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Posts posted by TechFirst

  1. I'm thinking you have a good chance. The guys SFA has been playing are inferior teams, so they haven't faced a defense like yours. And I think you guys have proven you can play on the road. I'm hyped.

    Your game starts before ours. Is there a web feed of the game I can hook up with? I might have to listen to yours and watch ours.

    It would sure be fun to see you guys beat Oklahoma.

    Nothing would be sweeter. They look tough even w/o Bradford, though. But they have to come to our house this year. We beat them the last time they came to call - they were #4 at the time. I've got tickets to this year's game so I'm ready.

  2. Glad to hear Konrath is back and doing well.

    I'm not the only fan you guys made in Lubbock (or in Europe). Check out London Raider's weekly report "How Our Opponents Fared". We've got your update, your game review, and check out the comments.


  3. I think Tech and UND are alike in one sense. We are both moving into a tougher arena.

    Tech has always been a small school playing against the big boys - Texas, A&M, OU, Arkansas, Nebraska, etc - all huge 'land grant' schools. Until 10-12 years ago, Tech was basically just cannon fodder for these big schools year after year. Then Coach Leach came along and we started winning more because of his offense. Then better players started coming to Tech. Then we won more. Then we started getting more donations to the athletic department. We enlarged our stadium and improved facilities. We started giving the big boys a run for their money every year. Now Tech is the only Big 12 school to have a winning season and a bowl game every year since the conference formed. You see how it goes. Our athletic budget is still just a fraction of UT's, but we're getting more out of less. Oh, I should add that we have the highest football graduation rate among Div I schools in the nation. UT graduates right at 50%.

    Then last year, we had our best year ever. You ought to see how our recruiting classes have improved. We've got QBs and receivers and RBs turning down offers from Florida and Notre Dame to come to Tech. Next year's class is almost full already and for the first time ever we're ranked in the top 20 in that department. We're still fighting against teams with more talent from top to bottom, but I think we've learned how to win and the players believe in themselves. We no longer go back to mediocre just because a few good players graduate, and that is alarming the heck out of the big boys. It's a great time to be a Tech fan. And just wait until those longhorns come to Lubbock next year with Potts as a senior. I can't wait.

    I think you guys are in the same boat. The new division is more challenging, but the coaches and players seem to be up to the task. I bet your recruiting goes up immediately just because of the increased exposure. Then you win more, then you get more donations and sponsors, etc, etc, etc. Pretty soon, I bet the Bisons won't want to schedule you anymore. ;) It only took us about 10 years and UT is nervous about us for the first time ever.

  4. I watched that video on the UND-NDSU rivalry. Pretty neat. No different than small town folks down here.

    But I gotta say I would have to surrender to keep from dying of exposure. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! How do y'all stand that cold stuff?

  5. I don't know much about SFA except that it was renowned as a party school back in my day. They beat Texas College 92-0, but I've literally never heard of Texas College and I've lived here 50+ years. SMU beat SFA and SMU is not a good team, at least not in terms of Div I competition (sorry, I'm not used to this new FCS/BCS lingo). SMU is more of a socialite, rich-kid school that plays in a stadium smaller than most high schools around here.

  6. Y'all seem to be doing just fine at your new level. When you get out-gained and still win, that says something for playing smart and opportunistic.

    I really had no illusions that Tech would win tonight. Three new starters on the O-line (and still switching out positions as late as half-time last week) had me worried, and it showed tonight with Potts being pressured all the time. I really felt pretty good about the D overall, at least until we lost all those players this week. We have a solid LB group and some good players in the center of the D-line. They wore down at the end at that cost us. But 3 turnovers and a punt return are hard for anyone to overcome. Potts looks like the real deal.

    Overall, I'm fairly happy and optimistic. I'm REALLY glad we didn't get blown out like I feared. We weren't supposed to be a factor until next year and were picked to finish 4th or 5th in the south division of the Big 12. We have Nebraska, Okla St and Houston on the road, (and OU at home) so our work is cut out for us. Anywhere from 7-5 to 11-1 is a possibility, just depending on how we grow up during the year.

    I was kind of excited about going to see your game down here next week, but we have a big game with Houston that starts two hours later. I could TEVO our game and come to yours, too. We'll see. Anybody coming to Texas again? This trip would be several hundred miles longer than the one to Lubbock. SFA is darn near in Houston.

  7. Tech gets screwed by refs. They fake taking a knee with 1 sec left at half, but refs fall for fake, whistle play dead and half over. TV confirmed knee not down - not even close.

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