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Sports Nut

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Everything posted by Sports Nut

  1. Section 112 / Row N / Seats #5-6 Section 112 / Row O / Seat #3 $50 gets all 3! Contact Jeremy at 701.371.SixSix38
  2. I have 2 tickets in Section 112 Row N with a 3rd seat in Row O if needed. Text me at 701-371-six six 38
  3. Reduced Price $25ea Section 112 Row N Seats #5-8 Contact Jeremy at 701.371.6638 if interested
  4. Reduced Price - $35ea for Section 112 / Row N / Seats #5-8 May have 2 more seats #3-4 available too
  5. Section 112 / Row N / Seats 5-8 $40ea & will digital transfer Contact Jeremy at 701.371.6638 if interested
  6. All 6 Tix still available Section 112 / Row N / Seats #3-8 $40ea Contact Jeremy at 701.371.6638
  7. Tickets still available at reduced price of $50 Contact Jeremy 701.371.6638
  8. Section 112 / Row N / Seats #3-8 $55ea & will digital transfer Contact Jeremy at 701.371.6638
  9. Section 112 / Row N / Seats 3-6 $20/Seat & will do a digital transfer Contact Jeremy @701.371.6638
  10. Reduced Price - $25ea for these great seats!
  11. Section 112 / Row N / Seats 3-6 $30/Seat & will do a digital transfer Contact Jeremy @701.371.6638
  12. These tickets sold like hot cakes! Thanks to all those who inquired...
  13. Section 112 / Row N / Seats 3-6 $150ea - UND Ticket Exchange selling for over $220ea! Contact Jeremy 701.371.6638
  14. Sold! Thanks for all those who reached out - Go Sioux!
  15. Sec 112 l Row N l Seats 5-6 $25ea *Will Transfer Digital Tickets Contact Jeremy - 701.371.6638
  16. **PRICE REDUCED** Section 112 / Row N / Seats 3-6 $300 gets all 4 seats for entire weekend ($37.50ea) **Willing to sell just Friday tickets if not interested in both nights** Contact Jeremy at 701-371-6638
  17. Section 112 / Row N / Seats 3-6 $350 gets all 4 seats for entire weekend **Willing to sell all 4 Friday tickets if not interested in both nights** Contact Jeremy at 701-371-6638
  18. SOLD! Thank you for all the inquiries. Go Sioux!
  19. REDUCED PRICE Sec 112 / Row N / Seat 3-4 $40ea Contact Rick at 701-371-66ThreeSeven
  20. Tickets Sold! Thanks to all the inquiries.
  21. Price Reduced to $20ea Sec 204 / Row A / Seat 10-13 **Seats located between 35-40 yard-line - FRONT ROW on Sioux sideline** Contact Rick at 701-371-66ThreeSeven
  22. Price Reduced to $25ea Sec 204 / Row A / Seat 10-13 **Seats located between 35-40 yard-line, front row on Sioux sideline** Contact Rick at 701-371-66ThreeSeven
  23. Price Reduced to $30ea Sec 204 / Row A / Seat 10-13 **Seats located between 35-40 yard-line on Sioux sideline** Contact Rick at 701-371-66ThreeSeven
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