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Ron Mexico

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  1. Is our starting center hurt???
  2. Schmidt was the right man. Experience. The UND connection is important to our program, but the UND connection was also important because it was the link to get him. How many current FBS coordinstors applied??? Guessing 1. Eric Schmidt. Coached in the FBS National Championship game last year. With Kaylen Deboer. He has had a view from the top of the next level up. When Bohl got the State School of Fertilzers and Herbicides rocking when the campus still looked like an Army base without a fence around it - he had connections that brought in FBS assistants like WR coaches from UCLA. Former players at SU said that was huge. This gives us a chance to have that FBS pipeline of coaches and portal players. If Eric is a Stiegelmeir and makes it a career and brings us to national prominence, awesome. If he gets hot and goes on to make millions, even better. And none of this happens without the good job Bubba did getting this all going, making the playoffs several times, making us a consistent top 25 program, and winning 2 conference titles. Cant and wont convince me otherwise. And all of the haters on here were free to submit their resume at any time during this search or Bubbas tenure. Thought so.
  3. Who is the partial pool u do know???
  4. How is it that we all collectively have Jack S#*t for intel - this is just unreal that nobody knows anything. Ron Mexico taking bets it’s Scmidt - gotta be.
  5. Who did “Tom” say who the candidates are??? Where did he say it??
  6. No more NAIA talk please What are the hot takes???
  7. what source and what deal???? Out w it
  8. I heard GF Air Base sent two cargo planes to San Diego to get Scmidt’s vehicles and household effects.
  9. Say inside rumors please My plane is about to take iff
  10. How is it none of us appear to have any connections that can at least give us a few rumours or theories??? What r we hearing cormer players, GF guys, friends of friends???
  11. Something feels like Scmidt is out or we would be hearing something. So - Fruechte. Kept that class together - seen it at the pros - looks like a class guy.
  12. If not Schmidt, Fruechte!!!
  13. Will ne on youtube later but still WTF
  14. Schmidt’s UND ties are why we could get him - his 6 years under Kaelyn Deboer of playing chess instead of checkers is why you should want him. Someone who has seen it SEVERAL levels up and could come here and kick ass.
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