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Posts posted by engelbunny

  1. If this information is right then this would mean that they chose to give up team 1 designation, but would be going with the locker room that has given them the good luck in the final fives. Plus that means that they would be shooting at section 213(my section) twice. :D I hope you are right.

    I edited my original post as at first I read to much into the NCAA manual language. It is simply stating that the fans of the 1 & 2 seeds will be in the corners of the arena opposite the benches and the 3 & 4's on the same side. So that in the semi-finals when 1 plays 4 (and 2 plays 3) the fans will be at a diagonal from each other. It really says nothing about team fans in relation to which end their team attacks twice.

    I am hopeful that the #1 seed would attack the same end as is traditional in the arena. That would be the end containing sections 106 to 114. UND's allotted tickets do include Section 106. So hopefully UND will be attacking that end twice, which is traditional for the X. Although, who knows how the NCAA works.

    Sorry for the confusion in my initial post and I had hoped to edit it before anyone replied.

  2. I know this would be common sense, but if they go by seeding and we are team 1 then we have the west bench. I was a little bored this afternoon and ran across the NCAA team guide and it stated that team 1 and 3 have west(other bench from final five) and team 2 and 4 will have the east(the one sioux used for final five). But this also gives us the largest lockeroom. Now this means I get to see the net the sioux are shooting at only 1 time. :sad:

    I know that UND allotted tickets are in section 106 at the X. I would hope that the fans of the number 1 seed would get to see their team attack twice. The Wild attack the side section 106 is on twice. So hopefully UND has the same bench as the Wild.

  3. It may be the 2010 manual, but I expect not much has changed:

    I don't see the other 12 (of the 16 in post season) getting tickets to the Frozen Four in that. All I see are the semifinalists (the Frozen Four) getting rights to 600 tickets per institution.

    Source: http://fs.ncaa.org/Docs/champ_handbooks/ice_hockey/2010/10_1_m_icehockey.pdf , Section titled "Tickets", page 24.

    This is from the 2011 manual:



  4. Then again, as George W. Bush said about the US Constitution "It's just a goddamn piece of paper", so that may work for some of the deluded types around here.

    The source of that "quote" was an article in Capital Hill Blue. If you go to that article now, you will find this:

    "This article was based on sources that we thought, at the time, were reliable. We have since discovered reasons to doubt their veracity. For that reason, this article has been removed from our database."

    Here is the link: http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_7779.shtml

    Even FactCheck.org isn't buying the quote. Here is their link: http://www.factcheck.org/askfactcheck/did_president_bush_call_the_constitution_a.html

    So, please don't let your politics get in the way of a discussion as it clouds your judgement and cheapens your argument.

  5. Looking at the poll, we gave #3, #5 and #6 their only losses on the year. Not too shabby.....

    The current top 10 records against other top 10 teams:

    Wisc: 2 - 0 (Swept Ohio State)

    Corn: 0 - 0

    UMD: 1 - 1 (Split with UND)

    Merc: 0 - 0

    BU: 1 - 1 (Split with UND)

    BC: 0 - 0

    UM: 0 - 2 (Swept by UND)

    UND: 4 - 2 (Beat UM twice, BU, UMD; lost to BU, UMD)

    Harv: 0 - 0

    Ohio: 0 - 2 (Swept by Wisc.)

    Pretty good way to start the season. Regardless of split with Mankato, the UND girls have had the nations toughest schedule by far.

  6. First of all, the arena will not be torn down. That is just plain silly. Repeat, it will not happen.

    With regards to the logos. The settlement with the NCAA provided that in order for the arena to host an NCAA post season event (think West Regional), then certain logos would have to go. The REA does not have to change a thing, it would just not qualify for hosting an NCAA sanctioned event. If the arena never wants to bid on an NCAA event, it will never have to change one thing. The NCAA does not care.

    The pissing match may come between the Arena and UND. UND does not own the Ralph. It is owned by a private charitable corporation. It has its own board of directors. They will decide what will happen with the arena. UND can disagree with this board's decisions and demand logos be removed, but its only recourse would be to not play its games there.

    Good luck with that.

  7. The worst thing people can do is pull their money because of this.

    Unfortunately, what other recourse do people, who just wanted the process to be honored, have to express their dissatisfaction with leadership that refuses to abide by even its own prior actions, let alone the people's wishes. A brief timeline:

    12/21/00 Higher Ed Board adopts a motion to retain the Fighting Sioux Name and logo. Vote was 8-0.

    11/17/05 Higher Ed Board adopts a resolution supporting UND's appeal of NCAA action against the Fighting Sioux name and logo. Vote was 8-0.

    6/15/06 Higher Ed Board authorizes the ND Attorney General to commence a lawsuit against the NCAA. Vote was 8-0.

    10/27/07 Higher Ed Board accepts the proposed settlement agreement with the NCAA. Vote was 8-0. Notice any pattern here?

    So now we come to the present. Under the terms of the settlement agreement (approved unanimously by the Higher Ed Board), UND had until October 30, 2010, to obtain approval from the Spirit Lake and Standing Rock tribes for use of the nickname and related imagery, and upon such approval would be exempted from the NCAA policy under the "namesake exemption" similar to Florida State.

