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    in your nightmares

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  1. Well, your on an opposing fan site plus most fans get very sensitive and agitated after a loss. A little razzing gets them going :p

  2. some times the truth slips out, how's feel to lose to a team of gay guys
  3. Well it keeps em busy, so there not out getting busted at the bars
  4. I'll let them know not to bother to show up and play, thanks
  5. Just enough time to drink some St. Patty's Day beer!!! See you all next week!!!! Geez, Don't take things so personally!! It's only a little s&!t giving!!
  6. OH Yea! Gophers Nat'l Champs in Wrestling !!!!!!!!!!! Good night ! National Champinship tonight, victory over the Sue, Hockey Championship coming up, Priceless!!!!!
  7. And a cowgirl's star to boot, totally lacking in sense and class
  8. Keep liv'n there, you figure it someday.
  9. Liv'n in the past, you just stay there. remember when the Sue were good.
  10. Who's got the trophy?
  11. You girls have a good night!!!
  12. don't be so bitter
  13. We'll see you there, Flightee Sue
  14. Who's your DADDY GIRL'S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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