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Bad Eagle

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Everything posted by Bad Eagle

  1. From what I've been told, indirectly, those in charge of Indian matters there have expressed distinct disapproval of my coming to speak at UND. I really wanted to come last year and speak at a major conference, but, those in charge did not want any opposing ideas, at least from an Oklahoma Comanche (who is a nationally known journalist) on any of the panels or speaker slots. Well, that's okay. They're in charge. Like I said before, the internet is our last refuge of free speech. Who knows, if word gets around that I joined this forum, there may be some academic (i.e., Communistic) restriction that disallows a faculty from one school to write on the boad of another, especially a student board. Well, I write for OU's student newspaper, The Fountain Head, regularly. That's open to the public... Actually, I am on the speakers list of Young America's Foundation. This is a foundation set up by Reagan, back in the '80's, to bring conservative speakers to colleges and universities. It is a sorely needed activity, to have conservative speakers on campuses. Patrick Coyle (pcoyle@yaf.org) is the contact man. The Foundation pays half the fee, and all the expenses. This is how I get most of my speaking engagements. I just toured Texas, speaking in favor of weapons possession. You look me up on the Foundation website, under Speakers. There's bio there. So, these are possibilities. In the meantime, I encourage everyone to look at things from a national point of view. America is the issue, not one school's mascot. Let's try to make sure that grand and mighty Sioux name is understood from a national perspective. We Indians have to understand that the reservation is not a social vacuum, or, it can't be such forever. We Indians need to understand ourselves in the fabric of America. I believe we can do it, with the right thoughts, the right views.
  2. I appreciate the welcome very much. I do want to account for my interest in UND, and the Dakotas. I especially want to explain myself to the Lakota students and other "Sioux." The fact that I, a Comanche from Oklahoma, would stick my nose into their business, deserves and requires some explanation. It is a matter of socio-psychology. There is one major image of the American Indian throughout all America, and Europe, and even the rest of the world. That image is the northern plains Indian, and the beadwork, the grand regalia, the headdress, the profile, etc. This image is completely dominated by the Sioux tribes. They are the Ralph Lauren of Indian fashion. There is no question about this, to anyone who is honestly looking at the facts. John Wayne's movies kept the Comanche alive, because he always had to have the meanest enemy to come off the most macho hero. But even so, the Sioux image is stronger. Besides, Wayne is gone now. Many Indians don't even think about this, or don't feel inclined to admit such a thing. I know that much objection to the Fighting Sioux that comes from Ojibwe (Chippewa) Indians there. I can't say that this really has anything to do with their reason for protesting, but, it's just something I observe. The reason this is important is simple: What happens to the Sioux tends to happen to the rest of us. The Sioux control the national image of the Indian, and that isn't because they designed to do so. History just worked out that way. Cody's Wild West Show, photography, the historical circumstance, etc. It is fate. I try to be rational, and to recognize what's going on. This this is deeply psychological in the country. American people have an image of the Indian, an image that they love dearly. It lights a fire in their hearts. That image is Sioux. The Sioux must watch carefully what they are doing, for better or for worse. It has effects on the rest of us Indians. Does this make sense? This is why I risk my name and honor getting involved. I sure hope it makes sense!
  3. Greetings from the Southwest. I am Dr. David Yeagley, (sometimes called Bad Eagle, after my Comanche ancestor, 1839-1906). When I was informed of this discussion, and the fact that some of my work was referenced, I felt embolden to join! With due respect to all involved, I simply want to thank whomever decided to create this forum. This may be as close to free speech as we'll all ever get. I want to point out that Russell Means is not really to be associated with the old AIMsters anymore. He is, at this point, trying to put himself in a position to do some real good for Indian people. He has implied his regrets for the past. I can't say dramatic regret, but, he has shown a developing, open mind in certain areas. He may still opposed the Fighting Sioux, but, I think we shall all rest assured, that great and mighty name is not going away! May its greatness live forever, and contintue to inspire all other Indians. Don't be fooled by the myopia of university environments. Indians all over the country love our warrior image. Our fathers earned it with their blood. Shall we not remember them for this? Also, I have deveoped a new website: BadEagle.com Feel free to visit there for more "conservative" Indian articles and forums. Hope to see you all one day in person. Long live the SIOUX!!
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