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Posts posted by siouxjoy

  1. In case anyone doesn't know, Fight on Sioux is played right before the team comes out on the ice (usually played starting slow and speeding up) or when there have been an few unfortunate events in the game such as few gopher goals. Stand Up and Cheer is played when they come on the ice, at the end of a period or when the Sioux score. It's for you, North Dakota U is barley played at hockey games and is usually only played for tailgaters or during the football pregame show.

    Maybe we could solve the problem by bumping the beer song from unofficial to official school song :lol:

    I always try to sing along, yes I know the words, but the times that the school song is played is usually a time when you also want to just yell and cheer (after a goal, for example), by the time I am done high-fiving my neighbor the song is over...

    I don't know if that means there should be another time the school song is played, or if I am off base here...thoughts?

  2. Do you think this has to do with anything?


    I could have sworn some posts on here stated that Chris Lee was the main contact for dataflix, maybe he had a role in the Internet/radio feeds, too...or maybe he will be filling the vacancy of the person that was in charge of the Internet/radio feed, and things will get better--today is his first day. :silly:

  3. I wonder if TH has seen the memo from Tom Buning (Director of Athletics) towards the behavior of UND Students at the Ralph? Maybe before he starts ripping into Minnesota fans as being Bush league he should read the memo. Minnesota has some idiot fans (key word "SOME") just like every other program.

    FWIW, I thought TH was talking more about Campion not calling a penalty being bush league, but I wasn't listening as closely at that point...

  4. Having students unite in a group like Sioux Crew is a great idea, but I don't think it would work. I don't know why either. At every other sporting event it works, Sioux Crew doesn't work at hockey games though. I have no idea why. Perhaps because 95% of students go to FB, BB, etc. for the game, while only 70% of students go to hockey for the game and 30% go to be seen or as an excuse to get drunk.

    My guess the reason Sioux Crew doesn't work as well for hockey is the way tickets are given for hockey. In all of the other sports, SC members are given the opportunity to get first crack at the good seats (or at least that is how it used to be) so it is easy to have the die-hards sit together and be loud and fun. The current hockey season ticket arrangement doesn't work that way.

    So is this the season where student season ticket holders alternate between lower bowl Fri. and upper deck Sat? I lost track of when that was to take effect.

    I agree with Engel Bunny that some of the problems go back to how season tickets are dispersed. The year everyone had to stand in line for 3 days to get tickets I am guessing was a fun season. The idiots who want to go to a game to be "trendy" and drunk were weeded out by the die-hards.

    Remind me again why they switched ticket dispersal..so students go to class instead of stand in line for hockey tickets? Is that really the reason?

  5. we haven't gotten a player out of SD (once a hotbed for future Sioux football players) in a number of years. If we aren't getting the talent we once were getting and soon we're struggling to put together winning seasons at the D-II level attendance will drop far more than it will during a D-I exploratory period.

    It's funny you put that, because I was wondering the other day about how it has been a while since we have gotten SD players. Although, I think it is more due to less recruitment in SD rather than losing kids to NDSU or SDSU. It's all just my opinion, though, nothing to back it up.

  6. This issue is a dead horse. I am not going to come back for any more abuse. My opinion on this issue obviously differs from yours. I tried to make a point but just got flamed. You guys act like I am a gopher fan or something!

    I wasn't trying to flame you, I just respectfully disagree with your opinion, and was trying to tell you why I disagree.

    I apologize if you felt that I was doing anything other than that. Us Sioux fans gots to stick together. :D

  7. OK, fine. Cut the sarcasm. What is the solution? I'm serious. Students need to sit more and not swear, so how is that going to be accomplished?. How are we going to get this to happen? How can students work with REA to get it done? And don't say I don't know, the students should just figure it out for themselves. That doesn't help any. It makes it seem like people want to point out the obvious problems, but want no part in helping to solve the problem. Sure it ultimately falls upon the students to solve and implement the solutions to the problem, but helping out sure doesn't hurt any.

    And once again the point of students feel like they are being persecuted is ignored. Why? That is a problem and it has to be figured out. You can sarcastically make fun of me and the point if you really want to, but the problem will still exist in the minds of the students. How do we solve that problem? Fix this problem and it will go a long way to solving the swearing and standing I believe. It's stupid but students, like all people, will be much more receptive when they feel like they are being respected. This meeting has the opporunity to start the path towards this happening and I hope it does.

