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I have never said my race is no better but it is no less than anyone elses. I never said that we had it the hardest, but many people in this world do. Everyone, no matter the race has hardships. Again, I'm proud to be Ojibwe. But that doesn't mean I look down on other races. I wish others didn't look down on me. I wish that just because I have an opinion that doesn't sit well with others wouldn't cause so much disrespect and pain as it does. It's a shame that people here are so cruel. This is a so called discussion group but all we do is belittle ourselves down to name calling and supporting hatred. All I have done is post in response to some of the stereotypes that are on here, such as the supposed lump somes of money Natives recieve. And on that note, anyone that did receive those treaties or royalties, it is compared to trust funds for any non native or native person that maybe their father or grandfather invested wisely. Why do we hate anyone who's family wisely invested money for their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren? Or do we? Good for anyone that has thought of the future and not waste money away. And that's the same as when my great grandfathers signed those treaties. How does anyone here know that I only volunteer my time to Native people? No one here knows me, who I am or what I do? Of course I feel partial to take care of my family, just as you all do, I think. My family doesn't just consist of my biological brothers and sisters, it consists of the communities I was raised in. They give me respect and in turn I give them mine. I believe in taking care of everyone, regardless of sex, race, creed, etc. And same goes for respect, if they will give it to me. and on that note Josie, you've made it abundantly clear that you do not like me. I get it, and never questioned it. Your little letters to me online in private and in public are pretty childish, no immature, I wouldn't want to compare you to a child. Move on and grow up a little bit, eh?
So I want some heft sum that everyone seems to always talk about when we debate the nickname issue. I want some of these royalty and treaty checks. I was born and raised on a reservation and still enrolled there. My mailbox is empty yet. I get so tired of everyone quick to assume the know so much about life as a Native American and life on a reservation. I don't care if someone here will argue they have lived on one. EACH RESERVATION AND TRIBE IS DIFFERENT. Just assuming each person gets some heft sum of money from the government is yet another stereotype. As for taking care of one another, yeah I guess according to America, I'm socialist. I believe in taking care one another. I guess I'm a good doer that makes people sick to their stomachs. I don't care what the color of a person's skin is. If they're hungry, I'll feed them. If they're need a place to sleep, I'll get them shelter. If they're hurting, I'll find a way to stop that pain. Its the way I was raised I suppose. You know, aren't we debating the nickname? Oh, no... lets criticize Natives and bring up anything negative we can think of so we can take the focuse off of the issue once again. Yes, its sad that the drop out rate is high on reservations. We're working on it. I can say on my reservation the school enrollment and graduating rate increases yearly. Good for them! And many people do continue to get their GED's. But then, many of these elders in our community still don't speak English. Good for them that they have preserved what's left of the language here. However, its just now becoming customary for children to go to school. I sit and visit with my elders, they were taken out of their homes at young ages to work and make ends meet because their original way of life wasn't allowed, and they suddenly had to pay bills for the current times. Some of these people are only 60 years old. So forgive me and anyone else that sympathizes with lack of American Education standards. However I think many of these people are far more intelligent than people with that posses a doctorate. Infact, one of the more successful men in the TriState area from Indian Country didn't recieve a complete education. I am not to discuss Affirmative Action here either. Like many things, I don't agree with it, but it had a purpose and reason behind it. And again... lets get back to the issue of the nickname. Not cutting down my people. I don't do it to anyone here... so why is it okay for you to do it? I thought you honor us?
Amy Dalrymple has focused many articles on UND and the Fighting Sioux nickname and anything related to it. However, I do feel that she writes articles that are clearly opinion and looks for an answer that she wants & not necessarily out for truth. My own personal opinion is she's just a journalist trying to get a name for herself. She's put out columns before that were entirely unresearched, taking one person's comment or opinion and not really listen to much else. Like anything though, people always want to know where the money is coming from... whether it has to do with a nickname or someone's advertisement in the media. We're just all pretty nosey like that, and by we, I mean all Americans, right?
