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satans 68

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  1. wow maybe some of you should have been at the earlier games this year when he was the hardest working player on the ice most night---lousey year ---hardly----hes playing hard every shift---hes having a great jr year unless you have to be on the stat sheet to have a good year----this is the reason i seldom post here but this one about darcy ---just not factual
  2. sounds like -----means you have not seen him play---coaches and everyone else involved in recruiting know what they are doing---this kind of post is one reason why the coaches tell the players not to read any of this stuff---just play the game---
  3. dont post much ---this is one of the reasons why
  4. think you are correct on davidson --dont think he will be watching from the stands
  5. it is time to move on---most people realize there is not much more that could be done to change the situation-----i for one want to be just NORTH DAKOTA ----nothing else says it all like that name---lived here my entire life and proud of our state and university----there's only two resonable requests i think should be made---1---that if the majority of people want to be just NORTH DAKOTA we need to consider that---2---the very people who have blasted UND and GRAND FORKS as racist community and learning center please step aside and let those people who truly love und for everything it stands for make a decision on what direction to go next---the g.f.herald---d. ylellbirds---and ron thunders must realize they probably wont be needed in the next process---wonder if benny brien can do a logo with ND? probably would do great job GO NORTH DAKOTA!!
  6. o.k. here is my only post ever but its a fact ----maybe this will end the thread or i will have someone going after me like they did b.l.----saw hak ---told him i was worried--he said nothing to worry about--he loves the place like we do
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