    My suggestions:

    --Organize. Whether it be the Sioux Crew or another group, prepare a united front. Show that there are more of the good, die-hard student fans than the idiots who are there to be seen and to get drunk and swear for the sake of swearing. I think the student government has been working a little, but if they feel like they don't have support, how hard are they going to work on these issues?

    --Come up with ideas. There have been a lot of good thoughts on this board, and I am sure there are more. Students should not go to the meeting empty-handed. That is the key to negotiation. No party should expect reasonable discussion if they have nothing to contribute besides "nuh-uh" and "you aren't being fair" This may be the hardest part. Not only do people need to come up with suggestions, but also how to implement them. It's a lot of work, but unless someone owns a project or idea, it won't be seen all the way to fruition.

    --Work with the other season ticket holders. Right now the impression is that it's those pesky drunk irresponsible students versus the folks who pay $$$$ to the Fighting Sioux Club. Make it clear to all parties that EVERYONE is cheering for the same team, so compromise shouldn't be hard.

    --Be realistic. We all know that the arena was built in a way that blocks the view of people in the suites when students stand. Pretty sure there's nothing to be done about it now. So some kind of compromise needs to be made to ensure that ALL fans have a good experience at an arena UND is blessed to have.

    --Take the high road. Yeah, students have been treated crappy before. Then what? How does that justify making sure that the suiteholders can't see the game? It's like a self-fulfilling prophesy. People can't see, so they complain. Students are branded as inconsiderate and rude. Then, some idiots decide to stand, just to spite the group, thus becoming inconsiderate and rude students.

    --As far as students feeling persecuted and ignored, I can't say anything, because I haven't been a full-time student for 5 years. I haven't been in the same situations students have. But, I do know that you can decide how you are going to feel, just how I decide I am going to feel. Decide that you aren't being persecuted. Decide that the decisions made in the past were made for a reason. They may not be good reasons, but there were reasons. (By the way, I find it hard to believe that any of the reasons involved making life miserable for students; each action done by the admin was done because something specific and negative happened...like telling someone to F themselves.) Now, also decide that future actions will also happen because of reasons. Decide that you are going to ensure that the future actions are going to be positive because you will provide positive reasons, and that students are not going to be ignored because you will persist. If this issue is so important to students, work hard for it!

    --If the students go in to this meeting with a defeatist attitude, or even an all-or-nothing attitude, they will gain nothing. It has been mentioned many times that there is new administration. It's a clean slate--if you want to it be.

    I don't know if this rambling was worth typing, but you asked for suggestions, and those are mine. :D

  8. I see your point.

    However, really, what has the AD done to us that makes them worthy of trust and a positive outlook? They've taken things away from us since before the REA was built! They are always taking taking taking either in chunks or in little pieces here and there.

    In order to take, there must be a give, no? Well, where's the give?

    If you are at work and the boss is always taking stuff away from you such as your time with your family, a once-promised bonus, or some sort of reward and instead giving you more and more work to do instead, aren't you eventually going to say "Wait a minute, pal?" sooner or later? Sure, you have freedom to quit in this example and find another job, but the students don't have such a luxury. We love our team and there's nowhere else to go. So it is either cower and beg or stand up and fight. What course should they take?

    The most likely scenario is that the students are about to lose again. Who knows what they'll lose this time. It could be a whole section, it could be part of one in the lower bowl. Roger Thomas said giving the students some leniancy would be akin to rewarding them. Well, I certainly hope that's not the attitude by Buning.

    Oh, and one last thing: Before the old "you can work with them" bit comes into play, think of this: Students have been trying to work with the AD for years now to no avail. None, or very little of our suggestions have actually been implemented and there is a strong feeling that even if feasible, we're being ignored. If you are going to be ignored, why work in a unilateral partnership?

    I guess I dont' see things as dismal as you do.

    Maybe I am wrong, but the last time there were big debates on the student section, weren't Roger Thomas and Todd Berning involved? Neither of them are around. How do you know Buning and Hodgson have the same views as the previous folks? And if they do, why can't there be a reasonable discussion to help them see both sides?

    I haven't been a full-time student since 2000, so I have never been a part of the new REA student section debate, I admit it. But, I refuse to believe that it is as one-sided as some believe. Call me an optimist.

    I am just not sold that all is doomed and the students need to "fight"

    You talk about suggestions, but how hard have students (or REA staff) fought for those suggestions to be implemented? I have been a season ticket holder since the first season in the Ralph, so I have been at nearly all of the games. I remember the attempts to have the words to the school song placed on the big screen. The person running the screen sucked, and the timing was off, so no one sang along. Bummer. But, it was never tried again. What's up with that? I think you have to make a few attempts at something before you can totally quit.

