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Ghost of Smith

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Posts posted by Ghost of Smith

  1. I have had a few with Kay myself and its great that people recognize her being a great bartender. Not the kind that pours the best drinks but she is one of the friendliest people I know. I do know her age I was blown away when I found out.

    In fact one time of their staff members who has curly brown hair recognized that we had too much to drink and warmed up her van to give us a ride home. We ended up catching a cab and her battery went dead because she left the light on. She wasn't upset in the least. I will endorse The Hub any day of the week.

  2. Hijack your wife and take her there. I have had to do that in the past. Give her food and make sure her glass is never empty and about an hour later they don't care where they are at. Just make sure she cheers for the correct team. Thats where your jersey comes in. She can refer to the colors on your jersey if there is some confusion.

  3. My ritual for NCAA Hockey Tourney games is to watch it at Patrick McGoverns in St Paul. I watched last years game at Sensors and look how that turned out so I'm going back to McGoverns this year. The year we lost to BC I'm sure they are still talking about the "nut" who was running around like Kevin in Home Alone after we tied the game.

  4. If it is on Fox Wisco they should be able to put the game on or if its on the Duluth channel they would get the satellite coordinates. I have seen Hockey East on some tvs before when watching Sioux games so I know it can be done. It would be a matter of them agreeing to do it and I'm sure you wouldn't get many complaints from the Sioux fans to watch the UMD game to see how it is progressing.

  5. Just imagine what that locker room looked like after the game. You are sitting there on the bench with your head down after being swept by Denver and as you look across the room all you see are a bunch of men with perms. Not only do you have a perm and look ridiculous but you also just got swept!! Those have to be some low and dark times.

  6. If I have to watch Tech at the final five it better not be because they beat the Sioux!! These playoff games involving the Sioux have been nightmares these past couple of years. Last years playoff game I am convinced took two years off my life. The Sioux seem to like to play three games oppossed to two.

  7. I tried signing up for dataflix but got held up in the paypal sign on. Ten minutes ago I just got my registration e-mailed to me. That was only about two hours to late. Looks like fate was on my side with this one. Very very nice win!!!

  8. I stand corrected. We got three points and almost had four if they Husks wouldn't have scored with less than two minutes in the game but that gets no mention in the Brothers report. Gregg Wong just seemed to have a better idea what was going on in the WCHA. He also had the best job ever. He covered golf, skiing and WCHA hockey. Why would you ever retire from a job like that? This perm thing has to be the stupidist thing ever done by a team.

  9. Bruce Brothers is terrible. Bring back Wong. I had enough of Brothers after he didn't even mention the sweep of SCSU when we were short three guys. If you are covering the WCHA how do you not even mention that series?

  10. I had a SCSU fan say some crack to me about the nickname and of all the places he said it to me was on the Whitey's shuttle bus going to the game. He was going on about the nickname and how he found it offensive. My response was simple and it was basically don't worry about the stuff that is going on at UND until you clean up your own problems. This whole incident occurred within a week of the settlement that SCSU paid out for the anti-semitism issue. I have gone to several Sioux-Huskey games and a very large majority of their fans don't give two cents about the issue but then there is always a couple of kids who need to take up a cause and so they latch on to the nickname issue.

  11. So the students being in the corner makes the season tickets holders unhappy? Someone with the authority and ability needs to make a decision that is going to end up making either one side or the other unhappy. Students in the corner makes the most sense because there you can stand and not annoy anyone. I may be stating the obvious by saying that but it makes the most sense. It works perfectly at the the Gopher Hole.

    Maybe another thing that would help the atmosphere is shut down one of the bars. It blows my mind that you would buy a ticket to a game and then go sit in the bar. You essentially are paying a cover charge to drink in a bar to watch the game on the big screen. Those bars on Saturday were completely packed.

  12. I live in St Paul and I took my wife to this past weekends series because she said she was tired of hearing about The Ralph and it was time for her to see it. It is one of the nicest places I have ever been to for a sporting event without a doubt. Now for the doom and gloom. When I left Fridays game I said words that didn't make me feel good. My words resembled this thought. Lets shut the new Ralph down and lets go back to old Ralph where the real fans congregated. Between getting the letter about swearing and seeing all the empty seats and to top it off everyone just sitting there acting like they have never seen a hockey game before it was just too much. That place isn't intimidating in the least and I would be shocked to hear a team say that it was a bit too much for them. It has been dead in there everytime I have been there and the teams they were playing were not Tech or AA either. They were games that the fans should have been up for. We need to get that place some atmosphere and we need to do it quickly.

  13. Holy crap am I getting amped up for this series!!! It seems like the whole Gopher team is playing down this series. Vanek seems to get it but the rest of them just give the old. "this is going to be a good test" line. From what I have read and heard from the Sioux coaches and players it appears that they got plans to deliver a whooping and this time it literally will be behind "The Barn".

  14. No Sensors for me tomorrow as I got a party to attend. My god can Bochenski light the lamp! How is Wisconsin winning these games? Last year they are the most pathetic team in the WCHA besides the team we are currently beating and now they got a huge winning streak. I am so tempted to go to that series in Wisco.

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