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Fighting Sioux #1

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Posts posted by Fighting Sioux #1

  1. I can see how this is all going to come together....the Sioux win out at regionals, totally dominate the gophers because we are now a better team.  Beat Denver in the Frozen Four for the National Title - just like in 82 against Wisconsin...GO SIOUX!!! :sad:


    You are implying that the Gophers will win?? I know the WCHA is strong, and they are playing on home ice, but the Maroon and Gold are on the wrong escalator....HEADING DOWN....NOT UP!!!

    The SIOUX proved last weekend that if they play smart and stay focused they can come up with two wins this weekend!!

  2. WPoS might be exactly that  :D  but of the gophers who come over here to post it would seem he generally, at least, contributes to the deposit of conversation unlike some other "outsiders".


    I trying to decide who is worse...

    1) A Gopher fan that talk out of both sides of his mouth


    2) A Gopher fan who is an over-the-edge homer

  3. Hey Tattoo,

    You can call me an idiot all you want!!

    I went back and read WPoS's last 25 posts....SHOW ME THE INSIGHT (If you can't....that will make you the idiot!!) :D

  4. In Fargo South's first 11 games their record was 4 wins and 7 losses.  How is that peaking?  After those seven losses, they did not lose again in the regular season. The two best teams did not play for the state championship, and the best team did not win.... the two teams who showed up to play on one day in the season were in the championship.


    And don't forget....the "Best Team" does not tank a game when the season is on the line!!!

    Isn't that why they play championships?? Otherwise, the team with the best record at the end of the year would be the champ!! :silly:

  5. You're right that it's wrong to assume they will be the best in the state when they're in high school just because they appear to be the best in the state at the youth level. However, it is equally if not more assinine to assume that another group of kids will be the best in the state when they get to high school based on the name of the city they call home. Can we agree on that much?


    I agree.

  6. This offical was asked by the USHL to do some scouting for them. While sitting by him part of the game, he closed his notebook and said "well I did my work for the evening, now to enjoy the Ralph and it's ammenities"


    Sounds like someone who didn't really WANT to work!!! :silly: I'm glad I don't have someone like him working for me!

    Although the Championship game might not have been a perfectly executed match-up....watching the Red River defense was worth the price of admission!!

  7. Nobody is ever going to be given a trophy just for having a GF logo on the front of their jerseys, and if the GF teams are going to win any state titles between the years of 2012-2014 they'll have their work cut out for them. I realize that just because the Fargo players appear to be more skilled than the GF players at 10 to 12 years old doesn't mean they'll be better players at 16 to 18 years old, but at the same time the mere fact that you live in one town or the other doesn't make you better either (which is what I feel you are trying to suggest).



    To look at a group of 10 - 12 year old kids....who haven't ever come close to developing...and predict that they will be the best in High School is truly assinine!!

  8. the obsession over the Gophers continues....Odd how you guys ripped on POI over all the "god" threads, but yet there are tons of threads over here about the Gophs....pick a story and stay with it!  Your wishy-washy attitude towards ettiqutte is mindful of UW or John Kerry!  ;)  :0

    If it builds team unity and they feel it is a good thing, who cares...what would UND do to build unity?  Seriously?

    From what I have heard from my UMD fan buddies it sounds like the 'dogs team just goes out drinking after games....how is that working?



    You gotta be the MOST OBSESSED Goofie TROLL of them all!!


  9. Dubay has just predicted that Duluth will pass the Sioux for home ice and will be at the final five, while the Sioux will not. Although Duluth's play has improved, still a tall order to make up the 4 points by which they trail the Sioux in the points lost category. May be just as good a chance, given the recent play of the Gophers, that the Sioux make up the  3 points by which they trail the gophers. Would love to see both the Sioux and Duluth pass the Gophers, but both (UND, UMD) have a tougher finishing schedule than MN does.


    Dubay is an IDIOT....always has been...always will be!!

    He can't give props to the Goophies (losing something like 6 of the last 8 to the Dawgs), so he gives props to the team that beat them...and rips on the Sioux. LOSER!!

  10. I think the fact that the coaches and administration pulled the trigger on a punishment tells me they had all the facts they needed in order to act.

    As far as the penalty itself I think this was a serious infraction and that 2 games was too light. I would not agree with removing the C. Four games would have been more appropriate in my opinion.


    Go figure....a Goophie fan not agreeing with the Sioux !!!

  11. I grew up in Grand Forks, moved to Minneapolis for 10 years, then moved back to Grand Forks. Fargo (or Grand Forks) will NEVER to a major city like Minneapolis...at least not in any of our life times. I think that is a good thing....that's why I moved back. It all comes down to WHAT you want in life.....schools, family, raising kids, and jobs.

    And for people knowing about Fargo....most of that is from the movie FARGO....go figure!! :blush:

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