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Posts posted by Chewey

  1. Strange, no snide comments about how the GF Herald is so against the nickname and how their UND beat writers have to sign in blood to write only stories that are against the nickname.

    Oh jeez, what was I thinking, of course, the story is actually a positive for the pro-nickname army. Duh.


    The rag does not get a pass from me. You're not too familiar with techniques in propaganda are you? The rag slants the story. Consider the following passages

    Dupris has been visiting Sioux officials on the arena's behalf since early this summer, part of an arena attempt to improve its relations with Sioux tribes, which are strained over UND's continued use of the Sioux nickname.


    UND-NCAA lawsuitUND is suing the NCAA over a 2005 policy barring schools with American Indian logos and nicknames from displaying those logos and nicknames during postseason play or hosting playoff games.

    Out of 20 schools originally subject to the restrictions, UND is the only school still fighting the policy. All other schools on the list have either stopped using American Indian imagery or won an NCAA waiver, usually by gaining the endorsement of a nearby namesake tribe.

    The first misstates relations with the tribes. Relations are certainly strained with certain PC hacks within the tribes and with certain PC hack professors. The relations are not strained with most members of the tribe like the veterans group that this guy engaged. There was another big-wig -- I want to say that it was Mr. His Horse is Thunder -- on the tribal judiciary or something who supported the nickname. Most support the nickname but the rag focuses only on a few PC hacks and claims that relations are strained.

    As to the second passage, I thought UND was suing the NC00 over not fairly administering and not complying with their 2005 "policy." I thought UND was suing over the arbitrary and capricious manner that the NC00 applied its "policy" as to UND. I thought UND was suing the NC00 because it did not follow its own procedures/constitution in adopting a "policy," without input or voting from its membership, applied to all schools. The "Out of 20 schools...." blather is a passage the rag writers always use to make UND appear "unreasonable" and the rag fails to mention the 2000 resolution from the Spirit Lake tribe.

    Friend, you had better get out your brown shirt and red arm band as you are evidently easily convinced/deceived through such techniques.

  2. 1) Does anyone know what % of the tribe population this Veterans Group represents?

    2) One of your local tribes apparently no longer uses the term "Sioux" to represent themselves. Was this the Standing Rock group? (edit: ignore this question-apparently its the Spirit Lake group that no longer uses that moniker.)(edited at 1:00 pm Central time.)

    I would venture to say that it is representative of the vast majority opinion on the reservation. I'm not sure how many veterans it speaks for though.

  3. The loser usually only pays court costs in frivolous lawsuits, but not in this case, since it has merit. So, you can forget the idea of NCAA picking up the tab after Janke rules in favor of UND, and UND won't get stuck with the bill after the Honorable Judge is overturned on appeal.

    As per the cost of removing said offensive logos, Ralph was warned many times the logo would someday have to go and he chose to ignore it. I'd say either UND or REA, Inc will have to eat the cost. No way this issue will disappear until we get a neutral logo. Sorry, but I'm a UND grad too.

    If UND were to win and if the matter were taken to a higher court, the reviewing court would have to consider the factual findings of a jury and not Judge Jahnke. Any factual findings would be entitled to great weight and would not be disturbed unless there was clear error. Somehow, I don't think that a jury's finding that the NC00 failed to follow its own clearly dictated policies and procedures could be construed as clearly erroneous. You seem to think that the issue will "disappear" when and if a "neutral logo" is adopted. Presumably, this is when the whining of the PC crowd would cease. Somehow, you think that those in favor of the logo/name would simply forget about it. Did you not read the several articles about Dartmouth? ? ? ? ? The Dartmouth experience would pale in comparison to UND.

  4. It's really inappropriate for a Judge to comment to the media about a case. I am not certain if it is a violation of judicial ethics; it think it may be. If the Judge is commenting on it, perhaps they are close to a "settlement" of some sort. Although the O.J. Simpson matter was a criminal matter instead of a civil one, I do not even think Lance Ito commented to the media until after the case was over. Maybe Jahnke wants to get booted off of the case.

  5. Exactly. Those issues (and many others) face everyone, regardless of race. But OTOH, the NCAA has pushed a word and a drawing the very tip-top of THEIR priority list. Ahead of alcohol abuse, violent crime (even model institution Iowa has a crime problem) and a lot of other campus problems that actually hurt people; not just cause hurt feelings.

    If the Chairwoman doesn't think this should be her priority as a tribal leader, then every time she sees a member of her tribe on TV or in the newspaper at a protest, I hope she calls him/her up and says "listen, quit going to those protests-come over here and help me out with my priority list".

