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Everything posted by PSB

  1. The DBS6000HD is scheduled to arrive in the DMSi warehouse on May 25, 2012. They will be giving a FREE Avenger PLL321S-2 with each pre-order. PSB Satellite is now taking pre-orders. This is a good time to place your order. This offer ENDS when the shipment arrives at their warehouse. Place your orders NOW. This LNB is valued at $22 Thought I would let the Sioux fans know ; )
  2. Thanks Larry : )
  3. As requested a million times (It seems to me) TRAXIS has finally came out with a HD MPEG4 receiver...........at last. Its called the TRAXIS6000HD Many people have the Traxis DBS3500 and the previous retired models) and have waited a few years for this receiver to become available. It arrives next week, and ships the same or next day. It costs just $140 SHIPPED, (to the lower 48 states only) I will post more info and review here (And on the www.SatellitePlus.US forum) when its available. (if you have a motorized system and your swapping out the receiver... before disconnecting the old receiver, motor back to your true south position, and only then disconnect the old receiver, and hook up the new receiver.) OK here are the prices for the TRAXIS DBS6000HD $140 SHIPPED ------------ Motorized System SG2100 / Avenger PLL321s-2 / DS2076 Dish $290 SHIPPED ------------ Fixed System (As Above, no motor) $238 SHIPPED The Avenger PLL LNBF is $22 Shipped The Traxis6000HD and the new Avenger PLL LNB is $160 shipped, the new LNB is recommended by the manufacturer with the TRAXIS 6000HD You can order anytime now on www.PSBsatellite.com And I will ship the moment available : ) Although The Sioux are not HD (Yet, I hope ; ) ) last season we got a few away games in stunning HD. and there are many other feeds in HD free to Air
  4. Yes, thats with a 90cm Hot Dish, so IDEAL for weaker feeds. And as for the setup we can walk you right through that every step of the way on the SatellitePlus.US forum. Its slightly tougher than say a DirecTV install, but IMO the benefits far outweigh the initial installation cost/hassle. And if your installing a motorized system you can do it one step at a time.... leave the motor off, and just find one satellite (Your true south satellite) so much the same as a DirecTV install.... then simply add the motor (Change some angles to suit) and re-find your true south satellite. And your done! MOST of your time on the install will be spent getting the mast EXACTLY plumb and level. And remember its only one run of RG6 thats needed to control and power the motor/dish/LNB! Contact me directly by e-mail or PM here before you buy, as I also have some inside info that you will want to know : )
  5. A basic motorized system is $260 and professional installation by a State Licensed Technology Systems Contractor is just $100 A fixed Satellite system is $190 (Fixed system looks at one satellite only) installation is the same price. But there are so many more options these days..... Like a HD receiver, these can be cheap and nasty at around $100 or top of the line like the Dreambox DM800se that I use... You may say thats 5 times the price of cheapo HD receiver, but its ten times better in quality of picture (Cheaper HD receivers show a poor quality picture as they have to convert PAL to NTSC), and what it can do! With the Dreambox, Standard definition looks like HD, HD looks like your looking out the window! I kid you not! But that just the start of what a Dreambox does...... (please stop reading now if you don't like to see a grown man drool) You can add a hard drive to it, so you can setup a timer and record HD programming... and play it back anytime anywhere (See below) The dreambox works best when connect to your home internet connection, this can be done with a cable or there are models that are now wireless, (I think you can also add a wireless antenna now to any Dreambox with an add on kit) It comes with Plug-ins that are much like APPS on a phone... for example you can stream Youtube videos, go on the internet, Stream Adult European channels... Show pictures.... MP3 player... Media Player.... too many to list, and because your connect to the net, there are endless plug-ins available.... Word is there have been some MAJOR developments, and there a few surprises coming to the Dreambox in the coming weeks and months..... But I have saved the best part (IMO) to last... The Dreambox is Linux based, so its an openbox