    My opinion is that there are some really great students that can make a big difference, but it is going to take a little bit of work (I know, easy for me to say, but I am willing to help how ever I can). Right now the dumb**ses are the faces of the student hockey fans at UND. A little bit of organization and that could change in a hurry. I firmly believe we can make the Ralph a place all players fear.

    Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

  9. I have never understood why people would spend money on something that obviously offends them or makes them upset.

    For example: I like to have an occasional adult beverage but I HATE cigarette smoke. My solution to this problem is not to go into every bar in town and then proceed to ask every one in there to put their cigarettes out. I just CHOOSE not to go and spend my money in those places and choose places that are non smoking. Seems pretty simple to me.

    Careful. I didn't say that I was offended.

    Here's my question with your example. Someone wants to watch a UND hockey game live. Where do they go for that? I don't understand why people take the view of "just stay home." Why should I, a fan who has supported my team since I was a freshman, and is willing to spend a lot of money to see them, be told to stay home?

    Because I think our students are smart enough to come up with better chants than F the _____ ?

    I myself have never been offended by the swearing, but I don't think it's okay for people to take such all or nothing views.

    People say they have a right to stand and swear. Other people say they have a right to enjoy a UND hockey game live. Whose rights are more important? I think they both are important, and BOTH groups should give a little and get a little. That is all I am trying to say.

    If it's any consolation, one of the big highlights during breaks in play at the UAA game was some guy in shorts running along the boards riding a stick horse. At least our fans don't do that! :D

  10. It shouldn't be a big surprise as to what the atmosphere is at a UND hockey game. IMO, if you don't like it then don't go. You knew what you were getting into when you bought the tickets. Nobody held a gun to anybody's head to purchase those tickets and/or suites. If standing and cussing bothers you then I am sure there is plenty of good entertainment on Daystar, and they would be glad to take your money as well.


    I am a Sioux hockey fan, and I pay quite a bit of my simple paycheck for season tickets to see my team play hockey. I DO NOT pay money to hear F the ____ screamed. Of course I believe the students are the heart and soul of the atmosphere. Why does that make it okay for the students to be disrespectful? I have yet to hear a good explanation for this. Do I think that students should sit the entire game? No. Do I think the students shouldn't tease the opponents and the stripes? No. Do I think there should be some level of decency? Absolutely.

    I am not a "discussing my portfolio" fan, either. I listen to all of the away games on the radio and scheduled my recent work trip to AK around the UAA series.

    I am disappointed that the other season ticket holders (myself included) haven't been invited to a "how to behave" meeting. Maybe that is coming. I hope so, it's only fair.

    I am probably going to get flamed for this, but how about the students here take the high road. Go into this mandatory meeting with a positive attitude, that together with the administration you can be a catalyst for some changes at the REA. People talk about the Ralph being a morgue. Maybe with some cooperation this meeting can become a chance for the students and other season ticket holders to make the place a-rockin (without any songs by Disturbed).

    What happened to the fun signs from last season? Those were great! Show what your education at the finest institution in ND has gotten you...be creative!

    The "it's the students against the man" argument is getting old, IMO.

    Sorry for the long post. It just seems like this same discussion happens over and over again, with no real changes. It's obvious the day of "hey students, stand as much as you want, cuss, it's cool with us, we'll just find new season ticket holders" plan isn't coming from REA. Why not change strategies?

    I am going back to my consolation beers now. Fri**n gophers.

  11. IMO the only program you would be "sacrificing" is women's basketball.

    Not trying to be smacky, but the only people I have heard that from is Sioux fans. DI-

    AA is a higher level that DII, plain and simple. How much higher can be debated.

    Men's basketball is the sport that has the most to gain. Whether it makes sense or not, local players seem to not want to be associated with the DII tag. There is no way NDSU would have the recruiting classes the last two year if we still DII. We maybe would have gotten one or two out of the nine that did commit.

    I believe that DIAA is better than DII, but I don't think there is a huge gap between the best in DII and the better DIAA teams.

    I am just wondering how much of the players in the last two recruiting classes made their decision based on the DI classification alone, or if it was scholarship dollars, or a combination?

    It's great to be able to tell a player they are going to play DI, but what about the money side of things? Doesn't having a bigger pool of dollars make it easier to "woo" players, with the DI tag being gravy? I am just thinking out loud, not trying to flame. What is your opinion?

