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  1. UNDBiz....I was in full support of Herbst for the head job. I liked the idea of bridging the past, with the future...and IMO Herbst brought that. I also view him as an aggressive recruiter, with strong experience recruiting to the League and University. That is why I didnt view him as LOW KEY, as stated before. He has demonstrated that approach in recruiting during his time at UND, at Mary, UNO or UWGB. Wish Sather nothing but the best, no doubt he will run a solid program, much like Richman at NDSU. Also spoke to MN AAU coach yesterday and he stated that it sounds like UND has payed Sather almost 40,000 more then Jones and committed more budget to assistant coach Saleries. Guess Jones got UND Basketball what he fealtnit needed and deserved after all...just not under his watch.
  2. Word I heard is that Boschee pulled out of race after phone interviews, along with McCullem and 1 other. It appears it was leaked to some that Sather was the guy for some time. Coaching circles talked and some didnt want there names in mix when they knew job was already presented to Sather. The North Dakota HR procedures sure seemed to also have played with the lengthy timeline and circus of it all....in the end it appears like Chaves got his guy. As an old NCC and NSIC fan, Northern State has ALWAYS been competitive. The resources, tradition, commitment to basketball and fan base are as good as any D2 program in the country...and that goes back to when NDSU and UND where D2 as well. My point with this as I agree with some...that's a easier situation to recruit to NSU, then Grand Forks and a 3rd fiddle sport. No doubt UND has its challenges, and as a Alum I want UND to be successful in basketball as in all sports. Just not as excited as I would be with others....just seems like low key hire, and guess that's what UND wants.
  3. I dont understand this fascination with Boschee and the name....old news....UND needs a coach to come in and recruit at a high level. Simular to what Otzelberger did at SD State....ONLY candidate that pusues talent for the roster like that on the following lists is Herbst IMO. Even names like Saul Phillip's dont bring the recruiting prowess of Herbst. UND is a challenging job with limited resources compaired to others in Summit. Location alone brings its issues. Not saying Boschee, Sather, Saul, and others are poor coaches....but the name of the game is getting players. Eager to hear what comes.
  4. So does anyone know what time finalists will be announced? And agree, this is taking to long.
  5. Suppose the holiday weekend will suspend the coaching search? Does anyone have any news they can share if interviews on campus will start next week? Like the above comments... that state Chaves reached out to Glas and Gunther. Not sure how in the loop they are with the candidates....other then Herbst. Is that a sign that Chaves is Background checking on Herbst and others?
  6. I think people get to caught up with hiring to WIN a press conference. Need to focus on person whom can be winning the Summit. If at end of day Chaves picks THAT coach, we will be in great hands. Seems like a lot of "wishing and hoping" for succes with the Boschee name. UND needs a coach that can OUT RECRUIT others in the league, primarily, UNO, NDSU and the Jack's of Brookings. Still believe Herbst at UWGB is the right person. Coached at UND in past, Grand Forks ties, Been in a coach in the league and recruited the level of Summit and Horizon, won at U of Mary as a head coach (probably most impressive item on list). I didnt realize he was also a head JC coach as well....the overall coaching experience, plus time at Division I programs, seems invaluable. Any idea what next steps are now that the posting has closed?
  7. Your right, on the recruiting, fair enough....they will have to learn the landscape was my point. Some coach that has been in region of Dakotas, MN, WI and Iowa, would have a relationship advantage with AAU and Prep coaches, which I believe to be a plus. Heck, the transfer recruiting experience comes into conversation as well.
  8. Coach McCollum certainly has won...but is he the right fit? No ties to area. Recruiting the region is key. Minnesota and Wisconsin have been great for UND over many years for high school recruits. ND prospects are limited year in and year out....I would think Chaves would want to pursue a coach with strong experience in recruiting Minneapolis prep prospects especially. The same could be said for Boshee who name has been mentioned.
  9. As the last posts acknowledge....compensation will most likely play a part in the hiring process...but all the more reason to go with someone who is happy with the salery and understands the total budget situation. Herbst would fit that most likely. As stated before I believe he is the best candidate with what he brings to the table....been at UND, been a head coach, been in then league, family ties to community, has support from others connected to UND, proven recruiter, and on top that it sounds as he wants the job and is pursuing the spot.
  10. Good posts and thoughts on salary. UND needs to raise the bar in compensation, but if its not there, it's not there. Looks like the pool of money budgeted for staff also needs to improve, so there is a lot to catch up with in the/with league schools. I dont care if they hire some one for 100, or 200,000 as long as they can put UND back in the top 3rd of the league, year in and year out. To good of a university and overall athletic fan base to be playing AVERAGE among its peers.
  11. Appreciate the feedback from Undbiz on the HR perspective...curious how much our AD or Administration is speaking to anyone (agents, representatives, etc) on a prospectus candidate to vent OUT... or IN a coach. As for the article posted, I can relate as my interest in program dropped...the Summit leagues growth and most recently this change has me excited again for UND basketball. As posted...I am ok with being called cheerleader or a advocate for Herbst...but when you look at the all the positives listed for others mentioned, he has demonstrated them all as well, Herbst fits the best. Has UND and area family ties, coached in summit league, Associate Head Coach at current Division I, successful head coaching at Univ. Of Mary, and junior College...and the proven ability to recruit at all those places, including UND and Grand Forks!
  12. Looks like UND basketball is the last division I job opening. What is the time line for the AD to start visiting with candidates? I was told this past weekend....but also heard that UND Human Resources wanted it posted officially for 2 weeks. That is crazy... Never good timing I suppose.
  13. .https://www.idahostatejournal.com/members/new-isu-men-s-basketball-coach-ryan-looney-to-make/article_aba8f549-3c7f-5658-b734-e48d37
  14. I am ALL IN on coach Herbst. Since this started to unfold, he has been a name that is always lead the list IMO. I went back and did some research...Look simply at his recruiting.... At Mary...Moody, played at Lake Region, Right in Sioux & Bison backyard and both passed on him - 4 Team All American, POY NSIC, D2 kid drafted in D League...and I believe he was a qualifier!!! Saul and NDSU passed on him...also remember they passed on Nate Walters...... At UNO...Summit League players recruited at UNO - JT Gibson - Mr Basketball - was offered by all Dakota schools. Jake White - Wichita St transfer... everyone wanted him TraDeon Hollins - 2 time 1st team All summit League & led nation in steals MN kids- Marcus Tyus, Mike Rostampour- to UNO also. Coach Herbst has demonstrated the ability to recruit as an assistant and as head coach. I dont feal that Boschee, Thorson or anyone else who has been listed can match what he has done over the years. Then you add with fact he won as a head coach, and holds the associate HEAD COACH title...its just all FITS.
  15. Jones did a good job at UND...but at that time of his hire, the transition to D1 was in play....so that's why they went with Jones....took a Big 10 guy, over a FIT guy (like a Craig Smith, who was winning at Mayville). ...oops!! Randall Herbst should have got job when Rich left for UNI...! I am in favor of Coach Herbst...former players, past UND coaches, local AAU and HIgh School coaches have all stated support. Also as posted before, I think UND needs a recruiter's mindset at the Head Coach spot!! Plus it appears he WANTS the job and is in pursuit.
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