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Everything posted by TheOcho
I also believe Team North Dakota was playing in the "B" bracket rather than the usual "A".
Look, we all know that some players get into camps in which they are maybe in over there head. However, the intent of the USHL is to bring in the best possible players that they can. With that said, they can't always get the players they want to attend these camps. Maybe the play other sports, have prior commitments, or simply don't want to play hockey in the summer. Was Alex Simonson the top player on his team? Probably not. But he's making an argument for himself with his play in the USHL. Look, whether you believe they should be invited to the camp or not, you should be supporting of the successes of players from your state, not making childish statements that are obviously intended to be taken in a negative manner.
This is the most information I could find on selection, it comes directly from USHL.com: "USHL Central Scouting, like its NHL counterpart, is a league-run scouting service for the benefit of all the teams in the USHL. Throughout the 2007-08 season, the USHL Central Scouting staff of more than 20 members will identify the top players in North America. Upon identification, USHL Central Scouting will invite these elite players to participate in the USHL Central Scouting Showcase Camps, the only camps created specifically for exposure to the USHL."
I have no idea what the selection process for this is like. If I find out, I'll be sure to post it.
I believe Bancroft will be attending a USHL showcase tournament along with Kovaks of Dickinson, Gaustad of Grafton, Burdick of South, and Arnason of Red River as well. I may have missed a player or two in their and I apologize if that's the case.
Right. Sorry I missed that. Alex Simonson-Chicago Steel Games-9, Goals-1, Assists-0, +/- -2, PIMs- 22 He had a ten minute unsportsmanlike misconduct in the most recent game, along with 9 other players who received ten minute penalties, including abuse of officials misconduct.
Ryan Ladoucear- FM Jets Games-9, Goals-0, Assists-4, +/- -6, PIMs- 2 Eric Meland- Lincoln Stars Games-6, Goals-0, Assists-0, +/- -1, PIMs- 4 That's all that I know of.
I think that is a question we all want an answer to. My guess is 13.
While Red River has been very good, I think it's a stretch to say they are in a league of their own. If my memory serves me correctly it was Central who was the favorite to win state during the Matt Moreland and Jordan Mcintyre era, overlapping with that was the Paul Weisgarber era at Fargo South in which they were the favorite. Although I believe Red River upset Fargo South one of those years at state I don't think it's fair to catagorize Red River as being head and shoulders above these teams they struggled to beat. Rivalries are a tough thing to judge and ultimately it comes down the strength of the team for every given year. For example if North were to be the top team in the state I don't think anyone would doubt that their top rival would again be Fargo South. Or if a period of 5 years came where Red River was struggeling the tension between them and Central would diminish for that period of time. But when both teams are on an equal talent level there is almost no doubt they will be eachothers top rival.
It wasn't in the Star Tribune... I'm not sure who made the statement about Red River being the Gophers of High School hockey but we need to remember that Central has far more championships than that of Red River. I think an argument can be made for many teams as the most hated team in the state. I highly doubt that the players in Dickinson hate Red River players anymore than they do those in their own conference. The same can be said for the Bismarck schools, Fargo South who's largest rival is Fargo North regardless of how terrible North has been lately. As a matter of fact many players throughout the whole state may hate South because of the stigma they have been given as being "cake eaters." Another external factor could be other sports the players participate in. While Red River may be a powerhouse at the time in hockey, their football team may not be up to par. So a player who plays in both of these sports may have a neutral vision of the school as a whole. It really isn't as cut and dry as the best teams in the state are the most hated.
Thanks for the info. When did the event occur? I'm terribly sorry I don't live in Grand Forks and attempted trophy thefts don't make the front page of the paper.
Matt Malm? Haha, who cares who it is. News tonight said something about some Red River students attempting to steal the first place trophy from Grafton. Can anyone elaborate? I hope it wasn't any players.
North Dakotans playing hockey after highschool
TheOcho replied to andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!!'s topic in Non-collegiate sports
Ryan Ladoucear with an assist tonight in a 5-3 win over Bismarck. -
I see exactly what you're saying, and I can't say for certain I wouldn't make the same argument if I were in your shoes. Luckily, I am not, so I can see the situation in a different light. The point is that a call was missed. Calls get missed every day, in nearly every game. Like I said, it is unfortunate that the game has been tainted with this one missed call. However, what's done is done, and there is no changing it. Both teams earned the right to play in the championship game and whether or not there were six skaters on the ice Grafton may have scored that goal. Will we ever know for? Nope. That said, it is not worth diminishing the championship efforts of both teams by claiming that one missed call determined the outcome of the game. Because in reality, it did not. On the sixth skater: The sixth skater could have been someone other than the player who scored the goal. It is possible that a player who was supposed to leave the ice, did not. I had planned on going further in depth into this aspect of the non-call but I think it is best that we quit focusing on the penalties that were not called, and focus a little more on the quality game that was played.
