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  1. Terrible, terrible, terrible. You'll be the only one too. ESPN had better ratings for the Pro Bowling Association's Odor Eater's Open then for Game 6 of the Philadelphia-Tampa Bay series. I love hockey to but you just have to face that its fallen off the face of obscurity in this country. With the impending lockout people wont care who wins this year, they'll be happy to see it go. Hockey hasnt been a major sport in this country since teams have averaged less than 3.5 goals a game. People like action they'd rather watch an 104-97 NBA playoff game or a 35-31 NFL game then watch a 1-0 3 ot game in the NHL.
  2. the only radke i know about is a pitcher for the twins, i'll wait to see him play before i anoint him as the next Norris Trophy winner
  3. WOW! Enlightening as always. To bring up the Roenick argument is just stupid, if i didnt have toilet paper i'd have a wet a**hole too. The point i make is much better then yours, sounds like ur just an ignorant wannabe who has no experience without a mask on. Your terrible!
  4. faceshields are bad they obstruct your vision, for some of these guys they havent had a shield or mask on for 15 years, it's too big of an adjustment
  5. prpich, lol, ur terrible he's never shown leadership skills besides fighting, he sure doesnt spark the team by scoring. Here's how it should go: C: Schneider-carried it already, did nothing to lose it A: Jones-solid defensively, keeps a good head on the ice A: Bochenski-provides a spark with scoring ability, said to be a leader in the locker room, what you want out of your assistant
  6. Detroit will win, Colorado has underachieved all year and they'll continue to fail their fans throughout the playoffs
  7. Isn't it funny how #1siouxfan22, and phoenixin05 agree on this topic too! Welcome to the Jungle has to go, terrible song, way too overplayed. The best song for a college game is the UND fight song, but for anything else it has to be Song No. 2 (Woo-hoo) by Blur after a goal
  8. Saying that they didn't make it to state is a horrible argument. Neither has 98% of the players you've had in the program had made it. Way to come up with a new cliche, Sherlock, your terrible
  9. being a new user here i would like to point out how shanleycheats, phoenixin05, #1siouxfan22 is doing a terrible job of disguising that its the same person. With that out of the way it's terrible for you to accuse Shanley of recruitment, the school spoon-fed West Fargo talent over the years (Bosch, Lors, Graalum, Blahosky). Once they were taken away people started accusing Shanley of everything. Sounds like #1siouxfan22, shanleycheats, and phoenixin05 is just one bitter West Fargoan.
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