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Posts posted by WildSioux

  1. Thanks katohtr, at least someone else understands where I am coming from in this messed up justice system we have. Yes, I may have got a little carried away with what I said. I just don't understand how anyone can defend this scum. But that is just my opinion on this case and believe it has gone on for 3 years too long :ohmy:

    And now, we have this from today...Jury selection stops before it starts in Rodriguez trial

    Anyone see a pattern here? Remember the federal case of the 20th hijacker Moussaoui who was the only person charged tied to 9/11? He was up for the death penalty in the evidence that was there for his support in the 9/11 events. It was the FBI in MN who tipped the government off about this scum for training their. I can't remember how many of the jury who were against the death penalty. But all it takes is one and he was set free. And this is what we got from him..."America, you lost. I won."

    My point, how does that send a message to the rest of the terrorists? Or in the case of sex offenders who keep getting off free. Hey, we can keep doing this and get off free. But I have no doubt about the prosecution in the Rodriguez trial that they will present their case pointing evidence that he did it.

  2. I have a little trouble with the 'scum of the earth' adjectives for his attorneys. Our constitution provides a trial to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused. I believe Rodriguez' attorneys are court appointed. They are charged with giving the defendent the best possible defense available. If they do not, the defendant will have grounds for appeal for 'inadequate, poor, etc.' defense, mistrial or God forbid, getting off of a technicality!! Don't blame the attorneys for doing their job, just hope that they do a good, non-appealable job for the defendant and Rodriguez gets the death penalty.

    I concur that the defense attorney's have a job to do. But with all due respect, It is the way I feel about our justice system now days. Dare I say the liberal judges are part of the blame. They play this game, the judges go along with it, and it gets dragged on forever. Do they have any decency for the victim and the family? In the case of Rodriguez, was he an illegal from Mexico? Either way, they come to our country, commit crimes to the innocent, go to jail for a few years and then get out with a sex offender label, and do it all over again or worse. We (the rest of us) have become a prisoner to this behavior in our everyday lives. Is there anywhere that is safe to go anymore without fear of this scum? Innocent until proven guilty means they will plea and get off scott free living off the taxpayers for the rest of his life with meals and tv in a prison room. The criminals now have more freedoms and rights than the victims who are now dead. Anyone else see something wrong with this?

    Again, did Dru have any defense?

  3. I almost didn't want to bring this topic back up. But it looks like the jury for this trial will be picked tomorrow 7/6/06. And guess what, the defense attorney Robert Hoy and other attorney's (scum of the earth) are still arguing over the evidence of 11 specific items including testimony from family and friends, and videotape evidence from the mall.


    This one really pi$$es me off. I would like to ask those defense attorney scum one question...What defense did/does Dru have a$$holes?

    Defense attorneys also sought to exclude testimony from Sjodin's family and friends on the impact of her death. Richard Ney, a death penalty lawyer, said witnesses are not allowed to give their opinions on a possible sentence for the defendant.

    Another story was from 7/01/06 about a federal court in ND taking up the charges against Alfonso Rodriguez Jr. a.k.a. scum of the earth :ohmy:


    Can we please get this trial over with? Three years is long enough for this scum bag to live let alone a day. Because a day after the evidence was there.

    This makes me sick :lol:

  4. Not sure if anyone else has seen this yet. But thought it may interest some of you :ohmy:

    This one is from the DM register which doesn't say much.


    But this one is from the DM Buccaneer website with a lot more info.


    "The College Hockey America conference is indeed proud and pleased to join with Blackbeard Management/Des Moines Buccaneers in bringing NCAA Division I championship hockey to Des Moines and the Hawkeye State," stated CHA Commissioner R.H. "Bob" Peters. Because the winning team advances to the 16 team NCAA Division I championships, hockey fans can expect to witness outstanding, competitive, fast paced collegiate hockey."
    The CHA is co-hosting the 2007 Frozen Four at the Savvis Center in St. Louis, Mo., with the St. Louis Sports Commission.
  5. Maybe 'f-@#$%^' means 'buddy' in the Duluth Indian language. I mean he was complementing you on a 'bunch of awards' right?! :lol:

    Seriously, I thought I was in North Minneapolis down at the Canal Park watching the ships come in and go out. Between the thug teenage gangster wannabes talking about their glock, 9mm, and their 50 (pronounced "fity") down at the pier by the lighthouse, and the Indian mumbling about some F-@#$%^ awards. I was confused for a few minutes ;);)

  6. Geez, she wouldn't even respond to you? I think that's pathetic. That's what she's there for (I think).

    Whether it's fact or opinion he's offering, we both agree that what he writes should be ethical and I think we both agree that at the best he danced on the wrong side of the finest of lines, and at the worst he plunged way over it. I bet our opinions on that are similar too. :lol:

    I too wrote to the racist Coleman and to the readers rep. Neither of them responded and I wrote pretty much what everyone else has stated that he needs to check his facts before reporting it as truth. Coleman and the Strib lost all credibility with me and rank right up there with the New York Lies...I even let them know about that too.