Ok, how come when the nickname issue is out and about we start 'threatening' to take money away towards Native American programs? the nickname has nothing to do with these programs. why is this accused to be Gothmog GK in disguise? Or am I GK in disguise? or anyone else who is a member of this website that have debated the issue from the opposing side of the discussion? Why can't we just state our personal opinions and all be different people that have similar opinions, as many of you do about supporting the nickname? Or are you all one person? I don't know who Gothmog is, but perhaps it is actually someone new. But I haven't been posting on these forums lately... just reading them. Everyone regardless of their position is often told that they are wrong for what they believe, and in turn, they ask why their opinion is wrong, and everyone else is right? then they go and do the same thing again and again. its like a broken record. as for 'hearing' it's only tribal leaders and a few others, i'd have to beg to differ. There's plenty of people that don't support the nickname, some are more vocal then others obviously. Some of us naive people that we'd be able to give different perspectives on the matter too, only to be harassed and mistreated. And all we wanted was to be heard, to be listened to. Instead nothing but disrespect and claims that a few of us were the ones being disrespectful or calling others racists or engaging in reverse racism. Something I have not been involved in, yes there are people who come on here and do engage in racists acts, which I disagree with, but others, well, again, just want to have an actual conversation without resorting to name calling. Because we know how name calling gets a job done... anyway... I hope everyone had a good holiday and happy new year.
Unfortunately though, councils change every two years, and each person is will have a different perspective on it. And when it comes to the public voting, just as in any town, county, or state, you just don't get everyone out to go vote... and it's also difficult when people don't have all the information I guess. I think for many natives on reservations, including myself, some of us just didn't know what it was all about until you either started following the news (which is always misleading) or lived where the problem really was. It's just one of those neverending things when it comes to trying to gain tribal approval. About anything. Not just this nickname. And many tribal council members just get annoyed with UND asking them to make a decision. It's not on their main agenda, though many feel its important, but there are just other issues to deal with. It's just an unfortunate situation for everyone. Oh Jim... Like the new updates!
No, for me, I understand that they are just extremists. I have friends that are from all different religions. As a Christian though, I will just continue to pray for them and anyone else affected by this. Hopefully, but very doubtful, that someday they'll realize that they are wrong. I think they are misrepresenting Baptists by going to such extremes... I would not let one or two or three individuals deter me from learning or basing my opinions by their reckless and ridiculous actions claiming to represent a whole group.
I asked a real question, seeking an answer. And someone answered it politely. Thank you.
that would definitely set them straight. I'll definitely say prayers for the family and those who will be protecting them this weekend.
Perhaps anyone who plans on going should maybe take their American Flags and hold them up high and tight, so the signs of the protestors can't be seen? I wish that there was more jurisdiction over these demonstrators. At Nathan's (Cpl Goodiron) funeral, we were fortunate enough to bar these people off the reservation and let Eileen & family grieve in private. Maybe the demonstrators need to go live somewhere else so they know why we are at war trying to protect this country...
http://www.grandforksherald.com/articles/index.cfm?id=19487 If I'm snowed in to Grand Forks this weekend, I will help in anyway I can too.
As I sit here listening to the news, they've announced demonstrators are planning to come to Grand Forks for the funeral of Cpl Kleinwachter. They were trying to create something to protect the services, but didn't come up with money... ...is anyone planning or willing to go to protect this family? They are grieving now and I am just appauled by this church group.
ohhhh... makes sense... lol i don't read most of the stuff on dartmouth and UND fighting...
i never insulted her. and no one directly asked my name. and after seeing what goes on lately, i definitely won't for the time being. I would wish to keep my name anonymous for the time being, and hopefully people can respectfully do the same. I've respectfully withheld names before at their request... so again, I expect the same. I've never come on this board and acted in a racist manner. For that matter, I don't believe I've ever harassed anyone on here either. Maybe a simple message in private to requesting that the behavior to stop. But of course, it only encouraged them. or never meant to if I did. and if I had in the past. My apologies.
is this strange that we are now calling the governor? I mean... anyone that is a major activist or protestor against the nickname is told to find better things to do, fight other fights... but while the Hoeven is trying to work, they are calling him to make statements about a nickname? I dunno. It just isn't making sense at this moment. For me, Hoeven has a lot more to deal with on his plate than discussing the nickname.