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Everything posted by FooMagoo

  1. Just to add to the Ed fun... here's another Ed story from my husband, as heard from a very reputable Fargo newspaper reporter who "ear-witnessed" this incident. About 9 or 10 years ago, Ed was coaching a Pop Warner kids' football team. He was incredibly anal about the complex pro-set multiple formation offense he installed. Apparently a cheerleader (all of 8 years old) from the opposing team had wandered over to Eddie's sideline. Ed immediately accused her of spying and stealing plays for the opposition. So he, being the true sportsman that he is and using his best radio voice, told her to "Get out of here, you little ****!" Let's just say that last word starts with a c and rhymes with bunt. Two words... nitro-glycerin pills.
  2. As the wife of an NDSU grad (hey, I try to overlook that part... he's a good guy, really!) and former sports reporter, here's what I know about the stories in question. I'll have to ask my husband for the exact details when I get home from work. Re: Ed shooting his dog. Supposedly this happened while he was actually doing a hunting show and no, it wasn't on purpose. Stupid, but not on purpose. The dog was a black lab named Red and Ed was said to be completely crushed about shooting him. That's all I know. Re: whiskey bottles being pitched at the broadcaster's booth My husband was actually sitting near the guy who threw the whiskey bottle that day and it wasn't intentional. He just finished off the bottle and threw it over his shoulder. Unfortunately, it went through the broadcaster's booth and Ed completely freaked out. Freaking out is, of course, nothing new for Ed. Re: Scott Hennen being a blowhard. Granted I don't always agree with Scott on a variety of issues; however, I know him and he's a pretty nice guy and a fabulous Sioux fan! It'd be nice if Ed could appreciate the Sioux as much as Scott does.
  3. Where in the world are you getting 1) that the Clear Channel contract was "coveted," 2) that Blais even *had* a commitment (he said he'd TRY to do it, but Schultz, or at the very least the producers of his show, knew he was on a tight schedule and it might not work... that's hardly a *commitment* to me) and 3) that Ed Schultz is anything BUT an idiot and unprofessional? The fact of the matter is that Big Ed *is* an idiot and if he'd think for a millisecond before he opens that big trap of his, he might not get himself into as much trouble as he does. My husband is a former sports writer in the GF/Fargo area and we have many friends still in the business there. I can guarantee you that they all think Ed is a ticking timebomb. Calling Dean Blais an "ass" on the radio, even if Dean had said, "Yes, absolutely, I will be there with bells on, Ed." was completely and totally uncalled for and if he was as big a man as he'd like to *think* he is, he'd apologize instead of being a complete ass and trying to hide under the cover of "c'mon... it was just a joke." Ok... rant over.
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