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Posts posted by Siouxhockey03

  1. Doesn't anybody else find this an absolute waste of police force and taxpayer money? Doesn't the GFPD have anything better to do with their time?

    The answer to your question is no. The GFPD never has anything to do, except bust parties and give speeding tickets.

  2. i was thinking the same. its got to be something bigger than noise. all this news of trouble makes the team look bad. i hope that its in the past, as they are all looked up to by many youngsters.

    Nope just noise. It's one of the most ridiculous fines that the GFPD hands out. A few of my friends have gotten one and it is that much.

  3. i like

    Duncan Oshie Trupp

    Kozek Vandevelde Watkins

    Forney Zajac Malone

    Miller Radke Kaip

    Chorney Lapoint

    Bina Finley

    Genoway Jones

    this is assuming toews and lee both leave and then sitting in the stands we have

    Hamilton Martens Marto

    and i think Hextall should go back to juniors because there is no sense of him being a practice player instead of playing a full schedule in juniors.

    I agree, I like those lines!

  4. My perfect scenerio for tonight would Minnesota, Duluth and Tech to all win. First, the Final Five would be a lot more exciting if Minnesota was in it and I would like our chances a lot better against Tech than St. Cloud(I would like our chances either way). Also, how exciting would a Minnesota-UND final be on saturday night?

  5. I agree completely. Frankly, I am tired of being told that I am not being a good fan or I'm too negative if I disagree or criticize the players or coaches. For those of you that constantly do, get your rose-colored glasses off and start seeing things for what they are.

    1. The Sioux got swept in the same year for the FIRST TIME EVER by perennially weak sisters Michigan Tech and AAU. This would have been unforgiveable in the old rink, but now that we supposedly have a major recruiting advantage over these schools because of the Taj Mahal, what is the excuse?? No one would doubt that AAU and MTU get the leftovers after UM, UND, UW, DU and CC. They know that as well. That is also why they have had very little success against the rest of the league. Don't believe me? Look it up----

    2. AAU was swept @ MTU, split at MSUM, was swept at home by DU, was swept on the road by SCSU, split with a depleted UW squad at home, split @ MSUM, and split on the road with CC. They have exactly 2 sweeps this year--Alaska Fairbanks and UND.

    3. MTU swept AAU at home, was swept at CC, lost and tied @ DU, was swept by UM, was swept by UM, and was swept at UMD. Basically, they swept AAU at home and swept UND on the road.

    4. I'm so tired of hearing how we lost all these great players. Guess what? So did everyone else. UM lost its top 4 scorers in Potulny, Kessel, Irmen and Harrington. Denver lost 3 of its top 4 scorers with Matt Carle (the best player in the country last year), Gabe Gauthier, and Paul Stastny. UW lost its top 5 scorers with Pavelski, Earl, Burish, Gilbert and MacMurchy. CC lost Joey Grubb and its 2 Hobey candidates, Marty Sertich and Brett Sterling. Other than SCSU, UND arguably had the most returning. Yes, UND lost Stafford, Zajac, Spirko and Smaby, but they returned their 3, 4 and 5 scorers in Oshie, Toews and Duncan.

    5. We have almost no contribution from our freshmen class. UM has Barriball (26 points), Okposo (24), E. Johnson (15), Flynn (9), Carman (9), Lucia (8), O'Brien (6) and Schack (6). Denver has Brock Trotter (26), Rakhshani (24), Ruegsegger (22)and Gifford (10). CC has Connelly (14) and Sweatt (12). SCSU's leading scorers are freshmen. What does UND have? Other than Chay Genoway's respectable 13 points, we have Zajac with 4, Forney with 2 and Vande Velde with 1. That is pathetic.

    6. If Toews (who cannot score because he gets keyed on and has no help) leaves as expected, and TJ leaves as well, what do we have left?? The sophomore class other than Toews, Oshie, Duncan and Chorney has been a major disappointment, and this freshman class looks weak. We better have a great incoming freshmen class next year, or the Sioux are going to find themselves in the lower half of the league.

    7. Let's take the kids gloves off and quit blowing smoke up everyone's collective asses, shall we? It is unacceptable for the Sioux not to be in the top 1/2 of the WCHA every year, making the NCAA tournament and competing for a national championship. We have the facilities, the tradition and success, and what every recruit wants--a proven track record of winning and of players making it to the next level.

    8. So tell me, what excuse is there EVER for losing to AAU and MTU in the same year and getting swept at home by MTU??? The answer is none. We still have more talent than AAU and MTU combined. They would kill to have Jonathan Toews, let alone TJ Oshie, Ryan Duncan and Taylor Chorney. Name a player on either team (with the possible exception of Justin Bourne) who would even skate on the first line?? The answer is none.

    9. What is the problem? Well, as politically incorrect and blasphemous as it is to say this, the bucks stops the chief or head coach. They underachieved last year for most of the year with the most talented team in the country, and this year is pathetic. I'm not saying that he needs to be fired, but that situation needs to be closely monitored. There is no way on earth that Duke in BB, Ohio State or USC in football or Michigan or Minnesota in hockey would put up with this garbage. It's bad enough getting swept by UW and Maine at home, but MTU is a new low.

    I'm sure that I will get ripped for this rant. Bring it on. I'm tired of the Barney "group hugs" and the excuses. I don't pay thousands for season tickets to watch this garbage. I would rather watch the FM Jets, Moorhead or South HS, or any youth hockey than to watch a team that I have had season tickets for over 20 years put this product on the ice. It is unacceptable to me. I can't believe that more people don't feel this way.

