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Posts posted by Piper

  1. Apparently Sioux fans have forgotten where their season ended in 2002 and 2003. The Sioux can't beat the Gophers in their own Nazi palace so they have to brag about another team doing it for them. Very pathetic for a so called proud fanbase.

  2. I thought you weren't supposed to be a troll?

    You could say that the Gophers didn't show up for their biggest game of the season last year against Holy Cross as well.

    With Lammy in net and a more experienced d-corps, I don't think that our defense will be a problem.

    I see nothing wrong with having Porter or Kozek on the top 2 lines. Kozek showed last year that he has a sniper of a wrist shot...and if you put more skill around him and take him off of the checking line, it opens up his offensive game that much more. I look for him to have a breakout year offensively. The same goes for Porter, as he has been limited the last few years on the grinder/checking line. He should take advantage if given the opportunity to show off his offensive side as well.

    Already counting UND out? And so early! :ohmy: They are still very talented. I look for them to have another good year; with hopefully another trip to the F4. With posts like yours, there's no reason to take you seriously. :lol:

    Only on SS.com will you hear anyone call Kozek a sniper. Now I've heard everything.
  3. yeah, it was a crappy game VS BC, but man, at least the gophs lost to a national powerhouse in HOLY CROSS with all those scholarship players and NHL draft picks, losing to a team in BC really is embarassing.....

    oh yeah, what team did he give up 2 goals to in columbus..can't remember...............

    how many goals did minnesota give up in last years frozen 4? can't remember that either..damn memory is already going at age 25....

    What good did it do you? You choked two days later.
  4. I really like that last picture, yep, that was a great day.

    So was April 6th, when the Siouxage didn't even bother to show up for their biggest game of the season and got their a$$e$ handed to them on national television. Good way for Parise to go out though, giving up ten goals in his last two Frozen Four appearances. Lammy in net next year? Good luck with that. And Kozek and Porter possibly on the top line or two? Their's no reason to even take UND seriously next year.

    Look at the bright side though, by sucking so much next season UND won't have to bother making those generic uniforms for the NCAA Tournament.

  5. Geeze... some of you are pretty sensitive.... TSN was the one to report it... I only blogged about it because I thought it was funny. I'll never say anything negative about a Sioux again. :ohmy:
    Sorry, I didn't mean to call you specifically a moron. I didn't know it was TSN who reported this first... they're the morons! Thanks for the info though.
  6. As a Gopher fan, I would much rather have Sioux fans wearing HC jerseys at Mariucci next year instead of their Sioux gear. Puprple goes well with mullets and Nascar hats. While reading through this thread and the other HC threads on here, it's hard for me to believe that I'm on a website for one of the most tradition rich and greatest college hockey programs of all time. The inferiority complex that you people have for the University of Minnesota just baffles me.

    Look, I know the back to back NCAA titles pissed you all off, and I know you're still pissed about Parise and Bochenski leaving town without a ring... and I know you're all still upset that Vanek won ROTY over God and that Kessel won ROTY over Toews and Oshie. And I know you're a little pissed off about the Sioux managing only a .333 winning % against Minnesota at the new Ralph. But really people, you guys have the Gophers on your minds more than St. Cloud State and Duluth fans combined. It's truly pathetic.

    You all need to wake up tomorrow, get over the depressing feeling that living in Grand Forks brings, and get a life. You're the only fanbase of one of the top programs in the country that doesn't act like one.

  7. Parise is a good goalie, he just needs to learn how to play well in a Frozen Four. :D

    But seriously, I doubt Parise will be with UND next year. He's a Junior and a free agent coming off a huge year. His stock will never be higher than right now. He'd be crazy not to take the money, and I'd be surprised to see him in a Sioux uniform again.

  8. Two examples of North Dakota's bizarre obsesion with their rivals:

    1) Two words: Holy Cross. I'd expect Sioux fans to be happy to see the Gophers lose, but the level of enthusiasm over this game is beyond belief. Very SCSU and Duluth like of them.