  12. My two cents:

    -Matt Anderson had a really hard time deciding between UND and NDSU. It was a long, hard decision. Since he doesn't know what to major in, academics couldn't tip the scales. One thing that makes NDSU different? Its classification. I don't think him choosing NDSU is so much a case of someone enamored with only the fact the school is Div IAA, instead that was the one small thing that was different between the two. Otherwise the two schools were even (playing time, coaches, the usual stuff that helps athletes choose schools).

    -There is a long time to go before signing day. There are at least two more weekends for visits, maybe three.

    -The UND vs. NDSU in engineering debate: A whole lot of what makes a school better than the other is subjective and opinion. So, I think the "that's funny and erroneous" statement is someone being just as much of a homer as the statement being refuted.

    The two schools are very different with their teaching methods. Students learn the same material in the end, but it is done in different ways. I have a cousin with a ME degree from NDSU, and he was able to find a job after graduation. I also have a former roommate with an ME degree from UND, guess what? She had a bunch of job offers before graduation. So, both have successful graduates.

    Size wise, yeah, NDSU is bigger, but they have more engineering programs than UND does. Also, the teaching methods at UND are more suited to smaller class sizes, so it makes sense to have less students.

    When comparing schools for better vs. worse programs, I believe the two are pretty even when it comes to Engineering. Just really different. Some progams fit one student's learning style better than others, does it make that program better than the rest? For that student yes, for everyone else, maybe not.

    Okay, I'm done now. :D

  13. I was at the game last night (and will go tonight...Go Sioux), sitting behind the Sioux bench. Here are some random thoughts:

    -The first two penalties: Toews shouldn't have been called for tripping. The UAA player got his skates crossed and fell just as Toews skated by him (I had a perfect view of it), it was pretty quick, so I can see why no one was too upset (Hak, Hennesy, etc.). Watkins DID NOT check from behind. I also saw the check, it was kind of like a Sioux sandwich with one Sioux player checking and another coming in and going for the puck (couldn't see numbers). Bad call. I couldn't figure out why there was a penalty, and it even took a while for the UAA fans to cheer it. I hate to play the "what could have been", but no PP goal right away, and we wouldn't be in the hole so quickly.

    -Phil was the victim of a lot of defensive breakdowns. A lot. He should have been sharper, but still.

    -It looked like the entire team just played in the WJC. There was no fire. Everyone just kind of skated around without any intensity. Not sure what's up with that, but I don't like it. Smaby seemed the only player willing to check any Seawolves. UAA wasn't doing anything amazing, just playing hard...look what happens when you do that. :D

    -There were maybe 800 people at the game. UAA semester doesn't start until the 17th.

    -No offense, PCM, but I hate cowbells at hockey games. Unless they are at an olympic event in Norway, spectators should not have cowbells.

    -Oshie looked like the injury didn't affect him at all. He was the last one off the ice during pre-game warmups and skated hard. Chorney couldn't keep the puck in the offensive zone last night.

    -The last three goals (UAA's 5th and UND's 2nd and 3rd) all came with Phil on the bench.

    -The comments about our shots being logo killers and the Sioux players not being in front of the net for rebounds is a good description of a large portion of the game.

    -Both Lawson and Phil had some really great saves. A couple times I thought, "How did Lawson stop that?"

    Just my thoughts, the morning after (it's still morning here in AK) :D

  14. There seem to differing schools of thought about Vikings.

    A Viking is a pirate and not a name for the people or culture in general.


    Maybe GrahamKracker was right?

    I am definitely not going to join in on this debate, but Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia where anyone can edit and modify the entries. Because of that, I wouldn't use it as a reliable definition for anything (learned that in class, when I used it as a source for a paper :D ).

  15. I do not agree the other faculty members should be in trouble for stating their position.  I have a problem with how they misrepresent the truth.  I also have a problem when they introduce the subject in their classes and the kids who support the use of the name seem to struggle to get the grades the had been getting.  That may be a separate topic.  If Grahamkracker wants to study with me,  he will get an A if he earns it and maybe some extra credit for the entertainment value.  His stance on the Sioux name wouldn't be an issue. I have read one of the papers graded by a marketing instructor and she was rude and inappropriate to the kid who documented some of the hostory and took a pro name stance.


    I can list of a few times that I know of where this has happened...really, really wrong.


  16. Yes, it is true. He is out for the year. The medical red shirt has to deal with how many quarters a player plays in but it sounds like he just made it as far as being elligable for the medical red shirt. I wish him the best and hope that he has a fast recovery. The team will miss his athletisism and leadership. There was also a loss at the LB position that will need a scope, but I'm not a name dropper. Good luck at winona. Go sioux!


    How about a number dropper? :lol:

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