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Posts posted by GrahamKracker

  1. Reasons for keeping?

    Because the majority of Native Americans say it should not change.


    I don't know the answer to your question, but I can give you my assumptions:

    a. Having taken a research class and understanding methodology, I can tell you that how a question is asked and how a question is worded can have an impact on the answer given.

    b. Where I'm from, over 29% of the people don't have phones, so I don't know how valid the study would be. Asking Indians over the phone is like using the web to do a survey, you won't get a correct sample of all of the population you are attempting to reach.

    But regardless of the outcomes of the survey, the bottom line is that the Sioux Tribes themselves have asked for the university to change the name/logo. You can do all of the polling you want, but this country is founded on democracy, and the tribes use the same procedures to implement our resolutions and requests to the rest of the world. I hope that answers your question.

  2. Doesn't the Native American people have bigger issues to worry about than some name used by some college?  What about combating the rampant alcoholism, poverty, health issues and unemployment?  Surely that might be something you might want to worry about more than a name.  Its kinda what the Daily show said about Congress the other day.  Don't they have bigger issues to deal with than to worry about wither or not Jose Consaco injected steriods into Mark McGuire's Buttocks??


    What's more important to a nation than how that nation is thought of by the rest of the world? A name is sometimes all a person has. I'm not saying that is the case now, but when this name was started, it was pretty close. 75 years ago, the Sioux Nation had everything taken from them, even our name.

    A name not only defines who a people are, but it also how the world treats them. My people the Sioux have lived through much in the last 150 years, including genocide, smallpox, and downright racism. We have come a long way, and as our people are becoming more educated, we will continue to fight for equality and justice for how we are defined, and the teams here on campus DO NOT represent who we are as a people. they can try to be couragous and honorably, but the only way they can truly live up to the name is to accomplish what they claim to do, and if that happens, they won't be using the name Fighting Sioux, which would be the highest honor UND could bestow on the Sioux nation. (And by the way, if that happened, the Sioux people, believe it or not, will still exist, and the teams on campus will still be kicking a$$.)

  3. Mitaku yepi iyuha,

    Instead of me trying to inform you of why the name should be changed, I would like to know why you insist on keeping a name that doesn't fit the majority of the people in this region of the country. Please post what you consider truths as to why you think UND should keep their nickname and I will respond accordingly.

    I would like to keep civil, but that is up to you. I can not speak for the entire Oceti Sakowin, nor do I claim to, but I can tell you what they have officially done in the past and where they stand, and ironically I take the same side.

    Fire away, and hopefully we all can become more educated on this issue.

    Ho hetche to yelo. Wana.

  4. UND provided 130 athletic scholarships last year. 80 Native students got diversity waivers. There were 400 diversity waivers.

    By your own words, Natives Americans got about 20% of the diversity waivers, right?

    And there were three times the number of diversity waivers than athletic scholarships.

    How do those numbers look in comparisons?

    You are a student at a major American university. You don't exactly seem to be living on your knees as you'd like to claim.


    I never did live on my knees, maybe you should get off your once in a awhile. I fought hard to get where I am. I also stand behind my people, not the "hang around the fort (Fort Engelstad) Indians" looking for a handout, but with the natives holed up in that 100yo building w/ asbestos ceilings at 317 Cambridge. Thats where you can find the D/L/N oyate, and the Ojibwe, and the M/H/A Nation, and representatives from many other tribes. Hetche to.

    130 is still more than 80.

  5. I agree that Native Americans should be treated equally to the "white man".

    Equally in taxation, equally in scholarships, equally in programs at UND, equally in getting into the nursing program, law program, etc., and equally in pay in the work force.

    I have a friend who did not make the nursing program, but spots open for Native Americans only went to students with poorer grades.

    I have a friend who couldn't get his masters from UND because only 5 people were accepted and 3 HAD to be Native Americans.

    I get less pay then a Native American at my job, yet my responsibilities and my time here are more.

    It seems it's acceptable and not racist for a "white man" to be treated differently because of skin, but it is not acceptable and racist for anyone else.

    Uff-da. Uff-da. Uff-da


    Again, do your homework before you go spouting off. I never recieved free tuition, or "special" scholarships, or special "N.A. spots" that you are talking about. And the last time I checked, my taxes were paid.

