska series is a perfect example

    If we lose to SCSU Then our seson is down the drain cause its to late then to turn it around going into the playoffs playing a Duluth squad who looks like is turning into a high caliber team with the explosion in Denver.

  6. Come on...honestly I thought a lot more people would have more confidence in the hockey team....geez.  I see them having a huge improvement in goals scored and goals allowed/game after Xmas break and we're gonna win the cup by 4+ points!

    Watch my smoke!  lol


    I dont think thats possible now but we can hope. :glare:

    I think CC or Wisconson will be #1

  7. I predict we get our @$$es kicked this weekend. I see no way how we can beat C.C. this weekend or any weekend or anyone above .500. I think UND has bagged the season and it appears they have issues in the lockerroom.


    I agree, I saw the tigers kill the #1 Gophers on Sunday. Their passes were tape to tape. The game wasn't close. I would not be suprised if we get beat by 2 goals each night.

    All I can say is GO SIOUX !!

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