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Tony: This just my speculation, but if the Big Sky accepts SDSU and NDSU, then I think the desire to stay D2 at UND will start to sour. Its kind of early to predict what will happen at UND and USD, but the issue of the NCC moving in mass is not likely to happen. I dont think the dollars and commitment right now from the remaining NCC members exists. There are expensive hockey programs that NDSU and SDSU dont have and I just dont think anything is likely to change since the May NCC meeting last year. I am grateful that SDSU has only a club sport for hockey. We just dont have 125 million to build a REA. When you can average 5000 for basketball at the D2 level, why risk that with a competing hockey program. I was hoping some of the UND posters would have some inside dope on how the the REA is doing financially. Jim Dahl insists profits are not relevent, but I think they are very much so. If the REA cash flows in a positive manner, then there is funds to be funneled into other athletic programs, provided the foundation board decides they are not needed for other purposes. Agreements with Ralph could come into play here too. I dont have a clue as what was put into writing between the foundation and Ralph. Were all the details worked out before his death? If not then the UND Foundation has to deal with his estate which means money for lawyers and no one else. From what I have read, the last few months that Ralph was living, he wanted to move forward with the title tranfer to the UND Foundation. One makes you wonder if this move was to make his estate affairs more workable or was the REA turning a profit? Believe me the more estate assets one has the more complicated this process becomes and its a good idea to have this in order before you die. I have checked the hockey attendence at the UND site and they seem to be doing okay. But without knowing the operational cost of REA, its hard to tell what is going on financially at UND and specially REA. The question mark here is the ugly word called profits. Once the smoke clears on this issue, you may see UND in a better position to make a move to D1. I think the generous gift of Ralph Englestad presents a challenge at UND that is not present at SDSU and NDSU. Whether the Englestad legacy is good or bad financially is not clear at this point and that seems to tie the hands of Roger Thomas and his staff from making any kind of interal studies, let alone external studies regarding a proposed D1 move.
Star2City: No I mentioned distance because it is an issue in joining the Big Sky. The current members have to deal with this issue in planning their budgets etc. At least for the those on the eastern part of the current conference, there appears to be some desire to travel the opposite direction than what they have been going. I have nothing to do with the Jackrabbit travel plans nor do I own Jackrabbit Bus Lines in Sioux Falls You seem to have an inside scoop on how the Big Sky presidents will consider this issue. The article does not say why the two presidents can not attend. It does not say they will not attend. So how can you tell whats going in their minds and how they will vote? Could it be because this consideration does not include UND and D1 hockey, that you feel threaten by the possibility that SDSU and NDSU might be accepted into the Big Sky? As far me making a mess at the Hilarious, I dont think I am the only one. Sure I suppose I left an empty container of some sort, but thats all. Every event or no event requires the upkeep of the Hilarious and requires janitors and maintenence. I guess I was surprised with all the floor area in that building and from I-29, you would not comprehend that. It is a nice facility, but it does not keep itself tiddy and clean, thats all I was saying
Star2City My point is that Jeff Kolpack's journalism is not shoddy and the Billings Gazette and Montana fans have been talking about SDSU and NDSU joining the big sky long before Jeff picked up a pen at the Fargo Forum. Maybe they see coming east for two or three days cheaper than going to the west coast for the same period of time. Ever driven from GF to Portland? Takes a while does it not? When you arrive in Bozeman and Missoula, you are maybe a little over half way to your destination of Portland. Among the good things happening in Grand Forks, you forgot the Canadian college students who come to Grand Forks for spring break in March. Now thats one attraction that has gone on for some time. When SDSU was in the Men BB Regional in 1990, the fan bus from SDSU had to stay in Fargo since all the motels in Grand Forks where taken by the Canuk College kids. It was spring break time. Hurrah for them. Some D2 events I have enjoyed, even one game at the Hilarious a year ago, but the outcome of the game was not to my liking. I am glad the Hilarious janitors and maintenence people are not paid out of my pocket. I do think I would like D1AA and D1 events better than D2 Though
Star2city said: "You are just spouting a repeat of Kolpack's shoddy journalism, that was picked up by the AP, which in turn has been repeated in papers like the Billings Gazette." The most peculiar part about this statement is the timing of publication. The Billings Gazette published its two columns on December 24 and Dec 30, and Kolpack's column was published on Dec 31. I wonder how that guy in Billings picked this up on AP. The AP must be part of this conspiracy and gave such papers as the Billings Gazette a tip-0ff after getting a tip from Kolpeck on December 23 or before. I hope you enjoy all those D2 events. Why Hell I just might drive 600 miles to see the D2 swimming tournament. I dont know why but maybe its the attractiveness of Grand Forks.
