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Everything posted by siouxforeverbaby

  1. Round 6: Kevin G – Berg, James, Sacha, Strinden, Perron UND_Gina - Berg , Sacha, James, Strinden, Wilkie @Kevin G and @UND_Gina - picks are due on Friday at 6:30 pm Central
  2. Final Picks for tonight: Round 5: Blackheart – Berg, James, Sacha, Perron Kevin G – Berg, James, Sacha, Strinden, Perron UND_Gina - Berg , Sacha, James, Strinden, Wilkie
  3. Picks are due at 5:30 pm Central tomorrow Round 5: Blackheart – Berg, James, Sacha, Perron Kevin G – Berg, James, Sacha, Strinden UND_Gina - Berg , Sacha, James, Strinden
  4. Final Picks for tonight: Round 4: Blackheart – Berg, James, Sacha, Perron Kevin G – Berg, James, Sacha, Strinden UND_Gina - Berg , Sacha, James, Strinden
  5. Those moving on are below: Round 4: Blackheart – Berg, James, Sacha Kevin G – Berg, James, Sacha UND_Gina - Berg , Sacha, James Picks are due on Friday at 6:06 pm Central.
  6. Final Picks for tonight: Round 3: Blackheart – Berg, James, Sacha Kevin G – Berg, James, Sacha UND_Gina - Berg , Sacha, James Speez – Berg, James, Kunz
  7. Those moving on are below: Round 3: Blackheart – Berg, James Kevin G – Berg, James UND_Gina - Berg , Sacha Speez – Berg, James Picks are due tomorrow at 4:30 pm central.
  8. Final Picks for tonight: Round 2: siouxforeverbaby – Sacha, Berg Blackheart – Berg, James Goon - Sacha Kevin G – Berg, James JaDubbs - Berg UND_Gina - Berg , Sacha zqglmtv – Berg, Owen Speez – Berg, James Scorpio – Sacha, Berg NCsiouxfan1733 – Sacha, Berg
  9. Thank you for being honest!
  10. Those moving on are below: Round 2: siouxforeverbaby - Sacha Blackheart - Berg Goon - Sacha Kevin G - Berg JaDubbs - Berg UND_Gina - Berg zqglmtv - Berg Speez - Berg Scorpio - Sacha NCsiouxfan1733 - Sacha sioux24/7 - Jake. Picks are due tonight at 5:30 pm Central. My apologies for late notice. @Blackheart, @Goon, @Kevin G, @JaDubbs, @UND_Gina, @zqglmtv. @Speez, @Scorpio, @NCsiouxfan1733, @sioux24/7
  11. Final Picks from last Saturday Round 1: siouxforeverbaby - Sacha Vegas_Sioux - James siouxporter - Croal Blackheart - Berg Hawkster - James siouxfaninseattle - James. Goon - Sacha Kevin G - Berg JaDubbs - Berg brucespook - Croal Sweethockey - James UND_Gina - Berg brianvf - James zqglmtv - Berg Budwmn - Strinden Stack - Swanson Dirtpile - Wilkie Speez - Berg cberkas - TJ Scorpio - Sacha Reformed Gphr Fan - James NCsiouxfan1733 - Sacha mattim - Littler siouxczech29 - James sioux24/7 - Jake. axnecorl - James 90siouxfan - Louis fargosioux - Wiebe
  12. Good morning from sunny AZ! I am picking Sacha
  13. RULES: Anyone can enter. Only 1 entry per person Each night the Sioux play, you are allowed to select 1 Sioux player you think will score a goal. Your player must score or you are eliminated from the competition. If your player scores a goal, you will move on to the next night the Sioux play. You will again select 1 Sioux player you think will score a goal, HOWEVER, you may not select the player you used in the previous round(s) as you can only use each player 1 time, and 1 time only. Again, if your player does not score a goal, you are eliminated. If your player does score a goal, you will again move on to the next night the Sioux play. Last one standing is the SURVIVOR! ***You MUST post your selection by replying to this thread.