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Everything posted by mikeypat15

  1. Who made the comment on the radio about DU overcoming adversity, only we do that, and we win the battles
  2. I love the argument they had "off the air" when they were actually "on the air" and didnt know it
  3. commercial break
  4. I'll put it out there now, the Badgers will play at the final 5, Denver will not make the big dance again.
  5. Still hope I hear about them going to the strip club after
  6. a full once across your forehead?
  7. Last year, at a Blackhawks game vs. Detroit, up 2-0 with a minute to play, Detroit ties seonds it to overtime. Detroit puts the puck across the line as the overtime buzzer sounds. My friend was chanting shutout with a minute to blame, i personally blame him for the loss.
  8. Luapsided, be prepared for me to personally blame you
  9. No thanks Sioux-cia i'm straight
  10. If DU wins I personally blame you
  11. Yes, I agree, are you hearing the devil in your feed, also yes I like to hear Cotton Eyed Joe too
  12. 4:11 5-3 CC
  13. link me
  14. No I'm going to Vegas, and will make a stop at the Thunder from Down Under
  15. o sorry
  16. Also Boston/New England has had a solid decade, 4 in 6 years?
  17. I'll let you know when I get married you can be my best man, Cubs are going off as a 9/1, its going to be a great season Anyone just hear the devil on the Denver feed
  18. I reckon people hated our city in the 90's with the Bulls, how bout NY how many championships did they have?
  19. I never realized how many Chicago fans are on siouxsports, we could have some pretty good rivalry's on this forum come Bears vs. Vikings games
  20. Yes and Skille
  21. I'm a Hawks fan, family has had season tickets my whole life, and a good friend of mine actually plays for them, but I'm getting tired of the $h1t anymore, maybe Toews and Porter will start a new era. I can't stand the sox, after all im a north sider, and grew up with the Bulls and have actually worked for MJ the past two summers. O yea go Bear down
  22. And the season has just blown by, becasue they traveled so much in the early part of the season
  23. I glad the good times are more often than the bad, but after all I'm used to it, i'm a Cubs fan
  24. Another commercial break here we go
  25. I don't care if someone loses a job, it would be worth a good laugh
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