ND Hockey1
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Everything posted by ND Hockey1
This is just hilarious to see what people are posting about the GPR/RR game! Instead of ripping on the RR student section, who did nothing wrong other than cheer for their team, people might want to take a look at Tony Kringstad. His actions on the ice last night were some of the classless acts I have ever seen as far as sportsmanship by a player. I don't see what his deal is buy anyways, there is no point to argue the goal in OT by RR because it is not going to get changed. It looked to me that Meland was in the crease but once the ref signaled it a goal you can't change the call. There is nothing that you can do now except to keep on arguing about it.
Everyone should post on the ND High School Hockey thread so that people don't have to go searching for information about the games. There are 2 different updates going on one of the ND High School Hockey thread and the other on this thread. It would be much easier if they were all on one thread. Just a thought to make this a better place to find out scores and updates on the games.
May I say what poor sportsmanship Minot has. Two of their players were kicked out of the game after Central scored an empty netter and they broke their sticks. Andy Dittus was one of these players who broke his stick over the crossbar and the other player broke his stick over the bench. Congrats to Central on their win after a hard fought battle.
May I say what poor sportsmanship Minot has. Two of their players were kicked out of the game after Central scored an empty netter and they broke their sticks. Andy Dittus was one of these players who broke his stick over the crossbar and the other player broke his stick over the bench. Congrats to Central on their win after a hard fought battle.
Don't post on this thread. Go and post on ND High School Hockey.
May I say what poor sportsmanship Minot has. Two of their players were kicked out of the game after Central scored an empty netter and they broke their sticks. Andy Dittus was one of these players who broke his stick over the crossbar and the other player broke his stick over the bench. Congrats to Central on their win after a hard fought battle.
Totally agree with you Dave. I don't see why all of this is carrying on when the EDC championship doesn't mean a whole lot. I though that RR looked like the better team on Saturday but that doesn't matter anymore. All that matters is who comes out on top after this Saturday. I hope I can see a different FS team in this state tournament, not one that comes out flat as if they have nothing to play for.
Totally agree with the comment that the high school hockey thread is turning ugly. There are way to many agrguements going on between RR and FS. People need to just calm down and start acting more mature on these page.
This is very interesting to read this page with people talking back and forth about RR and FS. Come on guys have some class this isn't a hate website. People need to stop making excuses and just watch the game and see who really worked the hardest. From my standpoint at the RR/FS EDC championship game RR seemed to not give South any chances. Besides South 5 on 3 PP goal they didn't generate that much offense.
There should be one good game I think on opening day that being the Minot/Central game which I think can go either way buy I expect Central to come out of the chutes after their poor performance at the EDC tournament. Central 3 Minot 2 South 6 Devils Lake 0 GPR 5 Williston 2 Red River 4 Bismarck 1 South 5 Central 1 Red River 4 GPR 1 Red River 3 South 2
From what I have been told the high schools provide reasonable priced eqipment such as helmets, hockey pants, and gloves. The players have to pay for their own sticks which are priced anywhere from $140-220. That is the price range for a "one-piece" hockey stick which is used by most players today at all levels above squirts. I have not seen a wood stick used by anyone so far this year.
Lets get real here! Do you honestly think that RR would have troubles with Shanley without Spies or Mihulka? Probably Not. I don't know about that post but I think its safe to say sounds that you are from Fargo. Also GFC has not been that decent all year and to see them come into the state tournament back door is not really a suprise. They have made it now 36 out of the 39 times. All that matters is that they made it to state. The game against Jamestown was dominated by Central throughout the game. Jamestown scored its tying goal with about 1:30 left in the third off of a deflection by a Central defenseman's stick. Anybody else who was at that game would probably agree with this comment.
The Central/Jamestown game just another game to add to the excitement of the EDC tournament. Just got back from the game and what an exciting game it was. The second period wasn't the greatest period of hockey to watch as it was filled with penalties. The refs I think need to let the teams play and battle it out. They are calling too many weak penalties! Central deserved to win this game after all of the work the put forth in the overtimes. Give all the credit to Jamestown's goalie for making some key saves at crucial times during the game. May I also add that Jamestown sure didn't play like an 8 seeded team during the tournament.
What a day at the EDC tournament! Two great games with one to cap off the night. That was one of the better hockey games I have watched this year between North and Grafton. I thought the game was controlled too much by the Spivey brothers. The game was filled with excitement from one end to another. I thought that the refs controlled the game too much though. It will be interesting to see who gets into the state tournament now.
Ever heard of sarcasm. I am sure that is not Jake Brown. All that person ever posts is things that talk about Jake Brown. Just one of the many fakes that come onto this webpage.
