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Posts posted by talksalot83

  1. I don't remember a lot of "I can't believe they called that" types of penalties this weekend.

    I can think of three "I can't believe they called that" against the Sioux this past weekend and at two "I can't believe they didn't call that" on the Gophers. Of course, I don't know what it's like to be on the Gopher side looking at penalties and I don't think the reffing was terrible for WCHA ref standards.

  2. This was before Oshie, Eades, and Dave Christian was in HS at the time. (Yes, I am old)

    Warroadite here. Well, mostly grew up there. Oshie's was a freshmen in high school the year after I graduated and Eades was the coach when I was in high school. Anyway, most of the people I went to high school with were Sioux fans. I think there's been a slight shift toward Minnesota sports in general.

    Anyhoot! I will be heading the John with a few other ladies this weekend and we're just hoping to not get razzed too much! The last time we made the treck we got out of the John on a good weekend with three points, Hak flipped the bird, Joe Finley was, well, Joe Finley and Trupp had his diving goal. It's going to be tough to beat that. I just hoping for a couple of excellent games. :D

  3. I wonder how many fans are showing up to see the home grown Olympic Twins play? I think it's great that attendance is growing for the women. I just have a hard time seeing them fill the lower bowl, let alone the whole arena, on a consisten basis. I support all Sioux athletic teams but women's hockey can be tough to watch in my opinon.

    I've followed the women's team for the past three years and I completely disagree that, right now, the team is tough to watch. I find myself completely awe struck by their crisp passing this year. I also think because they are not allowed to check they have to be more skillful in some ways.

    It is my genuine hope that when people go out to see the team they can see the exceptional product on the ice right now. I'm incredibly thrilled with the team's progress, but I also realize that I have become slightly attached. :lol:

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  4. What percentage of students do not have a car and 5 bucks in their pocket? Bet its pretty high. Not a good excuse, sorry. If students can drive downtown on a Friday night and spend 40 bucks at Gilly's, they can drive a mile and a half to the Alerus and pay 5 bucks for parking. And its 5 bucks a car. So get 4 of your friends, grab a dollar and head to the game. Your tickets are free, so paying a dollar to go to a football game is a pretty good deal.

    I'm not sure I'm arguing that students don't have vehicles or money. I'm am saying that it was really convenient for me to walk from Wilkerson to shuttles behind the Chester Fritz. I had a lot of friends that did it too. It was a nice option that could entice people who may not have wanted to go because they don't have the money or aren't sure if they're interested in football.

  5. As a current student who has been at UND since 2005 (don't worry, I've gotten one degree in that time period), I've seen the student section diminish over the past few years. I think the best student turn out I've seen was when I first got to UND for the first couple of years and when there were free shuttles running from behind the Chester Fritz to the Alerus. I lived on campus, but I used it because I didn't want to pay for parking when they started charging. It also helped for students who decided to drink. If they lived on campus, they weren't going to be getting behind the wheel.

  6. The thing that really bothered me about this whole thing, even if it was just a comment in passing, was that Kelly and UND were completely fine with using Delano in a video to hock their online education during hockey games. Then it seems that Kelly doesn't want her shown because of the school's reputation. It's not fair to use her in selling the school and then say that she helps breed the negative imagine on the institution (this image given based on surveys).

    I think it's also important to realize that outside of athletics, UND doesn't have a lot of traditions. Many of the traditions surround the nickname and logo and when that's gone, there will be things that are lost along the way throughout the years. Losing the logo is a loss, losing "beer grandma" just adds insult to injury for some who are already upset right now. It feels like an attack on the community for some people. I'm not saying that I feel this way, it's just an observation and what I get from other students I've talked with.

  7. I get worried when I hear players use the "revenge" factor about playing Maine this weekend. There are so many times that the Sioux have "owed" somebody only to come up short. Remember when they owed Denver for the hit to Bina? Denver beat us in the National Championship game after that again. Hopefully they just go about their business at practice and can use the pairwise as motivation, because in reality, that is what is really at stake here. The Sioux definitely can't afford to be swept, and sweeping will help take a bit of the sting out of the BC loss, at least in the pairwise.