    Of the roughly 400 "Diversity Waivers" on campus, less than 80 went to Native Students, and we make up less than 4% of the population on this campus. Many more athletic scholarships were given out than to Native students, maybe we should start complaining about them, too, especially those that don't have the best records.....

    You want to be treated "equally"? Have you been to Twamley lately? Have you looked at who are the heads of all of the Departments on this Campus? the VPs? Also the people on Congress, Senate, and even the GF City Council? I can't believe you talk about being treated "equal" when almost every one of the positions listed above are filled by Caucasian Males.

    So this Logo Issue is deeper than just what the Sioux Nation is requesting, your telling me it because of a grudge against the Favoritism my people have been getting? Wow, I didn't know we had it so made.

    Thank you, because now I see that even though I come from a reservation w/ 67% unemployment and one of the poorest counties in the country, you still feel inferior to me being here, paying for my college like everyone.....wait, I can't say that because "I" have to pay for my own education (my parents didn't have the means to put away for my education like some, not all, but some of you reading this had a free ride).

    What other reasons can I hear for keeping the name?

  6. I'm not howling Sica, just telling it like it is.

    I was born a Lakota, live as a Lakota, and will die a Lakota, and not many on this campus work that way. They are born _____________, get a degree and call themselves "Sioux", then spend the rest of the time fighting to lay claim to that name.

    I've been on this campus for 4 years, and I still see the way that Natives are belittled, treated w/ disrespect, and pushed aside, just because we are asking for the same treatment of everyone else. I' tired of this University claiming its honoring our people. When will they ever get the point that they are not Sioux?

    All we are asking for is to be treated equal, nothing more, nothing less. And if that requires taking down 8,000 Sioux heads in that arena, so be it.

    And I'd appreciate it if there is no talk about Red Lake, or Casinos, or anything else of that nature. Those talks are not apart of this room, and if you want to complain, please come to 317 Cambridge and we can talk. We are talking about the Sioux Name in here...not anything else.

    Nake Nula Waun. Hetche to.

  7. Blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah....

    I think its so funny that you are bit on this, like the coward wasicu's you are. I'm just pointing out the facts to you all. And on the record, I do know the history behind this issue. Maybe it is you all that need to get educated on this issue, and I'm not talking about listening to Erik Enno who claims to be a Lakota that's enrolled in Turtle Mtn.... he's not enrolled in a Sioux tribe, so why does he claim it?

    Look at the facts, and if you want, I can point them out to you again and again and again....as long as it takes to get through your skulls.

    -The Sioux Nation does not want your honor. I can back this up by countless resolutions, not just by what I'm saying (God knows all you base your information on is gossip, not going to the source)

    -Countless resolutions have been passed here, even by University Senate, calling for an end to the name issue.

    -This FS name at this institution was started in 1930, not 1940, or 38' or whatever you all think. I have the documents to prove it.

    -Look at the facts before you type away, not just what the media tells you or what Erik "Taspan" Enno has to say.

    If any of you have the courage to walk your talk, come on over to Student Senate on Sunday night, 6pm, I'll be there supporting a bill against your Arena.

    Did you see the Fighting Sioux on Saturday, during the elite 8 tourney? I did, we were carrying the Flags for the protest, Enrolled Sioux Veterans, the only ones who can lay claim to the name used here on this campus.

    Type away, don't blow a blood vessel because you try so desperately to find Honor, Courage, Strength in a name that we the Sioux people own.

    Oh yeah, that picture that was used on this website, of Tatanka Iyotake, you can thank me for getting that taken off, too, because if not, I'm sure we could find a way to shut down Mr. Dahl and this racist message board in a heartbeat. Ho hetche to yelo.


  8. I love Ralph's idea of putting the logo all over the arena.  If they want to change it, that would take some work!!


    If "they" want to change it? If and when change comes, it will be at everyone's expense, not just who you are referring to as "they". And besides bigger structures have came down for world peace....i.e. the Berlin Wall, Slavery, etc.

    Do you really think that when the name changes that the teams at UND will lose respect or be less? If so, then maybe you need to come out of your hole and see that racist mascots are changing every month around the country.

    And for a point of clarification:

    A) All but one of the Sioux Tribes have resolutions calling for an end to the use of the name.

    B) If you are honoring the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota people, how? By having some paid singers and dancers during intermission? By that little spew at the beginning of each game? As a member of the Lakota Oyate I can tell you right now that you are not honoring the community or the Indigeous people of the area with this logo.


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