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Posts posted by jukenjive27

  1. Check at Spensers or PartyAmerica. Target and Walmart sometimes have the spray on stuff, but that will rub off onto your clothes and pillowcase.

    Otherwise, check with the salons in town before you do something to your hair.........it might NOT be temporary. :)

    EDIT: Does anyone know about making a thick paste from Koolaid and putting it in your hair to color it? Seems to me I've heard of girls doing that with red/pink and putting it in their hair for colored hi-lites. The lime jello may work for that.

    yes mommy :)

  2. I actually enjoyed Hilary's speech much more than obama's, she got down to business, she would also do a better job with the economu imo than obama, her husband (bill) did a great job getting our budget balanced and giving us a surplus, then bush took over, oil was 20 bucks a barrel, now it's 112 and we are so far in debt that if we continue on the path we are on as a nation, our dollar will be worth about as much as a peso.

    I hope hillary gets the nomination, but if obama does, he will still be a better choice than another "bush"(McCain).

  3. It's a 1 game elimination tourney. That means the team with the hot goalie wins.

    If J-P leaves it all on the ice like he's done all year, there's going to be a new banner hanging in RAE next fall.

    And there's 24 other guys who will pitch in a bit too. ;-)

    I like the Sioux 5-2 over BC and 4-0 over Notre Dame for #8.

    (They are 'due' to beat Mich., and right now they believe...besides, Sauer is going to have an off night.)

    Every night is a off night for sauer, he's been lit up like a x-mas tree near the end of the season, he got lucky in the regional championship against...clarkson.

  4. I'm driving down on Wed afternoon some time... off the top of my head I can name at least 20 other students that will also be going and driving down on Wed... I expect a HUGE Sioux turnout :)

    2 buses, 1 plane, and a crapton of ppl driving/flying yeah lots of fans!

  5. I'm sitting here pretty bored, waiting for Denver. I'm curious as to where SS members will be seated (or on their feet) in the Pepsi Center next week. I will be in section 106 row 7, got my tickets through Sioux Crew. Where is everyone else?

    where all the people on the airline charter are sitting.

  6. i guess the cool thing on the 3rd coming from phx is that he has never been to a live hockey game ever and has just learned the game this season. myself and my roomate are from bemidji and have been big sioux fans forever but the 3rd he is a highschool friend and was over a couple of times watching some fights ect the last year and he saw my 2 sioux hockey books laying around and he asked to borrow them and check them out. i said sure and 3 months later he returned them and he was talking about the history a bit and thought it was pretty cool. we have watched a few coyotes games on tv so hes learning the rules and so forth as hes pretty much a az native living here since a young age so as you can imagine there wsnt much hockey around here growing up :) so anyways, we went out and had a few drinks last night and he talked about maybe trying to get a flight to denver cheap and i said if he did i will give him a 87 retro in return to have and wear to the games, a place to stay and we had 1 ticket left to sell and it was his to buy if he went and he texted me this morning saying he booked his flight to denver to watch and cheer on the sioux make a run for #8. cant wait to see many of you and meet you around the parties and denver, go sioux

    gogo recruit more fans!

    I'm excited to meet all of ya too! Damn I can't get off ss.com I am addicted...

  7. Sounds like everyone is having more fun than I am :) I'm studying for an immunology test (mon) and a medicinal chemistry test (wed). Can't wait for that flight out of here on Wed night! !

    Just ask someone from princeton to take your test for you, they have nothing else to do now :)

  8. turris looked very good last night. fun to see him do well and had some nice chances to score a goal playing with meuller and doan. the future is bright in the desert for once!

    I love how they almost came back to tie, it was a great game.

  9. My father in law is flying into Denver from Phoenix. As Sioux-cia mentioned earlier, her, Mr. Siouxmama, YoungAdultSon, and I will be on Al's bus.

    I'm ready to go now!

    I am too, thank god I have no class on monday! and tuesday and wednesday will be tough but then on thursday it's time to head out!

  10. Check it out. This is an email that was passed on to me yesterday. The mother was kind enough to let me post it for all you Sioux fans on this board. I'm sure you will be reading more about this story in the near future. Enjoy!!!


    Just thought I would share this "feel good story" with you...

    Many of you know that a few weeks back at our last home game, Adam (husband) caught

    JP Lamoureux's stick when he threw it into the crowd at his final home

    game as a Sioux player....well, needless to say, Jakob (son) was thrilled when

    he saw us walk in that night. The one game he missed that weekend! In

    Lamoureux's post-game interview, he stated how he hoped a kid got it, much

    like the time Jason Blake finished his career at UND with a toss of his

    stick to the crowd and Lamoureux was there. Me, being the teacher that I

    am, suggested to Jakob that he write him a letter to let JP know that it

    did go to a young kid who plays with it and appreciates such a cool act

    that he did....so I let Jakob write all on his own and mail him the

    letter. Then on Monday night at about 7:50 there is a knock on our door.

    We are all thinking, 'who in the world is that?" Then Adam sees and tells

    me...so we get Jakob to get the door--he is not understanding why we are

    telling him to answer the door--we NEVER do that! So out on our doorstep

    is Lameureux! Jakob was very bashful..they (his girlfriend was with) we

    'out for a walk and thought they would stop to visit' He visited for

    awhile with Jakob and met the kids...Jayden told him her favorite player

    is Duncan, and Lam said that Duncan is about the samae size as Jayden :) !!!

    LOL! It was a cool visit and Lam asked if Jakob wanted him to sign the

    stick, so Adam went and took it off our wall in the basement:) and he

    wrote a nice message to Jakob. We were taken so off guard that we didn't

    even think to take a picture of them together! Darn! But still, it was

    pretty cool!

    It was such a cool thing for someone to do...and as I am standing there, I

    am thinking that is was not even 24 hours since the game in Madison, and

    he chooses to come and see an 8 year kid to "put a face to a name"---WOW,

    that is about we can say around here...WOW!

    Go Sioux!!!!! AJ

    That is first class lammy....first class.

  11. This is great, thanks for all your help everyone! Now any suggestions on how a guy is supposed to concentrate on work while we're waiting! :lol:

    I dunno, I don't even want to go to classes until after the frozen four lol :lol:

  12. wife and i and friend will be on the charter with you. hope to meet alot of you ss.comers, if not in flight, then in denver. anyone going to the pregame party at the pepsi center put on by the sioux club?

    I will be a giant 6'5" guy, prolly with a green sioux hat lol and if we leave early, you can expect me to be like a bear after being awoken from my hibernation (just kidding) :lol:

    I will be at the pre game party for sure.

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