    Dave Hakstol is a great guy. I like him and wish him success. However, when you take a high profile job, it is "just win baby!" If not, you look elsewhere. If he does not turn this around and fast, he won't have to worry. Once the butts in the seats start disappearing, even his father-in-law won't be able to save him. I'm pulling for him and I'm still cautiously optimistic. However, time is running out.

    I agree completely with everything you said!!

  6. What is so maddening is that this team is not lacking in talent. I disagree with the folks who say we brought in a recruiting class that was sub-par, and that is why the team is struggling.

    The returning players are struggling. Take Porter & Fabian for instance. We could reasonably expect them to have better years as seniors than years past. They just are not doing it.

    The same can be said for our standout soph's. They just are not at the same level they were at the end of last season. No sugar coating. Not getting it done.

    Compared to the recruiting classes that UND has had in the past (goes back a while) that are always in the top three talent wise in the country, this years class is terrible. The problem is that everyone that is loaded with talent goes pro early, leaving UND with weak upper classes. Your not going to win a lot of games when you have one talented class and three average to weak classes.

    P.S. Your not going to win a lot of games with Phil "I spend the whole game on my knees" Lamoureux in net! PLEASE PUT IN GRIECO!!!!!

  7. So true. All the "he sucks" comments and BS about these guys not having the talent to play are laughable. Being frustrated on how the season is going is understandable, personally ripping players is bush league.

    However, as a perk to all you die hard program supporters, I have set up a meet and greet with big Joe where you can all personally tell him how you feel, face to face. I booked a small room as I don't expect many attendees. :blush:

    You have to be completely biased if you think Joe Finley is good. The difference is Finley has sucked ever since he laced up his skates last year. I'm not saying he won't get better, but lets get realistic, so far in his college career he hasn't been very good.

  8. 1)I just cannot believe the number of people that so strongly support Lammy. I certainly do not believe he is even the biggest portion of our current problems but I don't see why so many people think he is a big time goalie. You can blame it on a newbie but I have been a Sioux fan my whole life. My parents have owned season tickets since the old Ralph opened, my grandpa well into the The Barn. Lammy is as good as anyone at making the first save (most of the time) but the majority of the time he is so far out of position that rebounds can be tapped in. I have never seen a goalie lay forward on their stomach so often- that covers 1/10th of the net. If you are going to flop around on the ice, at least lay on your side and stack the pads. He has been given the chance to have the starting spot time and time again, and has lost it time and time again. We will take our lumps with Greico but I can live with that in a 17 year old freshman. Not all teams have goaltenders that can steal a game, we just need to have one that won't lose it.

    I couldn't agree with you more.

  9. my thoughts on the weekend...1. don't have giveaways at the games that are throwable. 2. we need less pinching by the defensemen, and more backchecking. 3. Phil gives us the best chance to win out of any of our goalies. 4. Finley plays better than most seem to care to notice. 5. Elliot is slightly overrated and owes a ton of his success to the defense keeping his fat rebounds from being put in. 6. The student section has become more pathetic as the season has progressed (hard to admit, since i'm in it) 7. Maybe they should try keeping Toews with Oshie and maybe Genoway on a line, and put Duncan on the second line...worth a shot at least.

    I was hoping to get to ten, but i'm lazy...sue me.

    I have to disagree with 3 and 4. Everyone knows how to score on Lammy, he would have unbelievable numbers if he was playing with 4 year olds that couldn't lift the puck. Finley sucks period.

  10. Someone wondered earlier about who else improved from last year. I would say Porter has. He's getting points this year and was the only one truly hitting guys last night.

    That brings me to my problem with this team. We don't hit anymore. Teams don't fear us. Dare I say we've become the Gophers!?

    the gophers with WAY less talent maybe.

  11. This team should be ok, maybe.

    1. Someone tell Lammy to stay on his feet, everyone knows to shoot high! It's so gross to watch everyone shoot high over and over again.

    2. This team really needs to pick it up, because they look terrible!! It's sad when you know that there going to lose when CC tied it up in the third.

    3. The sophomore class is going to have to pick it up, because the Senior, Junior and Freshman classes are terrible.

  12. Now with the huge pick up of Bruneteau that pretty much lines up the impressive class for 07'. My question is what are the chances to get Gregoire for 08' and hopefully Blood and Toews. That would be a perfect wish list for the next 3 recruits for the Sioux! Congrats to Hakstol and the rest of the coaches for there great job of recruiting the last few months!! Chichy, Brueneteau and Kristo, I don't think any other team can match those last 3 recruits!

  13. i say its one of these 3 for sure. which one?? who the hell knows but any one of these will be GREAT, and i really see us grabbing 2 of these 3 guys

    gregoire, toews, nash

    I hope your right and it's one of those three although Gron would be great too! Really, I hope it's either Gregoire or Nash because I think Toews will come to UND for sure.

    My wishlist for this recruit in order would be

    1. Nash

    2. Gregoire

    3. Gron

    4. Cam Lamoureux

    5. Toews (again for the reason I put above)

  14. It was a good night it the USHL, though, as Brad Malone scored 1-1-2 in a win for Sioux Falls, and Derrick La(tsa)Point(s) also went 1-1-2 in a Green Bay win.

    Lapoint now has 16 points in 10 games and is in third for the points total in the USHL. He's 1 point behind the leader!!! Way to go Derrick

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