Here are some statistics I just thought would be helpful in looking at who to watch in these up and coming weeks, choosing the all EDC team, and a Mr. Hockey winner. Decided to just to the EDC since most people talk about it on here. Also keep in mind these may not all be up to date or exact. Top 5 forwards Paul Weisgarber, Fargo South GP 21 G 22 A 29 PTS 51 Paul Campbell, Grafton GP 21 G 18 A 31 PTS 49 Thomas Campbell, Grafton GP 21 G 26 A 22 PTS 48 Marc Mihulka, Red River GP 19 G 21 A 16 PTS 37 Grant Larson, Fargo South GP 20 G 17 A 18 PTS 35 Top 5 Defensemen Erick Galt, Fargo South GP 21 G 12 A 29 PTS 41 Danny Wurden, Fargo South GP 21 G 8 A 18 PTS 26 Jarrett Galbreath, Red River GP 18 G 4 A 20 PTS 24 Alan Spriggs, Fargo South GP 21 G 5 A 17 PTS 22 Andrew Peterson, Grafton GP 21 G 5 A 15 PTS 20 Top 3 goalies GP GAA W-L-T SV% Sean Deichert, FS 18 1.22 17 1 0 93% Eli Rosendahl, RR 18 1.69 16 2 1 92% Kelvin Shane, GFC 14 2.29 8 6 0 91% Possible Coaches of the Year Ross Richards, West Fargo Matt Malm, Red River Dean Wilson, Fargo South
Any update on the play in games from both the west and the east?
I would also have to agree with junior24 on that along with ND Pride. Both of them seem to know a lot about everything recent and past.
I will state by opinion as to how I feel about people who come on here for the first time and post comments that have already been stated before. I will also be the first one to rip on you as you wish. Why do people have to come on this site constantly to just make a complete fool of themselves? I'll be the first to say don't post like this please. I have been noticing in recent days all of the new users who are joining. Please do not rip on someone just because you know who they are as in ND Pride's case. This message has appeared and reappeared many times. For you new users don't come on here and just start talking about nothing that deals with high school hockey. Tron if you look back aways you can see some posts about ND Pride and most people on this webpage already know who he is. We have all heard about it yet we consistently have to say it. I have heard enough of it and it gets sickening!
Actually ND Pride the reason is the west thinks the east is getting an advantage by playing EDC at the ralph. By playing EDC at Purpur it will be fair for both the east and the west because both teams will be playing in the ralph for the first time then for the state tournament. I have heard from many sources on this reasoning. The other reason is that the EDC tournament at the ralph doesn't draw that many fans to make it a good and profitable event.
I'm sorry if no one else cares but what have I said that makes you think I am part of the Red River hockey team. You seem to be some high schooler who just jumps to conclusions and wants to be a favorite on this website. I don't see why you are mistakening me for being a RR hockey player. Is it because I live in Grand Forks and just type reports on here of the games I watch.
You have to be crazy to come on here and criticize my comments that I have made just because I saw that a Minot and a RR player were going back and forth and one another towards the end of the JV game. I don't get why a guy like me can't post what I witnessed at the end of the JV game as I was getting ready to watch the varsity game. I want to know where you received this information and how you think your info is credible. Nice comment to on how if they don't listen to them they will be suspended. Just to let you know the JV hockey season is pretty much over now that EDC regionals are coming up in a little bit. Whoever this is you are making a fool out of yourself and shouldn't post. Too many times this year people have come onto this webpage and posted things that no one wants to hear because they are just trying to cause arguments or making up false information.
Wow you know youre stuff, seeing how I'm not even from Grand Forks, not to mention I havent been in High School for six years. Good point to on how they would be being recruited by D-1 schools if they were that good, seeing how they are SOPHOMORES and recruiting laws prohibit contact between a team and player before the end of their junior season. But I guess its me that doesnt know my stuff right, when you feel like growing up and making meaningful conversation, post again. I have never said that Eric Galt or Paul Weisgarber are not very talented players, but to say that LaDouceur and Galbreath arent amazing talents for their age is just stupid. Never did I state that they are as talented as Ryan Poltuny or that they will be drafted in the 2nd round, I just said that they are two very smart, talented, young defenseman who could definitley one day be D-I prospects. I have also never claimed that Rosendahl is a god, have I once said that he is a Phillipe Lamoureux or Aaron Walski....No. Also, you might not know this but in the one year Rosendahl tried out for elites, he split time with Oakland and had very similar stats. The only reason Oakland left high school is because he was on a terrible team with no sign of improvement. As I stated earlier, you need to grow up and think about what youre saying before you say it. If you dont know your facts, shut up.
If you would have been at the game against Minot you would have seen that only Galbreath was on the ice for one of the 4 goals while Ladouceur was serving a penalty. So your statement clearly makes no sense. Please don't talk on this thread if all you are going to say is false information.