  7. I wonder what awards he was referring to.

    I don't know, the only thing my girlfriend and I could think of are the 7 National Championships the Sioux have won. Unless he was referring to the Indians fighting in real wars which I may be mistaking for awards. Who knows, both her and I thought it was kind of funny actually as we got back in the car and drove off.

  8. Just thought I would share a neat experience with everyone. I was just outside walking my dog; and I live in Madison, WI; I have my Sioux Crew shirt on and a Sioux hat on... one of the people that passed me noticed and was asking me questions about going to school at UND. When we parted ways he said "I hope you get to keep your logo." I thought that was really neat. Rivals in the WCHA, allies against the NCAA...

    Nice experience you had which is quite different from mine this past weekend. I was up in Duluth this past weekend with my girlfriend for my friends wedding. We were down at Canal Park eating dinner at Grandma's with some other friends. After dinner my girlfriend and I drove out to Park Point to see the houses, the park, and the Sky Harbor Airport. On the way back, we had to stop at the lift bridge because a ship was coming in to port. We were about 3 cars from the bridge so we decided to park and walk down to see it come in. It was kind of chilly out and my girlfriend borrowed a hooded UND sweatshirt from my Mom. On the walk back to the car a guy passed us who was Native American and saw her sweatshirt. Keep in mind it only had the ND in white over a green sweatshirt. No Fighting Sioux, no Indian head, nothing but the ND. He said something along the lines of "Nice that you won a bunch of awards you f-@#$%^

    I almost and should have said something. But at this point I didn't want to start an altercation and let him walk by. If I did though I wouldn't have started anything. Instead I would have just talked to him to see how he felt about it which was obviously torwards the negative side. Probably better that I didn't though.

  9. Notice at the end of the article is his email address. We should all send him a note on his pathetic article. It doesnt get any more 1 sided than that. I sent him a message, hope there are more of you out there that will do the same.

    Already did that Siouxmama :lol: I asked him why he has to be so hardheaded in his ways of flawed logic. Anyone else notice that he failed to mention that Ralph Engelstad was a goalie for UND? How about him failing to mention that FSU was able to keep their name that is much more offensive than the Fighting Sioux? His arguments are flawed and his liberal bias shows. He along with all libs have a double standard :silly:

  10. I sent Chuck Haga a little message yesterday regarding his little typo and he even responded....:silly:

    Me: UND's president is Charles Kupchella.....not Kupcella....c'mon Chuck, aren't

    you a former Grand Forks guy? :D

    Chuckster:... you're right, of course ... I've managed to spell it correctly in the

    past; don't know why I dropped the h this time ... maybe thinking too Italian.

    I've had it fixed for tomorrow's paper, and it should be fixed online shortly.



    Nice Blackheart :D I thought about emailing him but figured no one would respond. It is nice to see he responded and will fix it. BTW, I had no idea he (Chuck Haga) was a Grand Forks guy.

  11. I thought this would have generated more discussion. Oh well, if the admin of this site feel it neccesary to delete this thread then by all means do it.

    But at the end of my first post I mentioned about who the real people/groups are who are indeed "hostile and abusive." When I was up at UND back in '98-'02, I went down to St. Cloud a few times for the UND vs. STC games (I had friends and a girlfriend there at the time). I will never forget wearing my Sioux jersey walking into that arena and getting heckled by the protestors. They were the ones yelling racist remarks, and had signs up, up all directed to defaming the Sioux name and directly offending not only myself, but the Sioux Native American Indians along with others. I am not a Native American. But I felt offended just for the fact they were being hostile and abusive torwards us.