*** All selections must be in 1/2 hour prior to game time(ex. game time 737p, picks must be in by 707p). We will be using this boards clock as the official clock. If you qualify but miss a game, you are automatically ELIMINATED from the game. If all people are eliminated in the same night, all players that were eligible for that game will carry over to the next Sioux game as though all their players scored the previous night. You are allowed to post "if I make it" picks for a weekend series. For example: Sioux play Fri/Sat. Youcan make your picks for both games, please post these in the same post. Once your selection is made, you can NOT change it. Be aware of who is dressing and who is not, it is YOUR responsibility to find out! Shootout goals do NOT count as a goal scored. When down to 2 players, each participant must select a different player. Siouxsports.com will be used for all official stats and time keeping. 2007-2008 Winners: Nodakvindy (Game #1), NorthDakotaHockey (Game #2), Ray77 (Game #3), soSIOUXme (Game #4) 2008-2009 Winners: draftsman74 (Game #1), schmidtdoggydog (Game #2), *Reformed Gphr Fan (Game #3), Ice ArenaMan (Game #4) 2009-2010 Winners: *SteveP (Game #1), Hrkac (Game #2), *Reformed Gphr Fan (Game #3), I Ranger (Game #4), deansteg (Game #5), SiouxSax (Game #6), Walsh Hall (Game #7) 2010-2011 Winners: AmericanSoldier15u (Game #1), BigSioux (Game #2), siouxknocka (Game #3), *siouxzy (Game #4), *minotsiouxfan (Game #5), sprig (Game #6), *SiouxScore (Game #7), *u2numb (Game #8) 2011-2012 Winners: UND85 (Game #1), *siouxzy (Game #2), *808287 (Game #3), UND WF078 (Game #4), *Speez (Game #5), *Scorpio (Game #6), *Reformed Gphr Fan (Game #7), *siouxknocka (Game #8) 2012-2013 *UND_Gina (Game #1), *siouxporter (Game #2), *Budwmn (Game #3), *Blackheart (Game #4), *Stack (Game #5), *u2numb (Game #6), *Blackheart (Game #7) 2013-2014: Laker (Game #1), *Scorpio (Game #2), bigskyvikes (Game #3), luv4hockey (Game #4), willythekid (Game #5), *SWSiouxMN (Game #6), *Vegas_Sioux (Game #7), jdub27 (Game #8) 2014-2015: cberkas (Game #1), *Speez (Game #2), ericpnelson (Game #3), 90Siouxfan (Game #4), *Ice Arena Man (Game #5), soSIOUXme (Game #6), *Vegas_Sioux (Game #7), *ericpnelson (Game #8), OLDNORSK (Game #9), zqglmtv (Game #10), Goon* (Game #11) 2015-2016 *SiouxSax (Game #1), BeazSioux (Game #2), siouxforcefans (Game #3), *siouxporter (Game #4), *SiouxSax (Game #5), Predator (Game #6), *Reformed Gphr Fan (Game #7), *u2numb (Game #8), *UND_Gina (Game #9), *Budwmn (Game #10), *SiouxScore (Game #11) 2016-2017 *SiouxperSiouxFan (Game #1), SiouxCrioux (Game #2), *siouxforeverbaby (Game #3), Dirtpile (Game #4), *SiouxperSiouxFan (Game #5), *siouxporter (Game #6),*stoneySIOUX (Game #7) 2017-2018 *u2numb (Game #1), *Stack (Game #2), urstillamelvn (Game #3), Scoop (Game #4), *SWSiouxMN (Game #5), *stoneySIOUX (Game #6), *minotsiouxfan (Game #7), FGHTNSXHawkey14 (Game #8), *SteveP (Game #9), Siouxperior (Game #10), *Blackheart (Game #11), siouxguyinFF (Game #12), *dakotaKid92 (Game #13), *Stack (Game #14), *Scorpio (Game #15), BarnWinterSportsEngelstad (Game #16) 2018-2019: *axnecorl (Game #1), *Reformed Gphr Fan (Game #2), Siouxman (Game #3), *Speez (Game #4), *808287 (Game #5), *minotsiouxfan (Game #6), *siouxforeverbaby (Game #7), *Siouxperior (Game #8) 2019-2020: Hawkster (Game #1), *axnecorl (Game #2), *Siouxperior (Game #3), UNDMOORHEAD (Game #4), *SiouxScore (Game #5), *dakotaKid92 (Game #6), *u2numb (Game #7), *siouxforeverbaby (Game #8), *Siouxperior (Game #9), *siouxfaninseattle (Game #10) 2020-2021: *siouxguyinFF (Game #1), SiouxperDave (Game #2), *siouxguyinFF (Game #3), *Dirtpile (Game #4), *SteveP (Game #5), *Scorpio (Game #6) 2021-2022: *90siouxfan (Game #1), *BarnWinterSportsEngelstad (Game #2), Langster019 (Game #3), *Hawkster (Game #4), *Siouxperior (Game #5), *stoneySIOUX (Game #6), Fader (Game #7), Sweethockey (Game #8), *Speez(Game #9), mattim (Game #10) 2022-2023: *siouxporter (Game #1), *axnecorl (Game #2), *Speez (Game #3), *u2numb (Game #4), *Dirtpile (Game #5), *Speez (Game #6), *Scorpio (Game #7), *Reformed Gphr Fan (Game #8), *Reformed Gphr Fan (Game #9), hky (Game #10), *UND_Gina (Game #11), *siouxfaninseattle (Game #12) 2023-2024: *siouxforeverbaby (Game #1). sioux24/7 (Game #2), *Scorpio (Game #3), *Stack(Game #4), sweethockey (Game #5), *Reformed Gphr Fan(Game #6), *Speez (Game #7), zqglmtv (Game #8), siouxczech29 (Game #9) 2024-2025 SiouxFan100 (Game #1), Youldy (Game #2), *Dirtpile (Game #3), *axnecorl (Game #4), Goon* (Game #5). brianvf (Game #6), *Stack (Game #7), *Reformed Gphr Fan (Game #8), ? (Game #9) *Multiple Winner Picks must be posted by: Saturday, February 22nd at 6:07 pm central Good Luck and GO UND!! In addition, if you are asking someone to make your post for you....please make sure to let them know to get it in on time. In addition, if you are posting a pick for someone, please make sure that you do it on time! If there are two players with the same name (first or last), please specify which one. I won't remind you all this year!
  14. Picks from yesterday: Round 7: Hawkster – Berg, Perron, James, Sacha, Strinden, Mac, Owen Reformed Gphr Fan – Berg, James, Perron, Kunz, Sacha, Owen, Strinden Congrats, Reformed Gehrig Fan!
  15. We were in round 7 of this game
  16. As a warning, I am traveling this weekend. I will try to post a new game if this one ends. If this game doesn't end, picks will be due at 6:07 pm central on Saturday.
  17. Can we appreciate that the two goalies fought each other and then stood up and shook hands? They were pissed enough to fight, but still wanted to say good game.
  18. Round 7: Hawkster – Berg, Perron, James, Sacha, Strinden, Mac Reformed Gphr Fan – Berg, James, Perron, Kunz, Sacha, Owen Please make your picks by Friday at 6:37 pm central.
  19. Congrats, Stack! And if you are old..so am I.
  20. Final Picks for tonight: Round 6: Hawkster – Berg, Perron, James, Sacha, Strinden, Mac Reformed Gphr Fan – Berg, James, Perron, Kunz, Sacha, Owen
  21. Just pick a goalie! At this point...we may have to start over.... FInal Picks for tonight: Round 11: Blackheart – Croal, Berg, Sacha, Swanson, Perron, James, Wilkie, Jake, Kunz, Livanavage, Owen Stack – Wilkie, Sacha, Berg, Perron, James, Kunz, Swanson, Louis, Owen, McDonald, Strinden
  22. Picks are due tomorrow at 6:30 pm central, please. @Blackheart @Stack
  23. Picks are due tomorrow at 6:30 pm central, please! @Hawkster @Reformed Gphr Fan
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