    And both the Seminoles and the Utes as tribes also face same that same long list of problems, correct? Yet those tribes somehow squeezed the NCAA problem into their schedule. Why is that? (Answer: $$$$$$)

    Finally, I'll mention that one of the most off-the-wall of our loons at Illinois was a full (tenured) professor of Cellular Biology (or something like that). When some people asked why he shouldn't be fired, the squealers mentioned his "important work", how he was "finding a cure for cancer", etc. A whole lot of people mentioned he'd have a lot more time for finding that cancer cure if he wasn't running around making Xeroxs of newspapers and mailing them to recuits, etc.

    I have never figured out why that moron was not fired. Obviously, no one had a spine at all. Slandering an institution like that certainly would be actionable and certainly should have served as a reasonable basis to get rid of that kook. I bet the prospective athletes simply did not attend the UofI because they found out that loons like that idiot might be teaching them. One would think the alumni would have had enough of him. How would you rate him compared to Ward "Indian Wannabe" Churchill?

  6. The Sioux Nation most certainly has more important issues to deal with

    Rising number of teenage suicides and suicide attempts,

    Poor high school graduation and post high school education rates,

    High unemployment rates,

    Elder abuse,

    Poor health care,

    Alcohol and drug abuse,


    Strong supporter that I am of the Sioux name and loge, I don't believe that it should be a priority for the Sioux. If Pearson is truly putting her time into the above and other issues important to ALL the Sioux people, I can't find fault with her not wanting to bother with our Sioux name and logo.... as long as she doesn't find the time to oppose it, of course.

    That's just it though. I agree entirely that there are more important issues facing the members of that tribe and all indians. But, certain tribal members have found enough time to not only voice opposition to the name but also actually meet with with NC00 about the "policy" of the NC00 vis-a-vis UND.

  7. Chewey:

    Good points. I stand corrected.


    I remember Dark Star's and Brian Bonin's arrogance before they came to Grand Forks om 1996. Strikingly similar to the NC00. They got their asses kicked when they got there. Hopefully, the same will happen to the NC00 if ND has any backbone.

  8. Oh Scott

    So you're telling us that if you would have wrote the story you would have been soooo much more objective and fair to all sides involved. :sad: You secretly love the Hurled becaused it keeps giving you fresh things to blog about without even trying.

    God Bless the Fighting Sioux

    Frederick W.

    Canmore, Alb.

    It's the Herald's duty to report FACTS in an unbiased way. The job of a news agency is to report FACTS. If the news agency has an opinion element, that's one thing. ScottM is not a news agency but I am sure he or any one of us could still write about this issue with more objectivity than the Herald reporters. Lack of objectivity in reporting just causes people to dig their heels in on the other side and causes people to recognize the Herald for the fish wrap that it is. Its idiocy and lack of relevancy are the only things that are revealed. The only things more nauseating than reading the Herald or listening to the nickname change crowd are listening to Dark Star (force fed upon us here in MN), reading the Gopher section of the Star and Sickle, and listening to Gopher fans at games at Mariucci.

  9. And I thought my opinion of Mr. Paulsen could not possibly go any lower...

    So what do you all think can be read from Paulsen's comments? Do they mean that there will be an imminent wobbly fest? I don't think the university/state would spend 600K just to go all wobbly at this point but that is just my opinion. What do you think is going on behind closed doors between the AG and the Board and between UND/state and the NC00?

  10. Yes, I agree with a big NO. It would be a name-calling fest and you know that it would not take long for it to become infested with anti-nickname loons. Pretty soon, everyone would just get so frustrated that they'd stop even accessing it. It would be one thing if people could keep it civil -- no Hitler analogies and no "anti-nickname loons" like what I say all of the time -- but that's not possible. If people were able to keep things to the Disraeli -- Gladstone level of discourse, where there was positive discussion and the insults were subdued but very witty, it would be one thing. There are a few that rise to this level -- Scott M, PCM, Chief Illini, Goon, HockeyMom, maybe even Gothmog, and some others -- but I am certainly not one of them.

  11. Right, I think our group can close the meeting or call it executive session or something like that: but AFAIK they always have to disclose exactly who is in that meeting. They couldn't just pop up six months later and say "remember that executive session we had in March? Yeah, we heard from Warren Buffett back then: snuck him in and out thru the back door..."

    But in any case, if its public knowledge that your AG is appearing at most/all of the board meetings then I don't know how the paper can make such a statement-unless they're hearing that info from the AG himself (highly doubtful as it would border on insubordination IMHO) or a member of the board (in which case he/she won't be anonymous forever).

    I would hope that the new board would have as strong of a spine as the old one. Perhaps settlement terms were thrown around in there. I guess the board is more or less the "client" or one of the clients. Whoever said it was quite right.....all the NC00 has done is empower lunatics. Since the NC00 executive board is full of lunatics, I guess there is some consistency. It would be nice to see exactly who has been deposed, what interrogatories were interposed and what the answers were.

