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Raider Red

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  1. Raider Red


    Any game vs a Texas school is BIG. However, we absolutely hate, dispise, vomit, when we see any or play aghole, (Texas A&M). From reading ya'lls board here, it is a bit like North Dakota and North Dakota State. But ya'll seem civil to one another. Tech and A&M is a blood bath. It is called the "Hate Bowl". As far as UT (Texas), we love to beat them and they are a intense rival, but after the game it is like, "Let's go get a beer", afterwards. When you play UT you are playing a school with true tradtion and a great program. If you win, it is joy, if you lose, it is well you lost to the best. But with Aghole...it isn't pretty. Tech and A&M rival isn't normal. Sometimes called an unhealthy rival. Many Tech and A&M fans can't even be in the same room together. LOL Beating them 10 of the last 13 years makes us wonder if it is worth the time to even give them the time a day. LOL Poor Aggies
  2. Raider Red


    Well, many of my fellow Red Raiders thought it was just another DivI-AA team being lead to the gas chamber last night. Well, that was way wrong!!! I did explain to some that North Dakota peoples are kind of like West Texas folks. Tough as nails and don't know the word quit. I had a feeling it would turn out like it did. Hard fought. In the last copule of years Tech has played sereral Div I-AA schools. Hell, last year we played a Top 15 in the Div I-AA poll Eastern Washington and has some trouble early but put them away with not much effort. Then came UMASS a so called staple powerhouse in the Div I-AA. Tech played them last year and I am certain they were ranked as well. It was over before it started. Many of the 53,000 that night left to go back to the tailgates by the middle of the 2nd quarter. Last night. UND was scrappy and gritty. I just hope that this is a thing to come for UND and not just a flash in the pan type deal. IF UND plays like they did last night, sure we made some mistakes but it wasn't all just Tech not being focussed if was UND's effort, then UND will have a extrememly good season. I have never seen a Div I-AA team give us such fits. I hope that the folks that came down had a good time. Your band, though small in size, put on a great show. Good sound and nice marching. Anyway, here is a link to some of the sights last night and newspaper article of the game. The sights are more of Tech but some of ya'll might want to veiw. You have made many fans here in Football Crazy Lubbock for the effort that your team showed. Good Luck and win all the rest. Raider Nation will be watching. Till next time! GO SIOUX and GO TECH! Articles: http://lubbockonline.com/stories/090609/loc_490258851.shtml http://lubbockonline.com/stories/090609/spo_490259542.shtml http://lubbockonline.com/stories/090609/spo_490259085.shtml http://lubbockonline.com/stories/090609/spo_490259045.shtml http://lubbockonline.com/stories/090609/spo_490259448.shtml News Coverage: http://www.myfoxlubbock.com/dpp/news/local/090509techvsioux http://everythinglubbock.com/content/redraidernation Click on "Raiders rusty in opener" Pictures Gallery: http://spotted.lubbockonline.com/galleries...x.php?id=441058
  3. I have to disagree. Even in Tech crazed Lubbock, the local high school teams usually have 6-8,000 every game, more for the cross town rival games like Lubbock High and Monterey or Coronado and Frenship. Amarillo has good crowds, but Midland and Odessa are crazy nuts. 20=30,000 is very common there. Even the 3A schools draw well.
  4. Tech fans are excited about seeing the UND band perform. As you know, Tech's band won the Suddler Trophy a few years back. As I understand that is like the National Championship of College Marching Bands. Have a safe trip, hope you enjoy Lubbock and the Giant Side of Texas!
  5. Will give a call. Tailgating is everywhere. Tech was voted by the Denver Post a couple of years ago as the Best Tailgating School in the Big 12. If I can not get a hold of you go to the area just West of the Baseball stadium. There you will see a huge tailgating area. There is. Large tent and chairs with a big screen TV with the OSU and Georgia game going. Come by and say hello. OR, there what they call the Miller Zone which is just east of the Baseball stadium which is also across the street from Raider Alley. Serve cold brews and has a HUGE screen tv, more like a small jumbo tron. Hell, Raider Alley is good as well with the live music and great food. Just SW of the stadium. http://www.texastech.com/sports/m-footbl/s...aac.html?page=1 Broadway and University just South of the stadium is usually going good with a place called Chimy's and or Crickets Grill Good places to get good and ready for some RED RAIDER football. None the less, I will try to call sometime during the day on Saturday. We get out there about 7am.
  6. It appears as of today it will only be broadcast through a radio format. I am a little surprised as of today they are calling for a sellout. Keep checking as they usually do at least put the feed that goes to the jumbo tron up. Here is the link. http://all-access.cbssports.com/player.html?code=text
  7. Here is a little taste of what it is like. Some sights and sounds of "IT'S A FOOTBALL SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE JONE'S". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcW7Up7nIaU Espn's Roadtrip to Lubbock last year for the Texas Weekend. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4POGTQPm_4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSyF21npbYY...feature=related For those that are coming down...have a safe trip and come by the tailgate for some refreshments.
  8. WOW, I was at that game as well. I am one of those sick ones that goes to all the games home or away. Anyway, I was so surprised to see so many UVA fans leave. You never leave untill the final gun with Tech. Tech can score quick and it happened in that game. We usually have a large following on the road. It is funny this year we are on the road vs the University of Houston and their officials have stopped selling single game tickets for that game due to the fact Tech fans were buying up all the tickets. So now you have to buy season tickets for that game to get in. Well several of my buddies have bought season tickets. It is crazy. Thanks for the great share of pics. And welcome as a new member to the Red Raider Nation!!!
  9. Since the game is on Memorial Day weekend and all, game tickets for this game isn't as hard to get as say a BIG 12 home game. I have seen tickets on Stubhub for as low as $6. That is a great buy. North Dakota fan base and your band will be in section 13 more than likely. As game week comes closer, Tech usually sells a lot of tickets if available as long as the weather is nice. Hotels are a real pain in the ass to get this late. If you need help, send me a note and I will see what I can do for you. Otherwise, have a safe trip and welcome to Texas and Lubbock!
  10. Hey
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