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Posts posted by Blackburn87

  1. No. The NCAA has another option: Kick UND out of its organization.

    No one knows how this will play out and I'll be the first to admit that: however, I highly doubt that would occur under these unique circumstances. If the change in law forces a renegotiation of the settlement, perhaps the outcome will be that like that of the Seminoles, Utes, and similarly situated teams: i.e., one tribe's approval is enough. We have at the very least what the other schools do in terms of Native American support.

  2. Why the hell NOT try this route? To my knowledge, no public institution with a Native American moniker has had the backing of its own state legislature to keep the name. Granted, the UND powers-that-be and SBoHE decided not to fight for a name the clear majority of all North Dakotans and alumni wished to keep; however, the name itself has that kind of support even when the will higher education leadership doesn't appreciate nor acknowledge it. It's time to call it like it is... maybe it's okay if it's better late than never. I don't know what the NCAA will do if the state legislataure orders a publicly owned and run institution to retain the Sioux name. I don't know if the UND administration and the SBofHE will have the wherewithal to sue the State unless Stenejehm feels compelled to do it himself.

    The fight's not over, and I agree with an earlier post made elsewhere on this board that it's not necessarily a bad thing. Call it the North Dakotan in me, but I don't appreciate the players in this mess, with no clear understanding of the culture and the people of North Dakota, deciding what's going to happen to a name that binds Native and non-Native American people together. I heard the impassioned testimony of the Sioux people who have blessed us with the gift of this name. I am impressed with the people of Spirit Lake who sued to keep the name. I appreciate the tireless efforts of several members of Standing Rock to let their people's voices be heard. Keeping the Sioux name does not necessarily hurt the entirety of Sioux athletics. It is not the death knell of non-hockey sports at UND. In fact, it might invigorate support for college athletics across the board.

    I, for one, am glad something is finally happening.

  3. I haven't posted for a while because I had resigned myself to the fact that this fight was over... but now?

    It's not over yet. And I'm glad. Too little too late? Maybe, but I'd rather go down swinging.

    Every problem has a solution. Perhaps we are on the cusp of one. Remember that we have the solid support of Spirit Lake and their voices have been ignored for far too long. They were forced to accept a settlement they had no part of. Their pleas to retain the Sioux name because of theirs OWN sense of identity and pride meant nothing to a bunch of white people who thought they knew better. Will Standing Rock have a referendum? I don't know but I really hope we rethink this settlement and look outside the box.

  4. So it's about you then?

    When I give money to the alma mater I have always loved and always will love, it was about giving back to the university that gave me so much. It wasnt about me or being able to call the shots. But, to each their own, I guess.

    If your goal for DONATING money to UND was to be able to call the shots, then yes you have a reason to be upset and should stop donating to UND altogether.

    I wasn't talking about donating money to UND (not sure how you got that from what I posted) but what I choose to call the team and what I choose to recognize. Granted, I have chosen to not donate money because I do not agree with the name issue or the way it was handled by any of the powers that be. That's my decision.

    At 40, I no longer suffer fools gladly.

  5. I have tried to accept the decision of the SBofHE and cannot and will not...

    I have tried to understand the logic of the PC cabal and its like-minded ilk at the NCAA and I also cannot and will not...

    Therefore, I have decided that I do not accept the leadership of any of these entities in my own personal view of the Sioux Name and its outcome.

    It does not officially change anything, but I will call my team the Sioux no matter what anyone else calls them.

    I hold out hope and support for the members of Standing Rock who have not simply accepted this outcome as "inevitable" and continue the good fight, and in my opinion, epitomize the Sioux name and legacy with pride.

    I have decided to emulate them instead of the craven leadership I've seen from everyone else who unfortunately, have so far called the shots.

    They no longer call the shots for me.

  6. Even if it changes nothing, what the schools and the NCAA have found is that the alumni do care about their logos and are (quite rightly) very proud of them. Ask any Marquette alum, or William and Mary, etc... they weren't happy to see their logos go and still see themselves as part of that tradition of their schools.

    I am no different.

    So if YOU choose to no longer be a Fighting Sioux, that's fine. I will not see myself as anything else, and I don't care what the new name (or no name) might be. I hope the REA stays as intact as it can- it's a beautiful, world-class facility made even more so by the Sioux tradition seen and preserved throughout. It may be the compromise we can all live with... take the name away, but keep the logo where you can as a rememberance of the ties between the University and all of the people of North Dakota.

  7. I can't thank the grass-roots leaders of both reservations enough who gave their time and efforts to this cause. They showed time and time again that the use of the "Fighting Sioux" name was a strong link between people and cultures and was the epitome of everything that's good about North Dakota.

  8. http://www.wdaz.com/

    I'm afraid it's another delay. I'm trying to stay positive, but each week that ticks down puts us further behind.

    I have emailed Archie Fool Bear to offer any support I can. I really appreciate what he's trying to accomplish. It appears the SR Council is going to make it very hard to get a vote in what little time is left.

    I hope I'm wrong.

  9. I have been watching this blog since April 2010 when the foolish decision was made to retire our identity. I agree that a Bison fan or any other fan that is not tied to UND should tell us alumni, fans how to feel about losing our identity (mpls bison). I would suggest all of you that are in support of our Fighting Sioux identity to contact Mr. Archie Fool Bear at Standing Rock and ask him how you can help. I did this several weeks ago and there are so many things going behind the scenes that need our help. Mr. Fool Bear is really great and he's trying to get the Sioux voice heard at Standing Rock. You can PM if you want his contact information. ENOUGH TALKING AND COMPLAINING ON THIS BLOG, LET'S GET GOING AND DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for the kick in the ass- I needed it! Is there an email or a generally good way to reach Mr. Fool Bear? I hate to put any personal contact information out there, but I would love to figure out a way to lend any assistance I can.

  10. I keep watching this whole mess unfold and think, "Surely now, someone in power will put the brakes on this nonsense."

    And still, the monolith of political correctness lumbers on, listening to no one except a distinct few.

    I suppose we could just shrug our shoulders and say "The hell with it. It's just a name, right? UND is the same without it."

    Except, it isn't.

    UND is a great school, but this episode, this fight has diminished it. This is about the Powers-that-be being on the wrong side of history. I believe there will come day where we will look back and say, "Can you believe the Sioux name and logo was once considered offensive?" and not the shock that there was ever a time we thought it wasn't.

    So, call me a whiner, whatever you want. I know what's right as do a majority of alum, ND citizens, Native Americans, and people who love UND.

    I hope there's still time, but hope for a reversal grows dimmer by the day. What a shame.

  11. Wow- Hope is still alive! We'll have to see how this plays out.

    I really appreciate the people on both reservations who have stuck their neck out on this issue. They certainly don't have to do it, but I sense they're as passionate about retaining the name as we are.

  12. Say, lets get all of these attorneys you reference to force the NCAA to let us keep the name!

    Lighten up Chewey. Didn't say anything bad about our esteemed legal professionals. (Only four attorneys in the family and lived with a couple of others going to school). By the way, some doctors are still using leeches and maggots. Send me your card and I will forward to their patients. Lets stick to the UND Fighting Sioux issue. Leave the Flag for a different blog and we can discuss the medical system on a different blog if you wish. I sincerely apologize to anyone (including Graham Cracker and Windy Boy) whom I may have offended.

    I hope I'm not the "cracker" you referenced- although MplsBison did call me a hilljack once! And thanks Chewey, as always.

    Go Sioux!!!

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