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Bill Kiefer

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Everything posted by Bill Kiefer

  1. My hat is off in congratulations to everyone involved in making this happen at UND!
  2. That, Sir, is all our group would like to see. A thorough airing of this issue, a debate and discussion based on facts, and finally an opportunity for the the people, now educated enough to make an informed choice. Thank you!
  3. Sorry, but I am not a Grandfather yet! Our momentum continues to grow relentlessly, irrespective of your snide remarks, lack of cohesive thinking, and total disregard for vision and positive change for our Great State. I respect your opinion and that's the way it will remain as Team North Dakota continues to move forward.
  4. Fair enough, we have others who support the open and candid discussion of the idea and nothing more. Ironically that's how it began for me! I do appreciate your comments!
  5. It is much easier in life to be positive about the future than negative about the past! Vaya Con Dios AmIgos and Amigas!
  6. OK "Good morning North Dakota"
  7. Online course work, interactive video technology, and improved mass transit will all serve higher education in untold and unknown ways as we explore new and innovative ways of delivering knowledge in the future!!!
  8. For an indeterminate period of time "your wish will be my command"!
  9. Vaya Con Dios Amigo or Amiga!
  13. It is Dickinson not Dickenson!
  14. We can probably find something more cost efficient than crystal, but keep those creative thoughts coming.
  15. More than Bull, that type of thinking is probably just plain BS. Now unless you don't have a sense of humor that should generate at least a snicker or two!
  16. Do not worry public or institutional money from NDSU and UND are not part of the mix. As the old sports saying goes "We would rather be lucky than good"! Thank you for the encouragement! Please visit our website www.teamnorthdakota.com for additional information now and going forward.
  17. 1. For someone who doesn't even use his name on this forum I am surprised you would have questions on the extent of information provided. 2. In order to be a member or a supporter you either have be a committee member or just support the idea of having a thorough and complete debate on this matter as the facts, additional information, and pertinent details become available. 3. Mr Clifford, or Tom as he wanted to be called, and I developed a solid friendship after he left the office of president at UND. 4. Tom's eyes sparkled when discussions surfaced that had the potential of improving things in Our Great State, whether you want to believe that I shared these ideas with him and received others in return is totally up to you, 5. I couldn't hold a candle to Tom, as a person, but I can surely hold him in my memories as a friend. 6. Our website is a work in progress and modifications I am sure will continue going forward. 7. Tom and I shared one other thing. please call me Bill.
  18. Fisrt of all 2012 in June(the primary) or in November(the general election) would be the first it could be on the ballot. It is Un-American to be a quitter, hopefully that answers your question on persistence and determination. Also there are two ways for this to get on the ballot, one is signatures from 4% of the 2010 ND census and the other is a simple majority vote of both the senate and the house in our legislature. The second one is basically a resolution putting it on the ballot for the eligible voters to decide. It is my understanding it does not need any approval from the governor's office or the Board of Higher Education. Thanks for the inquiry! Our website www.teamnorthdakota.com will answer and hopefully highlite these kind of questions in the future.
  19. So was the Declaration of Independence in the beginning, Jefferson shouldn't have made the Lousiana Purchase, Ed Melroe's combine attachment will never get off the ground, Sanford will never buy Meritcare, Grand Forks will lose it's airbase. How is that for openers! I promise not to wink at you anymore.
  20. If I knew your last name or anyone else's for that matter I would make sure I spelled their name correctly. That is just common courtesy. As for never dealing with this issue, our committee, or even myself for that matter that is your right in a free society. Hopefully, if you even live in this Great State, you will get your chance to weigh in on this issue through the ballot box. Vaya Con Dios Amigo or Amiga!
  22. You can make derogatory comments all you want. It just dimishes you not the discussion.
  23. Have a nice day.
  24. I will leave that up you to you, whatever your real name is, we have plenty to accomplish right here in Good 'ol North Dakota.
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