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  1. BTW, bad verbage this is anything but a Bison site. Good luck against St. Cloud State at the end of the month I have tickets looking forward to the game. If you are there I will have the Sioux hockey jersey with the white SU cap. Say hello. Good luck!
  2. This is my first post here as I don't view it as a Bison site and I feel I am a guest but I just posted this on Anygivensaturday.com. Let rational heads prevail. Now living in Minnesota and having to deal with all the ridiculous BS I have seen coming out of the Senate race as well as the legislature here I was greatly discouraged by this thinking that the ND legislature had sunk to the same levels. Thankfully after reading the Sioux message boards it looks like reasonable heads are prevailing and asking why the legislature is spending time on this in the first place? Let the schools figure it out for themselves seems to be the response. There is hope for government people there is hope!
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