The analogy that six skaters on the ice is not a "judgement" call is based on flawed logic. One would assume that because there are six skaters on the ice that a penalty should be called, correct? Well, during nearly every line change that does not happen during the stoppage of play six players are on the ice at one point or another. I believe it would be an accurate assesment that the ref must use his "judgement" on whether or not the opposing team was, in fact, in violation of the rules of the game. I have seen the play, and it is obvious there are too many skaters on the ice. However, there have been plenty of times when an obvious trip, hook, or slash has occured, gone uncalled and a goal is scored. Unfortunate? Yes. Is it worth a public display of disrespect for not only Grafton, who, in the final three periods of play earned a state championship, but also that of Red River who would probably rather be remembered as an exceptional hockey team rather than the team that was allegedly "ripped" of a state championship? Not in the least. Let it go. Grafton did not cheat. They were on a powerplay in the first place, and any coach in there right mind is not about to jepordize an excellent scoring opportunity by putting his team at risk for a penalty. A frequent and unfortunate error was made that may or may not have affected the outcome of the game. Like many other calls that affect the outcomes of games, we can't change this, and harrasing Grafton and it's players is not going to get you anywhere. That's it.
North Dakotans playing hockey after highschool
TheOcho replied to andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!!'s topic in Non-collegiate sports
Yes, can we get some clarification. As of right now the only name I see on the roster from the bunch is Ryan Ladoucer (sp). -
To be perfectly honest, the dialogue on this message board has became absolutly absurd. If you were to keep a running score on the entire year it would have been 9-7 in favor of Red River. To say that Grafton should not have believed they had a shot at the title would completely contradict the scores they posted in the regular season. Three of the four games these two teams played ended as one goal games. Plain and simple; either team could have won the state championship, and it is foolish to argue otherwise. On the non-call: We see players slashed, hooked, held, cross checked, and interfered with every game; many times this goes uncalled. In some situations, the occurance of these infractions lead to goals. However, no one can be sure if these goals would not have occured without the infraction. It is a true injustice to the players to diminish their efforts by tainting this game over a missed call. Red River had equal opportunity to score in the final minutes of the third period and the following overtime periods. It stings to think about what might have been had the call been made, but if you lived your sporting careers that way you could go through nearly every close game you've ever played and analyzed calls you believe refs should or should not have made, and how that would have impacted the outcome. It's not going to get you anywhere. It's done, it's over with, let's move on. Congratulations to both teams on a well played season.
The point was, that kids do not want to be told what to do. They will not be "kids" for many more years as when they turn 18 they will be a legal adult. At some point in time during that change to adulthood, the kids mature into adults and realize that they are going to have to listen to their superiors at their job or wherever they take their careers. For some kids, this may come before they turn 18. However, that's not really important. Hockey is a fast paced game that is filled emotion, and spur of the moment decisions. Players are going to celebrate, and not everyone is going to be pleased with the celebration all the time. As far as I'm concerned, unless the player makes a habit of overzelous celebrations, I'm not about to hand out "serious consequences" for one instance in which his or her emotions may have ran too high.
I don't think anyone will disagree a call was missed that could have potentially changed the outcome of the game. Is this the first time this has happend? Not even close. I've seen Red River players kick pucks in, South players cover pucks in the crease, Grafton players score with too many men, seen teams receive extra downs, etc. However, in many instances, we can not say with complete certainty had the correct call been made a goal would not have been scored, or the outcome of the game changed. From my analysis of the video, it is my conclusion that the forward number twelve does appear to be the sixth man on the ice. However, there is no rule on how many forwards or how many defensmen a team must have on the ice at one time (just a maximum of five skaters). With that said, had Coach Haugland caught the fact that number twelve wrongly entered the game, he could have shouted out to the defensemen who was sluggishly following the play and the game would have remained 5 on 4 rather than 6 on 4, and the goal would have still occured. Calls get missed in games, and it's really unfortunate when they taint the efforts of two very deserving teams. I think it's important to take this for what it is (a common mistake on the end of the referee) and find a way to prevent such instances from occuring in the future.
SportsDoc, I think we would all love to live in a world where people were so honest. But to be frank, we do not. Even so, when would a coaches authority end? Could he tell the "truth" about the opposing teams goals or penalties? I think we give the referees these responsibilities for a reason, and unfortunatly the system is not perfect. We have all seen goals kicked in, extra downs, pucks that have or have not crossed the line, etc. and the wrong call is made. I think it would be best if we enforced a greater and more effective replay system so that the most accurate call could be made everytime.
North Dakotans playing hockey after highschool
TheOcho replied to andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!!'s topic in Non-collegiate sports
Alex Simonson to Chicago? Interesting, I would have thought that after having a mediocre season (at least by his standards) that they would have lost interest. Good for him though. -
I know someone mentioned a defensive defenseman never winning the award, and while I can't think of one who won either, I can think of one who was very deserving and from the sounds of it plays a similiar game to Mr. Rehak. The kid was Sean Hoffman and he played defense for Fargo North in the 1990's. The kid was a real bruiser, and went on to play for the University of Minnesota as a linebacker (rightfully so). Anyway, with the way the voting goes, it is very possible that Ladoucer (sp?) and Meland will split votes from eastern coaches and western coaches will all vote for the same guy. Who knows. If I had to pick today with the information provided I'd probably give the nod to Meland. Mainly because I believe him and Ladouceur are on similiar tiers, but I have heard nothing about Ladouceurs intellectual level. However, it has been advertised that Meland boasts a 4.0. To be honest, I'd like to see academic ability removed from bias as to who wins the award, but the state add an all-academic team. That way the best hockey player wins the award and we still give recognition for the work the kids do that will almost certainly be of greater importance than their success on the ice. Just my take.