    That happened every time at the UND vs. STC games I went there. I proudly wore my Sioux jersey and didn't let it bother me too much. I just walked right past them and smiled. Inside it was much of the same. And I am not sure if you have been to St. Cloud. But there are a lot of punk teenage kids there who act like gangsters. One time, the whole game these kids a few rows back swore and threw things at us. I also saw this at the Xcel Energy Center this past WCHA Final Five series. The first night when St. Cloud was playing there were a bunch of college age kids a few rows in front of us. Directly behind them were a few UM Squirrel fans. Again, the STC fans were being idiots, standing the whole time, swearing, flashing gang signs, etc... Well, the Gopher fans didn't like it and almost started a fight but it was settled down buy the X staff and STP PD.

    It has been instances like these where I have realized who the real "hostile and abusive" people are. It is disrespectful to do all of these things and not even acknowledge a group of Native Americans who made this country what it was before our ancestors arrived. Yes, there are good STC fans. But they have no class compared to what UND fans are by the actions of a few.

    I have been to the DECC in Duluth for a UND vs. UMN Bulldog series, been to Marriucci for a UND vs. UM game, and to a few UND vs. Mankato games there. Other than the usual razzing that a good rivalry has. It was nothing like what I have experienced at St. Cloud.

    Hey NC$$, don't you realize that this false PC culture you have created is causing more harm than good? You sir, Myles Brand, is a disgrace to this country and you are defaming Native Americans everywhere. There is no honor in what you are doing and I am stating it here that you need to step down from your duties as President of the NCAA.

    Fight on SIOUX!!!!!!!!

  12. That's what I was thinking...hopefully it continues to get coverage throughout the US. It would be nice for someone like Scott Hennen to let Sean Hannity know what's going on and maybe he could do a piece on his show. Whether you believe in his politics or not, he has one of the largest audience's in the US.

    Good point about this letter being a calculated move by Kupchella. I have printed his letter off and have given it to a few of my co-workers. Although they aren't sioux fans, or hockey fans for that matter. They all said it was a great letter showing how wrong the NC$$ is.

    I wonder if we emailed Hannity, if he would notice? What about Glenn Beck? He has his regular daily radio show. But he now also has a TV spot on CNN Headline News daily (or is it weekly I forgot). That would get a lot of National and world coverage.

  13. Do we have a definitive date for a game set yet? Or are you waiting to get people lined up for this to secure a suite? I am going to be coming up there this hockey season for a series but I just don't know yet since I haven't seen a schedule. I of course will have to take off a weekend as I work them. But I, along with my girlfriend, and my friend along with his girlfriend I am sure would come up for a series. I also have three other friends who went to UND ('98-'02) who would also come since we have been talking about setting up for it.

  14. While searching for some information on Native American Bennet Brien and the Indian head logo he designed, I came across this article..."A Team Named Sioux"

    Before I begin, I attended UND from 1998-2002 for Commercial Aviation. I feel the same as many of you do on the name and feel it should remain The Fighting Sioux. I also feel the NC$$ has overextended their authority of power and this political correctness lunacy has to stop. With that said, I am sorry if this certain topic has been discussed before since I don't come on the boards much.

    If you go down to the bottom and click on Read Responses It will bring you to where people have left comments. I was reading through them and found a response titled "Round Up the Usual Suspects by Joseph R. Martan - Western Springs, Ill. It reads...

    Remember the poll taken by Sports Illustrated a few months ago? That poll established that 83% of the Native Americans polled found nothing offensive about the use of "Indian mascots"--indeed, many came out and spoke positively of the practice. So just who are the protesting malcontents? The "usual suspects," that's who.

    And who are the "usual suspects"? I invite everyone to consult the University of Illinois Alumni Association website--specifically that portion devoted to the ongoing controversy about the use of Chief Illiniwek as the school symbol and athletic events participant. The site contains the testimony given at the public hearings held by a retired Illinois circuit court judge hired by the university to prepare a report and recommendations. From the testimony, the "usual suspects" were revealed to consist of two distinct groups: (1) a handful of Native American activists who were in a snit because they couldn't have a university-funded Native American house and discretionary funding programs like other favored minorities, and (2) the liberal-left academicians who, in their own midlife crisis, tried to flex their radical protest muscles just they had back in 1969.

    Their arguments were cheesy three decades ago--aging them didn't help one bit. Moral of the story: Those who are protesting are simply irrelevant and are accorded influence all out of proportion to their numbers by sympathizers in the media and a collection of spineless academic administrators and vote-hungry politicians.

