Where in the world are you getting 1) that the Clear Channel contract was "coveted," 2) that Blais even *had* a commitment (he said he'd TRY to do it, but Schultz, or at the very least the producers of his show, knew he was on a tight schedule and it might not work... that's hardly a *commitment* to me) and 3) that Ed Schultz is anything BUT an idiot and unprofessional? The fact of the matter is that Big Ed *is* an idiot and if he'd think for a millisecond before he opens that big trap of his, he might not get himself into as much trouble as he does. My husband is a former sports writer in the GF/Fargo area and we have many friends still in the business there. I can guarantee you that they all think Ed is a ticking timebomb. Calling Dean Blais an "ass" on the radio, even if Dean had said, "Yes, absolutely, I will be there with bells on, Ed." was completely and totally uncalled for and if he was as big a man as he'd like to *think* he is, he'd apologize instead of being a complete ass and trying to hide under the cover of "c'mon... it was just a joke."
Ok... rant over.