and anyone can write code for it, so its never obsolete, there are endless software versions and images(Skins) available..... And since the Dreambox has its own IP address.... you can simply enter it into any PC/Mac ANYWHERE in the world and you then have access to watch your programming live! Thats right! If you have a motorized system you can motor from satellite to satellite! They call it ZAPPING! You can also watch any recordings you have , again remotely.... anywhere! Say your watching the Sioux game and your son is out of state and can't get the game.... maybe its ONLY on FTA satellite! Simply supply him with the IP of your Dreambox and BANG he is watching the game live also! (Of course you need a good broadband connection, I only have DSL and it works great! You can also SEND messages to the screen of your Dreambox! "GREAT GOAL, SIOUX WIN AGAIN" for example! Sorry for going on, but I am just blown away with the possibilities of this receiver.... I have an APP on my Android called Dreamdroid and just like a PC I can control my Motorized system from anywhere, its also a virtual remote control. Here is a video I made today with the Dreambox and the Dreamdroid APP Here is a shorter video just showing the Sioux live on my phone, again ANYWHERE you have a connection, since this video there has been an update to the APP and it streams even better now. Of course youtube does not show the streaming very well, but its GREAT. =
  6. Down to just the 79% : )
  7. Same again tonight, lets hope for the same result, a Sioux win! And another great signal : )
  8. Not sure what tonights signal is, as I JUST downloaded a new Image (Skin) onto the Dreambox. needless to say the signal looks good and strong as per usual : ) Going to do some recording to hard drive tonight, streaming to phone and or PC/Mac...
  9. if you can check your getting voltage at the LNB (LNB is always blamed 1st) you should get 13/18vdc If not check agaiin at the receiver (Use a small coax) for the above voltage. If its a motorized system is it moving? Contact me directly if you need a service call, or call me and I can sometimes get them going over the phone. (Try a hard re-boot) power down and unplug it for a few mins and then plug in and start again) Pete 651-768-9150 I have both Universal and Standard LNB at www.PSBsatellite.com In fact make sure your LNB setting is still set for the correct L.O. 10750 for Standard and 9750-10600 for Universal. Most LNB are Standard.
  10. Jake uses the Traxis, but what a great signal! Yep, they are going out with a bang this season! Lets hope (There is a) next season they start with the same signal : ) The good thing about next season is.... if a few of us have a Dreambox, as long as one of us gets the game we can stream to each other ; )
  11. Yes its 3G I use, there is a lag of course but what the hey, and the vplayer I use on the phone stops now and then to post an ad, you buy a pay version with no ad. There is also a signal meter for it for smart phones...
  12. Forgot to mention you can also watch recorded video from the dreambox later on a Smart Phone or PC, ANYWHERE
  13. SNR 71% dB 11.40 AGC: 26% On the Dreambox DM800se On this receiver SD looks like HD, HD looks like looking out a window : ) You can stream the video to Android or Iphone, and even to a PC For example if you give someone your Dreambox's IP address they can enter it in a search engine and watch the same thing! I think I will start my own IPTV company! Ok maybe not, but its possible!
  14. Same place, same channel tonight! : ) Same great signal : )
  15. 1st time in a while I have had to re-scan it in..... : )
  16. Scanned in as NDSN-UND Maybe they are using another uplinker tonight : )
  17. I have 79% Q 12100 v 4870
  18. Nothing seen so far...... scanning still : (
  19. Was worth the $100 for my 1st Sioux goal in HD : )
  20. AMC16-11880-29270-Vertical 70 % Quality on my Openbox... Sioux in HD..... SWEET : ) Right you need a motorized satellite system (Or move your dish manually) and an HD receiver like the OpenBox for this broadcast.
  21. Tonight I am way up at 80% signal Quality! Cant beat cold clear nights, LNB's LOVE cold!
  22. Getting 77% signal quality tonight, it does not get much better : )
  23. 78% here tonight : )
  24. Solid 72% Signal Quality, what a difference a night makes !
  25. Seems the weather is bad in ND tonght, should not be an issue tomorrow.
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