    2) North Dakota State's victory over Wisconsin in men's basketball. The petty jealousy throughout the Grand Forks city limits due to the national exposure that NDSU received from that win was very strange, to say the least. But if UND fans could just for once take off their green and white glasses and realize that not everything is about them, they'd see that people around the country didn't think twice about ND's little Div. II college up in grand Forks when talking about the NDSU/UW b-ball upset.

  9. The old REA is one of the greatest arenas in the history of college hockey. The atmosphere was incredible, and the intimidation factor was very high. My first game there was in 1989 when the Sioux beat the Gophers 9-0. The Gophs won the next night 9-3. I made sure to go up there in November of 2000 so I could see the last series that Minnesota ever played in that building. It would be a shame to see it gone, but it's better than turning it into a women's b-ball and volleyball and men's wrestling arena like the "U" did to old Mariucci.

  10. holy crap, i didn't know that tDon would let you post here, but then again mazacco, you are just a broadcaster!! Did you even see the same fight?? it was 5-0 for starters, it was the end of the second period, and i'm sure it was frustration on McMahon's part, but Vanelli was asking for it and he got it!! He was/is a huge pussy and deserved to get his ass kicked, regardless of situation.

    You're right, I forgot the Gophers added another goal just to rub it in a little more. Of course by that time there were only about 2,500 people left in the arena to see it.
  11. Rory is an animal!!!

    Is that what you call that? That fight between Vanelli and McMahon was nothing more than McMahon being a giant baby because his Sioux were losing at home to the Gophers (again) 6-0 in the 3rd period at the time. I can certainly understand the frustration that comes from your arch rival owning a .666 win % in your own building, including TWO sweeps, not to mention winning the grand opening of the arena in front of Ralph himself and all his cronies. But starting that fight showed the true class of UND. The only thing that made it worth it was the fact that I was sitting in the front row right in front of the fight so I got an up close view of McMahon getting the snot beat out of him by a Gopher Freshman defenseman.
  12. Umm, no. He sure didn't get much help with all the odd-man rushes that BC was getting. The first two BC goals were amazing shots, into the far side, off the post and in. Another BC goal was a deflection of a Sioux players stick. Another one was a breakaway.

    Yes, if he was having a better game he might have stopped one or two of those goals, but I'm not about to blame the entire loss on him. Hockey is a team game. Where was the defense on those odd-man rushes and the breakaway?

    It certainly wasn't his best game, but saying that he 'cost us the game' is taking it a bit too far IMO.


    this is a very logical post. But let me ask you this. Everything you just said could easily be applied to Briggs and the Gophers following the SCSU game at the Final Five. Minnesota's defense totally let Briggs down. But how come after that game all we heard was how bad Briggs and Frazee were? They were the scapegoats in that one, and it's a very similar situation to the UND/BC game. For some reason it's impossible for Sioux fans to admit that their goalie got absolutely lit up on the national stage.

  13. And now we've come full circle. Yes, folks, we have gone to the Frozen Four twice in the last two years. And yeah, both times we lost because of Jordan Parise.

    Ok, now is reality check time. Both times we didn't lose because of Jordan Parise. We lost because of mistakes made on the ice by the players and simple bad luck. DU game: Uh, how many goals went off of Smaby's body into the net? How could Smaby have avoided those? Where was the offense vs. DU? Seems like that loss was Parise's fault. :silly: Versus BC: BC capitolized on more of our mistakes than we did of theirs. We had 7 powerplays to work with they had what... 4? Our offense did turn it on in the third but too little too late. Jordan did give up 2 soft goals, that much I'll admit. But with the offense put up, that means we should have won the game vs. BC right? Nope. They played better than us and deserved to win. Nice that you'd scapegoat Parise though.

    So yeah. I'd still take Jordan Parise any day of the week, but if the SIoux lose, I'll try to look at reality, not look at a hunt for a scapegoat.

