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Everything posted by SiouxFanSince1990

  1. Nice play. Shootouts with really bad teams does nothing for a program. Defense needs to make a stop.
  2. Exactly. So when we do have the ball, we let Tommy toss very low percentage Hail Marys with his noodle arm. Such poor game management. These guys get paid how much to coach football?
  3. Shouldn’t we at least have a QB with some aspirations of professional football. Tommy looks like a qb that is ready to hang up the cleats. Sad to watch.
  4. Someone has to step up and have a big game.
  5. Have to protect the ball. He also had plenty of time.
  6. They had to pass to get down the field. Gotta stay on these receivers.
  7. I like the color rush unis, but would like whit helmets. Nice catch.
  8. He needs to center Perron and Blake. The skill will come out.
  9. Weibe and Livanavitch need a shout out. These two freshmen have been impressive. Defensively things will only get better.
  10. Berry doing Berry things. Not preparing the team. Karl needs rethink this power play.
  11. Piss poor atmosphere. Why would anyone want to play at BU? What’s the allure?
  12. The fact that losing even crosses your mind, shows exactly where basketball is at.
  13. How about information on another Bluu Chippa…
  14. The men will need to bring their A game.
  15. As a Packer fan, watching this game at Lambeau. This was a big reality check. The Vikings were just starting to find their rhythm in that offense. Jefferson, Addison, and TJ Hock. That’s a recipe for success when Kirk plays well. I feel for y'all, at the same time I see an extended dynasty come to an end in Green Bay. The North sucks again…
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