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  1. you beat me to it.
  2. Interesting, I never thought about the Red River draining north. I guess we always think everything in the plains drain into the Mississippi. But draining north makes sense to the lake plain, much like we have a plain south of Lake Ontario. The lake covered it till it receded north and of course everything there, meaning Finger Lakes area drains north to the St. Lawrence. But just south of Syracuse and east of the Finger Lakes the drainage is south to Chesapeake Bay.
  3. Do you know where the glaciers stopped in your area? Here in NY we have areas effected by a couple of different glacier times. You often get a flat plain just past the terminal moraine (the furthest point of glacier advance). As the glacier melts and recedes it forms a lake with a flat bottom. Once the glacier fully recedes the lake goes away leaving the plain. I believe you were part of Lake Agassiz, thus it's flat. edit: sorry, while typing this I had to help my daughter, so it's a little late.
  4. OK, what's it take to get a game worn? Those store bought ones, well. Have you guys ever done a third, or in your case fourth jersey that you then auction off? Coach Schafer did a interesting one. He had a third jersey made and then had the players research every player who had previously worn his number. They had to come up with the player who they thought was most significant to wear that number. They put that nameplate on the jersey and wore them for a game. After the game the auctioned them off for charity. I bought #14 Lodboa, he was the MVP for us in 1970 undefeated NCAA. Scored a natural hat trick, including a 2 men down SH, in the finals. After all, I'm as old as he is. It's interesting to wear it at away games and see who comes up to talk. Anyway, I ramble, but what about game worn?
  5. Actually the common representation is EZAC. Let's get it right, OK?
  6. We've had some of the same problems on eLynah. If you ignore them, they usually go away.
  7. The students hold up newspapers when the opponents are introduced. Once they say the coaches name they throw them on the ice and a crew comes out to pick them up. The Zamboni (Olympia) driver has been there for years. When he retired last year, the U gave him approval to continue driving for the games. He wears a different costume for each game. He's acquired quite an assortment over the years.
  8. Thanks for all the nice comments. I posted my good-bye on the game thread, but I hope we all get together again. We do appreciate that there is at least one western team willing to come east. I'll post the link to your photos on eLynah.
  9. Thanks, one of the things that has kept me enjoying college hockey all these years (after all I came to Cornell when Ned Harkness came to coach) is that it's not only exciting, but after you can have a beer with your adversary. There's not a limited amount of fun out there; if we all try and make it better for each other, then we all gain. I met some nice UND fans and learned more about your school. For that I'm a better person and it makes it more enjoyable watching you when Cornell isn't there. Well, it's probably time to move on, to each our conferences, and to hope we get to play one another in the playoffs.
  10. Gee thanks, I tell you that you have better players and deserved to win Fri.; so you rub it in my face. Maybe that's how you respond to a compliment, but it's not mine. If you want to discuss the programs, I'd be happy to do that, but not in that way. Look back at my former posts, I've been nothing but complimentary to your team and program. Oh well.
  11. Well, I didn't yell you moron, so I guess I'm not that fan, but I did scream about the no-call that led to your winning goal. Maybe this post on eLynah will help: As I've said before, you guys have better players and deserved to win Fri., but to have the wind kicked out of you by that no-call, terrible. I'm proud of how the team kept trying, just think about the game if that was a penalty instead of a goal.
  12. I sent you this message: I've got an extra that I'm trying to sell. Call me at 315-877-1180 if you need it. Good luck, but not too much of it, tonight.
  13. You guys are too pessimistic. Our numbers, goalie included, are almost the same. We've not shown we can beat a great team. Looking forward to the game and I hope our students are there.
  14. Yes, here's standard directions: I-81 (from the south): Take exit 8 at Whitney Point; follow Route 79 West all the way to Ithaca. At the flashing yellow light (intersection with Pine Tree Road), turn right onto Pine Tree Road; continue to the end of Pine Tree Road at the intersection with Route 366 (flashing red light). Turn left onto Route 366; continue to the flashing yellow light and proceed straight onto Hoy Road; the parking garage and stadium will be on your right. Hoy Road ends at the intersection with Campus Road; turn right onto Campus Road to reach Lynah Rink. If you do a Google map search for Newman Arena, Lynah will show up adjacent to it. In fact you can get to the rink more easily by turning right off Pine Tree Road on Route 366. Then left on Judd Falls Road, left on Campus Road. Once you pass Wing Road you'll see parking on the right. There's parking all along Campus Road up to Newman Arena (Also known as Bartels Hall). There's also a wrestling match with Lehigh so parking will be tight. So if it looks packed take the first space you see and walk. Walk along to Bartel's Hall, enter and keep walking west and you'll see tables set up for selling jerseys, etc.. Past that you'll walk to the attached rink. Where are your tickets? Visitors are usually in Sec. O. Here's a seating chart. If you go by official directions and park in the garage you'll enter from the open end at section A. That's the students entrance. Walk into section A and there's a walkway at the end of the rink over to section O. If you come by my directions you'll be at the F,G,H,J end. I'm in section L row 11 seat 23. It's on the section K end of the row. Stop by, you'll need to convince the attendant you just want to visit as with your ticket they won't want to let you down.
  15. Tickets are not usually scalped for high cost, often just face value for someone with an extra. You can try the ticket exchange of eLynah.
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