    The process was playing out.

    This action shows a lack of honor on the part of the Higher Ed Board. It is embarrassing and deceitful. I don't blame Standing Rock. Why should they have gone through the voting process only to be brushed aside by these 8 people, 5 of whom were on the board on October 27, 2007, and voted for the settlement and the terms therein. And as much as their actions irritate me, I can't even hold Kelly and Faison responsible because they ultimately had no authority in this decision. This is strictly in the hands of the Higher Ed Board.

    Had this group of 8 enlightened individuals had the integrity to just do what they had already agreed to do, most everyone would have accepted the ultimate result, even if it meant that on October 30, 2010, the nickname and logo were retired.

    Absolutely shameful.

  8. Mafiaman - I'll second your "Wow"

    What a ridiculous notion that the team needs to make a public apology. I personally would like to thank them for a great season. You can't win them all. I understand everyone is disappointed, but I'm fairly confident no fan is more disappointed than the actual players or coaching staff themselves. Let's face it, nobody shows up to a game to lose, but everyone knows only one team can win. I feel bad that it wasn't the Fighting Sioux, I wanted them to win just like we all did. But to go as far as saying they owe me or any fan an apology, absurd.

    What I would like to honestly believe is that a team plays together to win, however there are no guarantees in any game. What I already know is that a team doesn't owe anyone an apology for losing, no matter how much the fans spent on tickets or what they went through to travel to get to the game.

    Thanks for a great season Fighting Sioux. I can't wait for next season to start cheering again.

    You people expecting nothing less than the national championship each and every season are out of your freaking minds. I realize that that's the goal, but, cmon, the post-season takes some incredible skill as well as luck.

    In my mind, the two most dominating Sioux teams of recent memory, 1998 and 1999, didn't even make the Frozen Four! I think you could say the same thing about the 2004 Sioux as well. It's part of the game.

    Had the Sioux lost a 6-5 heartbreaker in triple overtime last night, would this "coaching thread" even exist?

    You people are a bit too literal. Obviously, I don't actually expect the coach or the players or anyone else associated with the program to make a "Public Apology".

    But come on. If you had actually been at the game and were able to follow the play away from the puck, and witness what our players were doing "off the screen", you would have been sick to your stomach. It was breathtaking in its futility. When our guys got knocked down (which was often), it was all they could do to even muster enough energy to get back up, let alone rejoin the play. Everywhere the puck went, there were at least 3 maroon jerseys. The white ones didn't even bother. Line changes were lethargic. Don't even think of discussing physical play, because there wasn't any on our side. At one point a BC player that could barely reach Finley's chin if Joe were on his knees, laid a hit on him that sent him back a step or two and Joe did absolutley nothing but slowly skate to the bench. I'm not picking on Joe either, that was the state of the whole team. We got beat up and down the ice, and just plain beat up. It was unacceptable and the fans have every right to be pissed off.

    Sure, you make the decision to travel and spend the dough you take your chances on whether or not you are going to get to play two. The Michigan fans know this as well. But while the Big Blue got rocked early, they did what a good team does, they strapped em on tighter and actually played. They didn't just freaking quit. I'm a big boy and I don't expect the team has to win because I spent some dough or invested some time, but I think that I and the thousands of other fans at least deserved an effort! And, I don't think it is out of the realm for the team and the coaching staff to have a little introspection about that.

    Would a "6-5 heartbreaker" have made a difference. You bet your freaking a$$ it would have. That would have met that our team had actually played. In a Herald article before yesterday's game there was the line that UND was down here on a "business trip." If that was their business presentation, then the company is in some serious trouble.

    All this crap talk about "If you think you can do better than get some skates on give Hak a call" is just plain stupid. The boys on the ice are young, but their not little kids either. They were recruited because they are top notch athletes and have the mental toughness to play not just at the D-1 level, but for one of the top programs at that level in the country. The should be able to handle a little adversity.

    They should also know that we as fans are utterly dissappointed, and we have every right to be. And I think that every member of that team and coaching staff knows it and would tell you straight out that we deserve to be.

  9. What's really needed is a public apology to the fans.

    From someone who was at the game, it was beyond pathetic. It is one thing to lose, it is quite another to get here and not even play. I mean, come on. There is not one thing the Sioux did well in this game. I haven't been to game where the Sioux were this excrutiatingly awful since 1982 when the Badgers laid a 9-0 bitch slapping on us in the 1st game of the 2-game total goal series of the playoffs.

    It is not a moral victory to get here and then suck beyond belief on the national stage. Only one player came to play and that was TJ. All BC had to do was put three guys on him everytime he touched the puck. The rest of the team just plain sucked, and they looked scared. I don't mean nervous either, they looked scared. They got out hustled and outhit by a team that on average can barely see over the steering wheel of an average mid-size American made sedan.