  12. Do you have a problem with gay people?

    In 80's vernacular, "gay" meant dumb or stupid. "That's gay" or "it's gay" were very common expressions. I'd be surprised if there was a problem with gay people. I'm sure he/she just employed a non-PC word without meaning anything by it other than that the Black album and Metallica's hair cuts were stupid. They were stupid. I've always disliked that band because they got rid of Mustaine. I especially disliked them after their Napster opposition. It's inevitable, however, that the recording industry will continue to lose control and that people will get music cheaper and cheaper. It's poetic justice for the raping and pillaging the RIAA did to the consumers for decades.

  13. Just to be fully accurate, they always said they wouldn't stop at Chief, they wanted the name too. Its the halftime show music that's a new demand.

    And yes, we at Illinois are led by the Neville Chamberlains of the prairie. :silly:

    Have any of the alumni sought to remedy this? I know they're well-entrenched but there must be a way of exorcising them. Perhaps the heads of the UofI alumni association should speak with the heads of the FSU alumin association. I thought Dennis Hastert or some big wig Congressman or Senator was an alum of the UofI and was really pieved by all of this obsequiousness to the PC loons. Get rid of the pussillanimous wimps.

  14. I can tell you what is happening at Illinois. Now that Chief Illiniwek has been "retired", the PC loons are after the nickname. And they are not happy at all that we're actually going to have the band play the same music that we have used for years and years (undoubtedly because they know that the vast majority of people will be yelling "Chief" at the end, and during it many will be attempting to duplicate the dance).

    A few years back the Board of Trustees assigned one Trustee the task of searching for compromises. He came back and said that no compromise was possible. This was after years of the pro-Illiniwek faction giving in, Chief's role on campus being slowly diminished, etc.

    The people who are the absolute lunatics about this will continue to protest no matter what. :silly: Even in you change your name to "Butterflies" they'll find something else to protest.

    And these last few days has been mildly interesting, but mostly they've been a rehash of the same things that have been said over and over again. My only question is this: who gets to define the following terms (all of which have been used over the last week or so)?

    "Members of the group"




    "Historically Oppressed"

    BTW, one word I haven't seen used here: "consistent". As in, "at least the NCAA is consistent by objecting to Pontiac" or "at least the protestors are consistent by objecting to the use of Indian names/images in business, movies and on their own reservations".

    It does not surprise me that the PC loons are now going after the name, the music, etc. What did the UofI expect after caving in? Depending on the outcome of the UND matter, the UofI may have some precedent (in terms of procedure not law) to follow. If someone grows a spine there, they can take it to the NC00 too. All that the "compromise" did was embolden the wack jobs. Where does it end? The only way is to fight them and expose them.

  15. Well I can tell you one thing for sure, this issue won't be settled on this board. I'm just wondering something though. Most people on here are willing to accept the outcome of the court case, even if the decision is not favorable to them (by them I mean most SIOUX fans.) Are you gothmog willing to accept the outcome, or if you don't "get your way" are you going to continue the senseless pusuit of a perfect PC fuzzy bunnies and rainbows and everyone feels so good world?

    That would make too much sense and would be too rational of a course. Of course not. What else would the PCers do if they did not have the nickname "cause":silly: Would they actually work? That's even more preposterous.

  16. For a civilization to be functional, citizens must chose not to take offence when none is intended.

    NASCAR offends me, public flatulence offends me, low class Bison fans offend me, the NY Yankees spending offend me, cliques offend me, selfishness offends me, slow drivers offend me when I'm in a hurry, impatient driver's offends me when I'm looking for a turnoff, lazy people offend me, workaholics offend me: let's just ban them all so I don't get offended. :) After all, the world was meant to be centered around me. :lol:

    Exactly! It's a control issue at its core. It's entirely narcissistic and completely lacking in emotional integrity. "Respect," "Dignity," alleged nescience with respect to those who disagree -- all punch lines only. They make for good hyperbole though.

  17. Fine, you see this as your right to be offend whomever you choose. While I see it as your duty not to offend others unnecessarily. In the end, I'd have to support your constitutionally guaranteed right to behave as badly as you wish.

    Personally, I'd much rather live in a world where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, and the wishes of an oppressed minority are respected. But that's just me, you may not agree.

    Maybe its up to others not to create things and to not be offended unnecessarily. Your logic is twisted. Everyone is offended some of the time. I'm offended that the PC nuts are trying to ramrod this garbage down everyone's throats. Isn't it your duty and theirs not to offend me then? Your "respect and dignity" evidently applies only to a minority of a minority and "everyone" evidently only contemplates that minority of a minority. How myopic. This is just the sort of twisted, sanctimonious equivocation that is employed by the NC00 and the elitist, holier than thou, self-proclaimed "advocates" that support the NC00. Hie thee to a plastic bubble.

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