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Everything posted by BleedingGreen

  1. Ugh...lets just give everyone a "participation" ribbon. This is D1 hockey, not park board. The most talented players need to be on the ice as much as possible, not sitting for inexperienced players to get some ice-time. Some players need to be motivated by sitting a game, while others just have to keep grinding. A good coach knows who they are, but Hak is clueless. This is not an isolated incident. I just had enough when Hak decided to sit both Trupp and Kozek. Funny enough, they play UMD this weekend and IF Kozek or Trupp score you will think Hak is a genius. Oh, by the way, have YOU been to all of the Frozen Four's lately? Hak has been outcoached BADLY! Add that to being a classless fool who feels that flipping-off the officials is acceptable, you get a coach who needs a pink-slip. We deserve a better coach at UND. Now I do appologize for thinking that you were sticking-up for one of your kids, I guess thats not correct. However, you truly need to stick to video hockey if you think you know what "really" going on. Open your eyes grasshopper, coach Hak has a problem..its his attitude.
  2. Seriously, go drink your Hakstool-Aid. I guess you don't know the coach like many of us do. Just go put your green tie on and keep drinking. The failure of the Sioux to win a title lately is ALL on Hak. As far as the "other guys" stepping-up on Saturday night..well, do you honestly think those players can take us back to the Frozen Four? Get real..you must be one of those kids dads.
  3. Hak said scratching Kozek and Trupp was NOT personal??? Are you kidding me? Everything is "personal" with Hak, just ask anyone who has ever played for him. I'm curious as to what Kozek and Trupp did to deserve this? Kozek was the returning leading scorer and Hak has him playing on the 3rd line and he's not even on PP1! What could he have done? Hak's not as well-liked as many of you think. He is constantly playing games with the players' heads when he should be focusing more on getting his best players on the ice. Hopefully this weekend he gets his lines right. We need to sweep!
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