    Now, seeing that it relates to the University of Illinois Fighting Illini and their schools symbol Chief Illiniwek I became interested since I had a cousin who graduated there a few years ago and an uncle who used to teach there. And as you may know, the NCAA placed Chief Illiniwek on its list of "hostile and abusive" mascots in August '05. My mother is from that area and we go back each year to visit relatives. We have discussions about both the Sioux name and the Fighting Illini name since they too follow up on the Sioux name debate.

    I went to the UofI Alumni site to search for the public hearings described above. I found a few stories on it and about judge Garippo who headed those hearings. I couldn't find the exact thing he described above, so I searched Google for and found this The Chief Illiniwek Dialogue - Intent and Tradition vs. Reaction and History.

    As this is getting quite long already, I will cut it short. Again, I couldn't find the two "Usual Suspects" as described above. It may not be stated as such in this report. But I believe there are groups (activists, and the liberal left driving this madness) out there behind this agenda of changing names and mascots.

    After searching a little more on the UI website, I found this. Dialogue on Chief Illiniwek on the Board of Trustees page. In the actual dialogue itself, there is many instances where they mention The University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux and is also mentioned on this board of trustees website.

    I will end for now...But I will come back and write who the real "hostile and abusive" people/groups are in all of this. St. Cloud is a start... :)

  15. Awww...

    Some of you pilot types tell me: I'm flying in from GFK at 11 a.m. tomorrow, in the Cities an hour or so later. Any problems, takeoff-wise or landing-wise because of this projected storm?

    I work for DSM Airport Operations and deal with the occaisional snow storm requiring me to do runway checks. Basically, if it is snowing hard like it is forecast there will be delays due to runway closures. I can't guarantee no cancellations, but delays are possible. I don't know how MSP operates in snow. I do know they have more snow equipment than DSM obviously. So they can keep more surfaces open whereas we always close one (of two) runways here during heavy snows. And if it was anything like Sunday-Monday, they had all but one runway open. When this happens, you know it is bad and they have to allocate all of their resources (plows, brooms) to that one runway just to keep the airport open.

    It really is something to see. Part of my job is coordinating runway closures, and getting the plows out there. Most of the time we can go in between takeoffs and landings. But others, we close for an hour at a time. All this means, is that the airplanes will have to hold in the air while the runway surface friction MU values (another thing I test) are made better by the plows and brooms. The higher the MU number, the better it is for pilots to land the airplanes. Just watch "Airport" and you will see what I do, LOL :lol:

    This should be a fun drive up for me from IA. It will be snowing north of Ames, and will progressivly get worse from the sounds of it. I will be leaving around noon on Thursday, and will be there for the night game!

  16. Hey, I'm a long-time lurker and I was hoping there might be room for another skater. I'll see you guys Sunday!

    Yes, please show up. I am not the coordinater for this game. But my frind that I previously said would be able to play isn't able to anymore. He will still be there to watch but, he has to watch his girls. I am still playing though, so if you show up it won't be a loss. My friend did say though, since he got an assist last year...that I HAVE to get a goal and an assist this year. I am ready, I haven't been able to play since before Christmas down here in IA on the team I am on due to my work schedule changing. So I will be refreshed and ready to go.

  17. I can't remember which entrance it's by, but this is right by a beer stand...there's a corner spot where all of the WCHA team jerseys are displayed on a wall. Pretty easy to find and again, right by a beer stand.

    That is the SW corner of the arena off of where 7th and Kellogg Blvd meet. It just west of where the Main entrance is where the Ticket box office is. Also, this is the corner where most of the ticket scalpers/sellers/buyers/drunks/confused squirrel fans are.

  18. Anybody staying at the Days Inn Midway on 1964 University Ave West?

    We're in Suite 33 this year... by the way... anybody know where I can buy some green tights?

    Green tights? I dunno about tights but would green sweatpants work? Should be able to find those at Wally or Super T.

  19. I am not sure where I am sitting since my friend bought the tickets. I believe it is in Section 107-109 row 20. There will be 4 of us in a row wearing Sioux Green jersey's. And my parents will be sitting in Section 109 row 9 wearing their Sioux gear. This will be our ninth year in a row going to the final Five. I remember when they were in Minneapolis at the Target Center while the Xcel was being built. Should be a good time as I believe I will have more than one adult beverage in me for this St. Patty's day weekend :silly:

  20. I paid with a credit card also, and it is saying pending also....

    I paid with a credit card last night and it said something like: "After about 5 minutes to verify credit card payment, you will be allowed to watch the game by clicking on Watch...an email will be sent for verification of payment..."

    I checked my email right after I hit pay, and it was verified. So I just clicked on watch program...

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