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    Eden Prairie, MN

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  1. Sensers in Bloomington is about 5 miles from my house. I get the channel on DirecTV so I am sure they do too.
  2. Not sure why I am so lucky to have it on two channels in EP - but I will take it! On a side note. Does anyone know if KAWE will carry all the home Bemidji games? That would be a nice Easter Egg after recently switching to DirecTV!
  3. Not sure why I am so lucky to have it on two channels in EP - but I will take it! On a side note. Does anyone know if KAWE will carry all the home Bemidji games? That would be a nice Easter Egg after recently switching to DirecTV!
  4. For anyone in the Twin Cities area with DirecTV the games will be on 17 (KTCI2) and 22 (KAWE) both nights. Go Sioux!
  5. North Dakota already has a flag ship institution and it is located in Grand Forks. Wow - that was easy and you don't even need a vote to figure it out. With that taken care of - if you have money to burn and time to waste I have a paypal account and a bunch of stuff that needs to be done around my house!
  6. Since I do not get FSN Rocky Mountain I did not know about this. I did see those games on FCS which picked up the FSN RM feed, but unfortunately it was only in SD. This weekend will be my first time seeing the Sioux in HD on the BTN, but lucky for me it will be from my DVR as there will be several of us heading to "The John" for the games. Sioux/Gophers week - what could be better? Go Sioux!
  7. If you can hook a laptop or PC up to your TV I would suggest paying fightingsioux.com the $60. The quality is pretty good and as mentioned before, there are a few road games each year that are offered at no extra charge. Before last season I bought a PC just to hook up in my entertainment center. Between fightingsioux.com, other schools' webcasts, Fox College Sports, and FSN-North, I can not recall a game I wasn't able to watch. Just my two cents! 10 days until the puck drops - Go Sioux!
  8. Did anyone happen to buy the webcast from Tech's site? I was wondering if they put the games under the "On Demand" section like UND does. I couldn't tell without signing up and I don't feel like paying the $12 or whatever to find out. Hopefully tonight we can pick up 2 more points!
  9. I have two General Admission tickets available for sale. I am asking $50 each which is face value plus all the TM fees. PM me if you are interested. Thanks and Go Sioux!
  10. I do believe a general admission ticket allows you to sit in any open seat in the building
  11. My Wife and I have General Admission tickets and plan to stand in the Bar behind the club seats. I think the point of a General Admission ticket is to allow you to get in the door. As long as there is an open seat (or open space for that matter) anywhere in the Ralph, it is fair game!
  12. Do you have Comcast? I do and I signed up for the sports package last night and whatever was on the NHL Network wasn't in HD. I would imagine the cameras at The Ralph are not HD so either way my guess is tonight's game will just be standard def.
  13. We only made it down for the Saturday game last year but hit up Blue Bricks and Pub 500 (one before and one after) both were pretty good. Since we will be down for both games this year maybe we will stop by B-Dubs at some point. Bottom line, there isn't really a bad place to go and everything is right next to the arena. If you were to drop The Ralph in downtown Grand Forks it would be similar to how Mankato is set up. It was a ton of fun last year and I am hoping this year will be the same! Go Sioux!
  14. Yep - number 8 is all that matters!
  15. October 1st? I had it marked down on my calendar as October 6th. We went to Mankato last year for just the Saturday night game. It was a blast so we are going to hit up both games this year. We also made the Saturday St. Cloud game, but I found Mankato a much better time. Let's get this season started already! Go Sioux!
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