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  1. Why did the 2 schools stop playing in 2003? Was it because NDSU jumped to the GWC? Why didn't the 2 schools continue the rivalry even though the conference shift? Don't beat me up too bad. Just trying to figure it out.
  2. There are usually many scalpers around, but the school officials try to dissuade the purchase of scalped tickets. The reason is that last year there was a huge influx of counterfeit tickets. Even for the games that weren't sold out. If you buy a counterfeit ticket you are pretty much out of luck. I would hate for some one to travel all that way and get hosed. I would imagine that tickets will be available at the box-office even on gameday.
  3. That is the nickname he has been tagged with. Baron Batch Highlights
  4. the hand sign a bunch of them are throwing is "Guns Up" - something that started in the SWC days oh yeah, the swim team is not a TT team - it is a photo that was shopped of the Tampa Bay Storm cheerleaders - not sure who did it or why it is there
  5. first page takes about a minute to load - worth it though: Tech Hotties Thread
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