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Everything posted by lionfan03

  1. A new trend? Not in the GSC. And to respond to the other posts, I thought the College should be responsible for monitoring the student area, however, if they chose to ignore the harrassment, then yes, the security staff should have stepped in and at least attempted to stop it.
  2. Thank you for your comments. I guess what bothered me the most was not just that the students were harrassing the cheerleaders but that the security seemed to approve of it. They did nothing to stop it. Even the ND cheerleaders warned our cheer team before the game to stay away from the student section as much as possible because there had been reports of harrassment of visiting cheer teams in the past. So obviously the college knows of the problem but still chooses to place the visiting fans right in the thick of the problem. And then sit back and watch the fireworks. That bothers me more than anything. On a lighter note, I got my pictures developed today and I have an awesomely funny shot of the confetti drifting down.
  3. Not trying to make excuses, just a statement of fact... #21 is a freshman, he will learn. And Coach Hud will make sure of it. I can't say for #40, I don't remember who he is without looking it up.
  4. They are separate......not included in season tickets at UNA. I am assuming it is the same in all the DII schools. By the way, I have 4 good seats for the Championship game......I don'k know if I am going or not now.
  5. Then put the visitors on the opposite side of the student sections......or move the student section...... something should be done to prevent this type happening. It hasn't happened at any of the other Division II schools we visited this year....and I went to every game. Valdosta was the worst, with the student sections close to where we were, but not in front of us between us and the sideline or the cheerleaders. And their security dealt with the problems....even the monkey.
  6. They were on the plane with us returning from the game. I would rather have been in the end zone area than directly behind the rude students. What happened today was beyond simple razzing....and besides since when does the excuse....they did it first......or everyone else does it.......make anything acceptable? Sounds immature.
  7. I believe it is true. He is a straight arrow type guy and the tests were done the week before finals week at UNA. It was extremely unfortunate for him and for UNA. Not only the loss of him playing today but the press and sigma of "drugs" that has tainted his name.
  8. By nosebleed section, I meant the top seats available in the arena....a common phrase to describe such. I agree with you on Coach Hud and Will being class acts. We are looking forward to next year. Only losing 7 starters as seniors and having a large portion of the starters being sophomores, I think the best may still be ahead. However, your comment about placing the visiting fans in the parking lot if you could choose shows your own lack of class.
  9. No way you could have heard everything in that place. You were lucky if you heard the person next to you. It happened, and more than once. That was one of the main reasons they left the end zone and came up to the concourse to cheer. Of course the harrassment followed them. What I can't understand is why the security would not respond at all. Their comments included....what do you want us to do, throw out the whole student section. That's what it would take...... In other words, that behavior was considered normal and acceptable there. Not so in Alabama. We support our team, but draw the line on behavior such as what was seen today. You won't ever see that on a continual basis here. Sure, there are bad apples everywhere, but the school has an obligation to deal with those type problems. Obviously ND hasn't chosen to discipline those involved.
  10. Yes, they were on the field, being harassed by the bottom rows of students. Even the ND cheerleaders warned our cheerleaders before the game to stay away from the student section due to past actions of the students toward visiting cheerleaders. Unfortunately, the college decision makers placed the UNA fans directly behind that section. The confetti was a fun thing, just to make the game more fun for us. Bring some with you to Florence and have fun with it. By the way, we got more on ourselves than on you guys!
  11. I hope we can show you what Southern hospitality is about next weekend when you visit Florence. I was not impressed with "Northern" treatment of our fans and athletes. In fact I was horrified. Beginning at the top....placing our UNA fans directly behind the student section in the nose bleed area was in poor taste. We would rather have been in the corner near our cheerleaders and away from constantly rude, harrasing UND fans. The treatment of our cheerleaders from start to finish was shameful. The fans constantly harrassed them and the "security" refused to deal with any of it. Their answer was to tell the girls to "ignore" the harrassment. They were the brunt of crude sexual jokes, cussing, and worse all night. The rude student section constantly harrassed our players with racial slurs all night also. In no way were we treated in a manner we are accustomed to when traveling to Southern sites. We were simply there to support our Lions and should not have had to put up with the harrassment and worse. I won't ever be back to North Dakota if this is an example of the type treatment that can be expected there.
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