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Everything posted by VCE

  1. not sure...either way apparently I really missed out!
  2. I just went to class (I was/am a nerd) ...apparently I missed out! http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1732189
  3. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1777340
  4. point taken. Thanks
  5. First off, all you folks who are bashing TJ Oshie .... SHUT UP! Secondly, this is his problem and nobody elses. Let it go. He's a 21-year old man that has faced adversity much of his life and always pulls through. The details of this incident will surface soon enough. You people are the same ones who are praising him when we make the Frozen Four the past two years and he plays through extremely horrendous injuries of which the general public has no idea. He wears that jersey w/ pride, passion and determination. You praise him when he exceeds all your expectations and now when he needs the support everyone bashes him. You are all nothing but fair weather fans. Get off your high horses and stick by kids like TJ Oshie. Oh, and why didn't he sign w/ the St. Louis Blues? Because he loves this university, he loves this community, he loves his teammates and coaches. Should he have left last summer? Almost everyone in their right mind said YES. But he came back to capture something this university has only done 7 times in the 61 years of a hockey program. He came back because of brotherhood, camaraderie, and helping this team win a National Championship. Nothing more, nothing less. You find out the character of people in times of distress or adversity. Go ahead and jump off the bandwagon. This kid won't bolt because he has integrity and his word IS AS SOLID AS OAK! Take a good hard look at everyone on this board and tell me, honestly, you've never did something you might regret if you got caught. I can only imagine the stories which would fill up a sermon on Sunday's. Stick with these kids and support them through thick and thin. You should feel blessed that kids like TJ Oshie don't come around very often. To all haters out there who thinks this doesn't hurt his soul ... shame on you.
  6. It was a Green/White weekend at the Magness!
  7. VCE

    SIOUX at Denver

    Any new news on any more festivities?? I've got the family booked at the Emb Suites. Got out the skies ..kids got the boards out....and we're really excited about the trip!!.....anything definitive about pre and post parties?? hey Happy Thanksgiving!
  8. VCE

    SIOUX at Denver

    Wow, Looks like there are a few going.. We're super excited! We were going to stay right in Downtown but looking at Mapquest, it seems a bit far from the rink. I might have to look into that Manager's Reception thing someone was talking about! The bar across from the Pepsi Center was great last year at Regionals, but I know nothing about what's around the Magness?? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!! oh and my wife gave me the no go on my sign .....I'll have to slip it in with one of the kids!
  9. I'll be going to the Denver series with family....just wondering if anyone knows where the majority of Sioux fans will be staying.. I'm also bringing a sign to the game that reads: GWOZDECKY LOVES PRPICH! unless anyone has any better suggestions???
  10. VCE

    Jason Blake

    What a great idea!
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