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Posts posted by #1siouxfan22

  1. How many Grafton PR kids go on to play college hockey ?

    There has been some good HS players

    Joey Markeson a former mr. hockey just graduated from Michigan state last year. He was thier captain.

  2. yeah thats not cool. The schools could use the money that arent d1 more than the ones who are. Either way all schools deserve the money. A horrible policy that must be changed.

  3. Just think if NDSU would have started D 1 hockey in the early 90's.  Remember the rumors about Gino being there coach.  Just think where they could be today.  Probably a middle pack team, that would be a great team every four or five years kind of like Duluth. 

    By the way Sid Hartman said in his column that every team that made it to the frozen four this year received $100,000.  Isn't that why NDSU went D 1 so they could get into the tourneys and make money.


    I thought to get money at the Frozen four you must be a D-1 school??

  4. I think Marto would make a better forward IMHO. He played both in the ND state championship. The size thing doesnt bother me much since he has over a year and will gain weight by concentrating on one sport and the weight room. I was surprised to hear he was going to UND though, I really thought he would chose a baseball school but its good to hear he's willing to concentrate on this. Now Finley or Dowzak would make a nice compliment to him.

  5. Tonite on the news they interviewed Gino Gasparini. He said if that arena passes he would love to put a team in fargo. That a better rink would help bring people out to the games and so on. What are peoples thoughts?

  6. How is that trolling?

    You keep talking about how Greene will totally shut down Kessel because he's SO good that Lucia might as well just leave Kessel at home and I was just stating that its all a moot point because Greene will be in the NHL so you can stop talking about Greene like he's actually one of the top 100 players in the WCHA..He's just big, he-l-l, he can barely skate.


    He can barely skate but yet he is one of the Oilers top d prospects good call duey :glare:

  7. If you want to watch some old time hockey (it will be physical), Portage is just over a three hour drive from Grand Forks.  Just take the Perimeter Highway West around the south end of Winnipeg and Portage is just over a half hour drive once you pick up the Trans-Canada.


    Did anyone go watch? Portage won 4-2 and is now up 1-0 in the series.

    Tri-city won last night thier series is tied 1-1. Mario had no points and 2 shots.

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