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  1. Who’s indignant? Self assess, be better. Just be better is all I’m saving, you showed great impressive actually. Represent better while there.
  2. This! This is the WHOLE point. The good die-hard members of your fan base are aware, yet won’t do anything. So you have to ask yourself, whose the issue. The people doing it, or the people who won’t stop it.
  3. God forbid you want to have some class.
  4. They need to be arrested and then banned from Gopher home games. Plain and simple
  5. How you going to say that a team in existence two years has bandwagon fans....remarkable. I’ve attend a number of away games as a VGK fan and Gophers fan so believe me I’ve been outside my “bubble”. Not saying any fans are better, they all have there issues. Simply saying when your traveling road show involve a high number of those fans probably best to look at your fan base and see if it’s people you want to associate with.
  6. Can you find me one time where I said Gophers fans are great? I’ll wait well you find that.... Oh you couldn’t. Of course I can’t comment on Gophers fans here, because none of the threats or physical acts were from Gophers fans. This probably has something to do with the fact that so few showed up, no arguement there. My post was Sioux fans took there traveling show to Vegas, and some didn’t represent well. Probably time to make sure you aren’t part of that, and if you aren’t maybe just be a better human and tell the idiots who are to chill a step. It’s a game man.
  7. Not concerned with the yelling, (assuming he wasn’t cussing). Concerned with physical harm. Cheering on either side is cool and expected General rule is don’t be a dick, and if your with a fan who is don’t encourage it
  8. So your answer for throwing ice at a kid is “everyone does it”? Be better. Just be better. No one should be doing that.
  9. I would disagree with you Vegas is much like a San Deigo or Miami. We just don’t care, we are there for a show and if you root for the other team so be it. VGK fan may boo you, but we’re not throwing ice or assulting you. You can argue the level or caring is good or bad, but that’s a separate discussion.
  10. Purposely waited until today to come on here and post. I am hopeful a number of Sioux fans went to the VGK game last night to figure out what sportsmanship and team support is. Some of the Sioux fans that attended the Gophers vs Sioux game are an absolute disgrace. You were playing a neutral site game, that game was a couple thousand miles away. Sioux fans showed and they showed large (congrats on that), but some of those fans you all should be ashamed of. I’m from the Minnesota, and live in Vegas now so the Gophers coming to Vegas wasn’t going to be missed. I’m cool with the trash talk, “gophers suck” and all that crap. But for the love of god, cus out the ref on the checking from behind penalty, throwing ice at a kid when cheering for the gopher goal. Grow up and have some class. Hopefully those idiots went to the VGK game and saw how real hockey fans act. Do better Sioux. You showed large, and you won congrats. Probably time to look at your friends and fan base and ask if those people should be a part of it.
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