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A-a-a-Cheechoo's Achievements


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  1. I vote for green... ANYTHING is better than brown or yellow!
  2. Should I bring the foil? Puttin' on the foil Coach!
  3. Is that a picture of the guy that schedules ice times on GPL?
  4. Pretty fast skate, eh? Sorry I couldn't make it bud, I'll let you know about this Saturday though!
  5. Right on! It looks like it will be a pretty fast skate by some of the names listed!
  6. Wow! It looks like you've got it all set up already! Count me in! Do you mind if I tell a couple buddies?
  7. Hey Sioux Traveler, it's been a couple weeks since I skated with you guys, do you think the other guys will mind if I wear my newly purchased Holy Cross jersey on Tuesday night? By the way, when is the Saturday night skate starting up?
  8. Now they think I'm a Gopher fan!! http://www.gopherpucklive.com/viewtopic.ph...0e384dcb3#81454 Bertibm GPL Lifer Joined: 09 Apr 2003 Total posts: 2298 Location: F U Age: 28 Gender: Male GPL Point: 2109 Posted: Sun 3/19/06 4:07 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DrunkHockeyGuy wrote: They brought in a Ringer that isn't even a Sioux Fan? You are correct. We have no way of knowing or not. I am not going to blame that on the loss today Back to top
  9. I look forward to scoring multiple times! There's nothing more satisfying than drawing Rodent Blood!!
  10. Hey, I'm a long-time lurker and I was hoping there might be room for another skater. I'll see you guys Sunday!
  11. Bumm-friggin-errrrrrrr!!
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