    I don't put a lot of stock into things of this nature. Mostly because the media and people are always looking for a story angle. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but I think there may be more emphasis on it than we think.

  8. I have never been to an event at the X, what is parking like around there and how much?

    Parking is OK around. Lots of ramps. Parking ranges from $10-15. If you get around early enough, parking and traffic isn't too terrible.

  9. I don't like the idea of facing DU again.

    Let's face it... DU should have won that game. They played better than us for longer periods of time. They basically owned all but the last 5 minutes or so of the first OT.

    They played Frattin as well as a team can.

    I know we were without Gregoire but still...

    I think we can go to the Championship game if we can get by DU... or if WMU pulls off a miracle and beats DU.

    I don't think many people like the idea of the possibility of playing DU again, but Saturday was a rough game. Not to mention the five penalties that the Sioux received in the second period alone. Hextall's "cross-checking" penalty was questioned by nearly everyone. I've heard that even the media thought the DU player was going to get a penalty for diving. I know DU got away with some cheap calls and the Sioux had to battle through that.

    If, and I'm not trying to think ahead two games (DU still has to get through Western Michigan as well), the Sioux play the Pios again the Sioux have to stay out of the box and they'll have to bring their 'A' game. DU is a good team, but they haven't seen the best of us.

  10. It just dawned on me why the Tech fans and Gopher fans at Tom Reid's were chanting "Jesus hates Wisconsin!" Saturday night. Wisconsin and Penn State helping move this thing along. I suppose there are other reasons why Jesus might hate Wisconsin as well, but I'm not as versed in those! :lol:

    I've digressed from the topic at hand. I'm against the move, but I'll be interested to see how the first few years go. Maybe Minnesota and Wisconsin will finally be able to get back into the tourny with that automatic bid.

  11. I can't resist, the Fighting Sioux have gone a very respectable 17-7-2 playing the hardest schedule in college hockey and some Sioux fans want coach Hakstol to be fired because the lost one fricken game. Holy Cow!!!

    I voted "yes," but I was doing it to be funny since we're jokingly sandbagging Hak's career at UND.

  12. Man that is a awesome song....

    I might not agree on it's awesomeness, but I feel like people wouldn't even realize if it wasn't played any more. Single Ladies should be ditched too. I often wonder how they determine what they're going to play and when they're going to play it because sometimes a song can just kill a crowd.

  13. UNO has some very diehard fans. We may not see many UNO fans in The Ralph simply because they aren't able to get tickets, but I talked with some very dedicated fans. However, we were so warmly welcomed by the fans in Omaha that I certainly hope Sioux fans extend the same courtesy to UNO fans. I have never been to an opposing arena where we have been treated so well. I believe that they have a second-class citizen complex and they feel playing the Sioux simply helped to elevate their program. They hold the Fighting Sioux history and tradition in high regard. Their fans were rabid on Friday night, but attendance was down drastically on Saturday night because Nebraska football was on the telly. They do have some priority issues evidently.

    I am curious as to why UNO seems to have fallen on hard times, because they are big, fast, and physical. They also have a pretty good goalie. They were a strong test for the Sioux and drove the net in waves. Classic Dean Blais team.

    And yes, leave the damn cowbells in Omaha. The tiny freebies they handed out were ok, but a few people had big heavy ones and a drumstick to pound with.

    We met tons of nice people in Omaha, but the people that sat around us were jerks. It's like they took half of a page out of a Gopher's fan book. There was a family right behind us and the father kept telling the child to ring the bell over our heads. My friends and I are very-well behaved and respectful. We don't ish talk, we don't bump shoulders and we don't parade around some else's rink like we own the place. We're just a group of two, three or four (depending on the time and road trip) young ladies trying to watch and appreciate some good hockey. With that said, I will gladly travel to Omaha again. It was a fun trip and the nice people we met far outweighed the group that sat around us, but I really had to restrain myself from turning around, ripping the cowbell from that kid's hands and throwing that thing onto the ice. :lol: I do hope that some make the trek and enjoy themselves!

  14. After being at the Saturday night game in Omaha, I hope we kill them. I also hope some of their fans travel and see what it's like to have a crowd that participates rather than just ringing those damn cow bells throughout the ENTIRE game. :angry: Bring it, Mavericks.

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