From the Omaha World Herald: "Forward C.J. Martin, who had been developing into one of the University of Nebraska at Omaha's top threats off the bench, has been ruled academically ineligible and won't be able to play in the second semester. "We're going to miss him, miss his athleticism," Coach Kevin McKenna said Tuesday. "But the priorities here are academics first, and he needs to improve in that area if he wants the chance to play here again." Eligibilty problems are not exclusive to UND. UNO is short on players I believe, so with SDSU injuries and who knows what else, I fear USD could be a sleeper this year. Now if UND gets Allan back, its a new day for UND.
Glas said an NCAA committee is expected to meet Thursday to address the Allen's eligibility. Allen played an exhibition game for the Fargo-Moorhead Beez in 1999, which could compromise his collegiate career
PCM: You said: "Sorry that being one of many people threw you for a loop." Your perception of me is the worst and thats fine, but why hide with a plural noun? I wasnt thrown for a loop, your intentions are very clear, but your usage certainly was a question in my mind. YOUR TURN WORDSMITH.
PCM: One Harris poll by itself can not be conclusive. To compare that with Johnson's Senate race where countless polls were made at various time points is like you have said before comparing apples and oranges. I really dont know what all Native Americans are thinking, but if suffienct tribes and individuals petition the university to stop using their name as a logo, why fight it? That what this issue is all about. Yes, I know little about you except that you said you grew up in the Pierre area. West river and central South Dakota due to their location and interaction to the Indian Reservations do not have the most positive preception of Native Americans. People from that area are not as honest as you like us to believe. Many I have met would often make the comment" The Indians are drunks, or they are undependable or the only good one is a dead one." This kind of comment and thinking has filtered and believed all over the state so there is plently of blame to go around for everyone. Wild Bill Janklow, as the Native Americans call him, reversed all the reconciliation efforts of the Late Gov Mickelson. So South Dakota attitude towards Native Americans leaves a lot to be desired. My final point is the entire upper midwest had a racist attitude and outlook towards Native Americans. UND could do their part by eliminating the logo. This discontinued use would not solve the entire problem of negative perception of Native Americans, but it would be one of many positive things that need to happen. Although I dont care for the Argus Leader, I do think they have done a better job recently covering issues on the Reservation than they did in the past. One of the things going on at SDSU is that they are working with Native American community colleges in developing courses and curriculum. The other thing that I am aware of that has just started is a working relationship with the Indian boarding school at Flandreau. Those attending this school come from a seven state area and not exclusively Lakota. The junior and senior classes are brought to campus and shown all the opportunitites in edcation. I dont know how successful this effort has been but its something that never was done before. Its a try to end racism and build self-esteem among high school students.
PAT; "You have to be one of the most classless, clueless, shameless, hypocritical people ever to graduate from SDSU." You meant person and not people did you not? A person would think with a nearly a full career in communication that you would not make those kind of mistakes. Obviously, you are not perfect as you want others to think.
PCM: Gee thanks for your comments. This conversation is pointless and I regret that you have such a thin skin. What else can I say? I dont have the time to reply to all your trash. And should I know all the people who work on the UND campus? Why would I really give a Damn? I did not feel any need to reach for the Alumni directory until you started to cut me up in pieces? This thing is not one way? What right do you have to attack me? I dont want to waste my time coming here and read about a bunch chest pounding, macho, beer sloshing hockey fans who want to deny their racism in proclaiming the God given right to be racist in using the unauthorized Sioux Label.