    The fans did their part. We were here, we were pumped up, and we let the team know that this was going to be the REA west. And its not a cheap or easy venture to get down here. People came down without tickets and paid handsomely to get in. But here we were, and there was a lot of us. It was a freaking sea of green and white. There was energy in the building. It was a powder keg ready to blow. Instead, we had to endure that painful P.O.S. But like the fans we are, we stayed to the bitter end and even clapped when we scored; even though we should have just sat there silent.

    We did our part, it's too bad the boys couldn't at least have tried to do theirs.

  10. There will be a significant backlash against any new nickname, based on getting this change shoved down your throats by people who are out of touch with reality. In this case, marketing a "null" will be far easier than marketing a "negative" IMHO.

    You might check with Marquette to see how they liked marketing "Golden Eagles". They liked it so much they're trying to change it but they can't come up with anything the public likes other than "Warriors" (the nickname taken away from them by their own PC-obsessed administration).

    FWLIW, schools like Harvard really don't market based on their nickname. Neither does Stanford IMHO.

    The Chief is right on here.

    I wouldn't have even known that Marquette was the "Golden Eagles" because I don't care. UND only has to market itself to its fan base, because outside of that, nobody cares. I think most people that are die hard Sioux Fans, would rather be nothing if they can't be the Sioux.

    We also don't have to worry about getting confused with the school to the south that calls itself the Bison; as that's going to happen anyway, because again, nobody really cares. Hell, even the WCHA can't get it right at it premier event - the Final 5.

    I can't remember which South Dakota school is the Jackrabbits and which one is the other thing (Coyotes?) or even which town each one is in (Brookings vs Vermillion). Now obviously, I could look it up, but the point is I don't readily know, because I really could care less. I don't root for them and they don't play college hockey.

    UND gets national recognition for one sport only, and that is hockey. On the whole, college hockey is a fringe sport. So, outside of the small world of college hockey fans (who know exactly who UND is), few people readily know about UND and few people care. I don't think that's going to change either as UND goes Division 1. Is football going to do the trick? I doubt it. Even our own fans don't care as evidenced by the meager crowd of 5,400 at the recent playoff game. Is BB going to do it? Very doubtful. Sometime in the future, UND could be lucky enough to win a conference, get an auto bid to the dance, and then be an oddity as they get trounced in the 1st round. That may seem cold, but it is reality.

    So there is very little point trying to come up with a new snappy name the majority of our fans are going to hate; just because we are worried about trying to market ourselves to a population that doesn't give a crap.

  11. I now understand your point. It is still difficult for me to see this as a significant legal win for UND. Getting to use it only for the regular hockey season is OK, but it absolutely needs to be post-season compliant for revenue/recruiting. Not sure if the former is even an option, but I agree it is still technically a concession by the NCAA.

    In truth, I do not see how the original policy could have possibly been enforced in that manner. In other words, elimination of all logos/imagery in the REA (i.e. destroying the building) OR discontinue it's use completely as being a requirement for hosting ANY post-season NCAA event in any sport in any venue. Even prior to the lawsuit, I had always thought if UND dropped the nickname and logo, there would be a financially reasonable solution to the REA through arbitration/discussions given the reality of the situation. Rather than a "best practice" understanding, the settlement now formalizes these as specific requirements which can be used as a pass/fail conditions for declaring "non-compliance" at any point later on. In this case, being somewhat "arbitrary" might have been more beneficial to UND.

    One more quick point on this...

    To me, a big victory in the settlement would have been more along the lines of leaving the REA alone-- no alterations required except for a new ice logo. But, I'm a dreamer...

    I think Jim is correct and this is a concession. Obviously, though, as UND goes D-1, hosting NCAA post season events will no longer be a recruiting issue for basketball, as it will never happen. It really isn't that big of a problem for Hockey either, as UND has only once before hosted a regional and would never be able to host the Frozen Four anyway. But if football playoffs for the Subdivision (old D-1AA) are held at home fields, then this ruling is better for UND. All the Alerus has to do is take the "Sioux" out of the end-zones, and whatever happens at the Ralph is of no consequence.

  12. I know two groups alone who quit the season tickets. To expensive and yet alone they are being very unfair and unprofessional. Long story. Look at the benefits of the coaches club for example. It still shows pregame socials as a benefit, but that hasn't existed for two years. Whoever runs the ralph needs some serious TQM. No offense, well, ok maybe some. The ralph, management wise, is falling apart. unless your a big name of grand forks.

    The Ralph has nothing to do with benefits for Fighting Sioux Club members. That is all up to the Fighting Sioux Club and the UND athletic department. That is where the ball has been dropped. The Ralph's new manager is top notch.

  13. In college you are a part of a FAMILY. Your teammates are your brothers. In the pros, you are a part of an organization. Your teammates are your, well, teammates - at least for a year or so until they (or you) sign with someone else.

    And don't forget, your experience at North Dakota will be the last time in your life that you get to be part of a team and a program that you chose to play for, and with teammates that made that same choice. There is something special about that. While it is hard to pass up the money, and the NHL is the ultimate dream, it will still be there in a year or two. Don't be in a hurry to grow up! You have the rest of your life to be an adult, but only the next year or two to remain a kid.

    The preceeding message also applies to TJ, Taylor, Ryan, Brian, Joe, etc, etc.

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