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  1. You think you will learning about the Scandanvian culture by watching a football game?
  2. Yeah, I lived on a reservation for most of my life. And I can tell you that "honoring" us with green wigs, Sioux Dogs, Siouxveniers, and SiouxSearch, is inappropriate. No one is honoring anyone by wearing green wigs. It is simply called school spirit. Every sport on every level has fans that wear wigs with the team colors, paint their faces, bodies, etc. Just showing they are a fan. Would you prefer fans wearing a headdress? I don't think anyone here hates Indians. Some people are liked and some are disliked, regardless of sex or race. I just don't understand why people pull out the race or sex card whenever a group doesn't like something. Look around the state and check out what the mascot is for other teams. Someone can be offended by almost any mascot. Here in ND for example, Minot State....the Beavers! Nuff said.
  3. It was always my understanding that schools named their teams after something that was significant to their culture, something they were proud of. Why is that being considered a racist? No, I am not Native American, I am very Norwegian. I have never once thought about trying to force the Minnesota Vikings to change their name because it was racist against Scandinavians. I remember watching the news when there was a protest at UND regarding the name several years ago and only a handful of Native Americans showed up. I know when Native Americans feel strongly about someone or something they show up in full force. My sister works in a hospital and when one member is in the hospital the entire family is there. I
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