    Two soft goals in an NCAA semifinal is two too many. You're right about the Denver game, he was ok in that one. But he flat out cost you the BC game. How come when the gophers give up 6 or 7 goals their goalie was a sieve, but when the Sioux give up 6 or 7 goals their goalie was fine but it was their defense that let them down? Logical Sioux fans admit that Parise was terrible in Milwaukee
  14. yeah, im not worried about his regular season numbers at all. but when it comes down to a DO OR DIE game with no tomorrow that guy is loss waiting to happen..is kangas coming in this year or the next??

    DO OR DIE situation? I'd say the Frozen Four is do or die, and Parise has given up 10 goals in his last two Frozen Four games. And he looked especially bad vs. BC. I think Parise is a top 5 goaltender in the country and I know he has great playoff stats, but the past two years when UND got eliminated they could have used much stronger performances from him. Having said that, I'd take Parise over ANY goalie the Gophs have. :silly:
  15. (Ok, Sioux-cia, get ready to get flammed!)

    I don't go to any other teams sites to read, to post, to spit, etc. BUT as a fan of Fighting Sioux and Chicago sports teams, I'm here to tell ya there ain't nothing like a good rivalry! I'm a BIG Chicago Bears fan (*ducks*) and love giving $hit to my best friend's husband who is a Packer fan. I sent him a Packer doll in a coffin one year; another year I gave him a bucket filled with yellow and green beads. On one side I put, 'Packers kick the bucket' and on the other side, 'Packers bucket of tears'. :glare:

    I don't see a problem with other hockey fans coming on board and discussing hockey, yes, and even posting a bit of trash talk. That's part of sports. I enjoy some of the give and take trash talk. I have a problem with posters like ATLeveryonewithasportsforumPHAN whose sole purpose is to come here and antagonize us under the guise of being a Sioux fan. hockey1, Wpos, etc. don't bother me and I don't see why they can't come here. They know they're gonna get flammed for some of their 'hearfelt' opinions but they're here because they're hockey fans.

    This is a Fighting Sioux sports forum and they come on with the full knowledge that they're not gonna be the popular kids on the block. There's good stuff being discussed on this forum and they want to contribute to it. So what!!!

    Flame away......

    Great post. I wish more Sioux fans on here shared your opinion.
  16. Has anyone else confirmed this is actually a true story or something that was dreamed up by some troll from Minny.

    I've seen it mentioned on numerous threads on USCHO and here. I don't know if it's true or not... it would be great news if it turned out to be just a rumor because it sounded like a sad situation.
  17. Talking about a 3-peat right now is laughable. They'll certainly be very good next year, but they might actually have to leave the state of Wisconsin for the NCAA's (I know Gopher fans have no right to complain about other teams getting home ice for NCAA's). As a Gopher fan, I have to admit that this offseason will be a long one. Our most hated rival won the NCAA Title, and our season ended on our second biggest rivals home rink in the greatest upset in the history of the NCAA Tournament.

  18. I also hope Spirko stays. When someone like Zajac signs early you congratulate him and be happy for him. But Spirko's situation is totally different. It certainly would be noble of him to go back home and help his family in need, but that would be a sad way to leave his university.

  19. Holy Cross! Who tinkled in your cheerios?? By the way, it won't matter because you still have Briggs. :glare:

    Parise has given up 10 goals in his last 2 Frozen Four games. I hope he stays for his senior year. :D;)

    Notice the smiles people!! All in good fun. :D

  20. You really call this spouting off? Wow. It's a simple discussion about college hockey... god forbid discuss hockey with fans of other teams. I've never seen fans as provincial as Sioux fans. I put forth a completely normal post and Triouxper comes in and is flat out offensive and no Sioux fans say anything about this clown. Gopher fans at GPL welcome fans of other teams. I don't come in here to flame, and just because Triouxper has a temper tantrum after reading a logical post of mine doesn't mean that I am. If you guys don't want me in here talking college puck than I simply wont post anymore. But the attitude and reaction of some people on here is just bizzarre. I'm just trying to have some fun talking with some of the best college hockey fans in the country, quit acting like I insulted youy mother.

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