Hey I can laugh at that
Riverman If you want to use my first name, spell it RIGHT. Its CLAIR AND NOT CLAIRE. My only comment is the skin is thin in Grand Forks.
PCM can call me a racist if he likes, it does not bother me. It seems to bother PCM more, and maybe its a conscience thing. I did find a letter from Professor McKenize on another site and if I include the entire text it would be subsequently deleted. Professor said to the GF Herald the following: "Who can forget that nasty, threatening letter that Ralph Englestad sent to President Charles Kupchella, with copies to the Board of Higher Education a day or two before their Dec. 21 decision? Surely, that was a foul of the first order. And was Reggie Morelli the only truth-teller in all that sorry twisting and turning about whether there were conditions attached to the hockey arena? Lots of unsportsmanlike speech in all of that, since one thinks of telling the truth as part of sport. Then, there was the board's decision itself, arrived at without its having been put on the agenda and hiding the foul that Englestad had committed until an alert Associated Press writer discovered it. Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem invoked strict interpretation of the rules, though, when he decided that it was then too late to protest. And for unsportsmanlike conduct, it's hard to beat the death threats and much other hostile activity, including vandalized cars, hate mail, racist posters and other harassment some supporters of the name have engaged in -- events so numerous that they drew in the U.S. Department of Education to investigate. These continue, as demonstrated by recent harassment of a faculty member who resigned from the president's new Indian Studies committee, a principled decision she made after seeing the new logo in the Hyslop floor. As a community, we should keep in mind that this derogatory phrasing would include elected regional tribal councils that have repeatedly petitioned UND to stop using the nickname and logo and many other local, regional, national and international organizations and church groups on record against the use of Indians as mascots." I dont have the self image of a racist and I do want want Native Americans to suffer any more than they have for the last 200 years or more. Why would I want to encourage an 80 % alcholohism rate? If I did I would try and buy one of the bars in White Clay, Nebraska just right next to Pine Ridge Reservation. You can not believe how much money those people take in each month. So why would I want that sort of means of income? I just think UND should be sensitive and change your logo back to Flickertails. Whats the big deal? Seventy years of logo use is a long ways from tradition when you consider all the rites, customs and dances of the Lakota. Drop the logo and I will disappear.
PCM: Feel free to use my name, I dont have problem with that. What I dont understand why is it that all these macho hat trick hockey fans have such a thin skin? Everything is a personal attack. That what happens when I criticize UND. Basically my only criticism of UND is the Logo use and yes I realize that you have more American Indian students than any of the other higher education institution in the upper midwest. Yes I know about the Reservation health care programs etc etc. All these things were to UND credit and happen before Ralph came along with his juicy offer of an Ice Arena. So the good will is being un-done with this insensative logo use. What I have gotten nothing in return? Attempts at personal attacks. It does not bother me though and I am not going anywhere. PCM , You think you have scored a hat trick by putting out my real name. No Problem that is my name and I am in the telephone book so whats the big deal. It did not take me long to figure out PCM real name either. He is none other than Patrick Miller class of 1977 SDSU. Of course I own an SDSU alumni directory that is outdated and will be getting a new one any day now. PCM you seem to have forgotten where you came from. But that is probably not news to everyone on this board who know you personally and where you are from, and where you used to be from. PCM your thin-skin and pseudo intellectual attitude makes me embarrassed of you being a SDSU grad. Renounce your degree now and return it to Brookings. LOL. I am embarassed with your arrogance. Keep your UND dollars up in GF we dont need them down in Brookings. I hope you guys enjoy the NCAA legislation next month and the discussion of logos and nicknames. As far as the logo issue, it will go on and on, but if you feel you are doing such a good job, keep it up. Its analogous to the GOP thinking they will get the African American vote by throwing Lott overboard. The GOP does not have a self image problem either so they think. Gee I still don't know GOON's real name, but heck I will just call him NOOG thats Goon Spelled backwards. LOL. Clair D. Husby Class of 1965 SDSU