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Everything posted by Horshack26

  1. WCHA Fighting Sioux Game Puck 5 pucks in storage for years! Never seen the ice, received from somebody who worked at the old Ralph. Great addition to any collection!! $150 per puck markfritel26@yahoo.com or 763-443-5428
  2. Looking for 2 tickets for Sioux vs Huskies hockey game on Jan 21st. I live in Big Lake, MN and could pick them up prior or at will call. My e-mail address is markfritel26@yahoo.com. Thanks, Mark
  3. I am interested, please call 763-443-5428.
  4. I am looking for 2-3 tickets...preferably 3 tickets but would buy 2. I am only looking for Friday nights game. If you have tickets for sale please leave me a message at 763-443-5428 or markfritel26@yahoo.com
  5. Thats was the most stupid thing I think I have ever viewed...thanks ESPN2!! If my son or daughter ever want to play LAX, NO WAY!!!
  6. A couple rule change suggestions for the LAX board of commissioners.... 1) Seriously, that many time outs in OT? I suggest 1 per OT!! 2) Shoot out? I have never cheered so hard for both teams competing in any sport as I am right now!! Somebody score!!
  7. Great work Sioux, big 2 points!! Thanks to all of you out there...finally got my real player and the web cast early in the 2nd period! Go Sioux!!
  8. It appears up...live link
  9. I am not sure but you don't necessarly need that correct? Is that just for a betting viewing?
  10. Nothing yet here...
  11. Another great lift for next years team...Kozak is back!! My son will love it...pre-game pucks for the kid friendly Kozak!! Looking forward to another great run from the Fighting Sioux in 09'!!
  12. Thanks for the link opn the goal...actually the first time I watched the play, was in the middle of my long and depressing drive back from Denver while the game was being played! I now agree with the call on the ice...that was the correct call, my opinion. Even though it was real subtle, there definately was a kicking motion from the ND player of the puck towards the net. (subtle because it was a straight leg kicking motion and not as obvious as others) Still, doesn't change the fact that the WCHA needs to review their officials!! About the Oshie goal...thought the same thing when I saw it, probably reversed...until I read the exact wording in the rule book. Oshie did a great job of redirecting the puck without a kicking motion! Stache or No Stache, I will always ride with pride - Go Sioux!!
  13. Just a question... Who is going to suspend (or fire) Greg Sheppard for his blown call in the championship game of the frozen four? Didn't Randy Schmidt get suspended (and never reffed again if I recall?) for a similar call earlier this year when he disallowed a goal in a Wisc. vs Denver game? The WCHA needs to crackdown on their officials and get rid of guys like Sheppard!! Your thoughts??
  14. Sioux fans, A lot of intersting comments and opinions about the Sioux hockey team. Another great run for our Fighting Sioux hockey team...having your last game be in the frozen four is something to be proud of. We are spoiled fans to have such a talented team year in and year!! It would be great for US as fans to have the entire group of underclassman back. I would totally understand if a few of them moved on to the NHL, $$ is hard to pass up, as well as competing at the next level when you can! No need for the axe hax talk...great coach...just like to see his kids play a full season vs. just wellafter x-mas break. I am in Denver, great to see the Sioux fans drink Brooklyns out of beer...wall to wall Sioux fans!! Lets reload next year and continue to finish better than the Goofers!!!!
  15. "Sioux - Cia"...thanks for the props!! If anyone is interested, I will have possibly as many as a dozen of these "Ride the 'stache to Denver" t-shirts with me in Denver. If you want another one or know of someone who wants one...let me know!! Contact information for these shirts in Denver will be 763-443-5428. (Mark) My wife and I are leaving tonight after work, driving...should be in Denver early morning!! Thanks again to everyone who bought a t-shirt!! Go Sioux...Going for Title 8 in 08'!! Mark
  16. My wife and I are looking for 2, possibly 3 tickets for all weekend...huge Sioux fans, going regardless but would like to take care of the tickets before we headed out!! If any are available and someone is willing to sell them at face value to a Sioux fan please contact me at 763-443-5428, thanks Mark.
  17. Anyone have or know of anyone with a couple of tickets for the weekend games? My wife and I have everything else planned...wouldn't mind leaving the cities with tickets in hand. If someone has tickets, I can be contacted at 763-443-5428...thanks in advance, Mark.
  18. They are a hot item!! Thanks for the props AZSIOUX!! Order: doug_fritel@yahoo.com 701-739-1314 Go Sioux!! Wife and I are heading to Denver also...hope she enjoys the 'stache ride to Denver!!
  19. $18 for the shirt If you go on e-bay, type in fighting sioux and you will be able to find a front and back picture of the shirt. No need to bid that one up, just on there to show everyone what they look like. Be sure to contact Doug ASAP if you want one...701-739-1314. (tomorrow now)
  20. For those of you still looking for a "Ride the 'stache to Denver" t-shirt (the one everyone saw in Wisconson) be sure to put in your order. Contact my brother (Doug) at doug_fritel@yahoo.com or 1-701-739-1314...he lives in Grand Forks and can also ship them out ASAP.
  21. I ended giving the shirt to bina, he thought it was pretty cool. my brother made them for the final 5 and they were ate up immediately. The front of the shirts have the sioux TM logo and say fighting sioux and the back says ride the 'stache to denver going for title 8 in '08 with a mustache in the middle. for info on these contact doug_fritel@yahoo.com or markfritel26@yahoo.com
  22. Me again, Go Sioux!!
  23. Just checking out my post, picture, etc...new to the site, always view but have never written. Go Sioux! Go Mavericks!
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