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About kmk131

  • Birthday April 26

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    north dakota

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. i will apologize to the one's who dont act that way. sorry. but i've seen more complaining about refree's calls coming out of grand forks than most other towns lately. (example: red river losing to grafton in the high school hockey championship game. the game has been over for what 2 or 3 weeks now? get over it already)
  2. typical grand forks showing how classy they are. to bad it was at a game that had second and third graders playing.
  3. the game is over quit bitching about it. if the call should have been against red river the grafton guys wouldnt be on here bitching about. so why dont you guys just grow up and deal with it. you lost end of story.
  4. grafton games will be on 1340 am
  5. anybody know if the GPR - WF game will be on the radio in the fargo area?
  6. so who won the playin game tonite?
  7. way to make excuses.... oh wait you're from red river thats how most people from there are
  8. i'm not a nutcase. the only reason i go to the games is because i went to school with most of the guys on the team. im in wahpeton going to college right now, im just going because i havent seen a really good hs hockey game lately and i figured its gonna be a good game. who knows we'll see if i show up for it. depends what time i get to town.
  9. what time will you guys be starting this tailgating? i might show up, but who knows if you want a GPR fan there
  10. Those shots are correct. i was at the game and the first period grafton played like they wanted it but gave up in the second and beginning of the third but picked up the pace when they were down 3-2... the game winner i thought was kind of iffy on if it should have counted, because it was really close to when the clock ran out.
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