Hmm, this one is a tough call. I'll have to get back to you on it.
Seriously, though, I'd have a hard time coming up with a reason to root against Denver if I didn't have a horse in this race.
I remember seeing them in Worcester '99, when they had a nice lead on Michigan, only to see the Wolverines storm back and bury them in the 3rd.
Then, insult to injury, Denver has a GREAT team in 2001-2002. Their reward is the death trip to Yost in the West regional. Yay. That's what your work all year is supposed to reward you with
As a fan of a team with no shot at all ever to host (unless Stephen King pulls a Ralph and decides he wants an arena with his name on it), I can relate to that.
I guess it'll actually be one of those games where you can feel good about the winner even if it goes the 'wrong' way. And on that note, time to get the keys. There's a little drive down I-95 to make this afternoon.