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Seriously though, why would the st. gov. pay for 15 students to go to Col.?  Doesn't seem like that would ever pass to me.  Don't think the other thousands of students would be very pleased!


I'd seem to think that the UND student body, Alumni, and all of it's fans might think it's a good idea to have some sort of representation of students at the game, even it is only 15. The bigger question is why people haven't set this up already. It could've been a raffle or something similar.

But then who will make sure those students stay out of Trouble??  :D  :lol:


I have no idea. That's why they'd really like me as a chaperon. :0

I was just wondering how many UND students would be willing to ride in a UND Student Government Funded van from forks to columbus. This would be free of cost for transportation and we would be taking a 15 passenger van. I am a student senator and was thinking of writing a bill for this funding.

So if you are a UND student or know any UND student that would want to ride on this bus to columbus please reply to this post so i can get a good number of how many people would be going.


Derek Dahlen

Student Senator


Hows it going - do you have a full van yet? I certainly hope so and see you in Columbus if so.


Hows it going - do you have a full van yet? I certainly hope so and see you in Columbus if so.


Any more word on this? He hasn't replied to my PMs and I need to see if this is still an option.


He may have abandoned the idea as a result of all the flack he was receiving


oooh, rimshot. Let me add; "yeah, that would be so typical of the ball-less politics typical of today's 'leaders'"

/I am sorry, I am a bad person


seriously though, spending money on hockey is a much better idea than some of the other brainless schemes UND's stu-gov comes up with (no offense intended) :D

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