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  1. I was at the Friday St. Cloud game and I can attest that it was a small group of protesters with very illogical posters (i.e. Swastika logo) and one very loud intimidating man screaming in Sioux fans faces. Although the University may have supported the protest, the workers at the arena were actually very apologetic and went out of their way to make my wife and me feel comfortable ("Sorry about them" "Welcome to St. Cloud, enjoy yourself", etc.) It just shows you the problems that can be caused by a very small, very vocal oppostion. After being at UND from 2001-2005 I know how frustrating the nickname debate is. I now live in the Twin Cities and I will be attending the UND v. MSU and UND v. UM games, I am curious to see what the reception to Sioux fans will be at those games!! I still have hope that we will be able to have the tribes true voices heard before we are forced to give up our very proud, very beautiful nickname and logo! Stay strong and may the FIGHTING SIOUX NAME LIVE FOREVER!!
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